On the edge of Sith space and without the Rimward Trade League to keep them in check, greedy and eager powers quickly took root on Sevarcos to take advantage of the bountiful Spice mines there. Declaring themselves the new Spice Lords of the world, they ran wild and free with profit and were more than happy to pay off bordering worlds both Sith-controlled and neutral alike to keep themselves from being targeted by any expansionist plans.
The keyword being “were.”
As of five hours ago a broadcast from the world’s spaceports quickly reached neighboring systems, a broadcast where the Spice Lords were gruesomely and publicly executed by insurgents and soldiers loyal to the Order of Wonosa. This cult, without the late Darth Strosius alive to keep them in line, have caused grievous and reckless riots and disturbances within Sith space, but this overt and obvious act has struck a chord given how utterly blatant and proud it was. A clear sign that they are far from cowed and that their desire for “liberation” is alive and well.
A tragedy for the smuggling and Spice trade, but a great opportunity for the Sith. Taking control of the Spice mines on Sevarcos would bolster our declining finances, so focused on the concluding construction of the Second Legion, and rebuilding the northern frontier. In addition, it would present the perfect opportunity to show these terrorists that their insurrection and zealotry will not be tolerated, a harsh show of force that would hopefully quell their actions within our borders and just across them. Secure the mines and put down these cultists.
Objective 1: A Clean Slate
With the former Spice Lords of Sevarcos now out of the picture, their operations are ripe for the taking. Getting an advantage in the Spice trade by securing mines or even the planet itself would be a great boon for the funding of our great war machine, as well as a great economic resource for whoever can manage to claim the world or the most mines for themselves.
The locations of these mines and the details of their operation are all located within a central spire in the planet’s capital city which, thanks to the Wonosan attack, is currently uninhabited. So the only competition for access to the spice of Sevarcos would seem to be your fellow Sith and whatever turrets may still be operational. Ensure that these mines fall into the right hands, one way or another.
Objective 2: Second Chances
The main goal of the Order of Wonosa seems to be “liberating” the slaves and miners of the world into their ranks, having taken control of a spaceport within one of the world’s mountain ranges to evacuate both themselves and their potential new converts before our forces can intercept. The difficult terrain makes a full-on-ground assault almost out of the question but an aerial one is similarly hampered by their anti-air emplacements scattered across the valley in which the spaceport has been constructed.
If these fanatics manage to slip away with these slaves and miners then their ranks will swell and their attacks in the name of their dead Prophet will only grow bolder as a result. Strike teams of Sith and small groups of soldiers have been sent in to destroy or disable as many of these anti-air emplacements as possible so that a strike against their transports is viable and thus their escape impossible. Be swift and victorious yet cautious, for what the Legion of Kerstas may lack in equipment they more than make up for in sheer numbers and dedication to their mission.