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Approved Tech Champion Twin-Turbolaser Turrets – Retractable (CTTT-R, or “Cutter” Turrets)

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Intent: To create a starship component for future submissions and role-playing.
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Primary Source:
Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Model: Champion Twin-Turbolaser Turrets – Retractable (CTTT-R, or “Cutter” Turrets)
Modularity: None
Production: Semi-Unique
Material(s): Dallorian Alloy, Stygian-Triprismatic Polymer Reinforced Duraplast, Turbolaser Components, Reflec-based Shadowskin.

Classification: Dual Turbolaser Turret
Size: Average
Weight: Average
Ammunition Type: Powered by ship’s reactor.
Ammunition Capacity: Limited by ship’s reactor output.
Reload Speed: Average
Effective Range: Long-Range
Rate of Fire: High
Stopping Power: High
Recoil: Average

  • Seemingly a rounded section of the ship’s hull, the retractable ball turrets house twin turbolaser cannons, able to be brought online and then powered down to return to their housing and again forming a seamless and sealed part of the ship’s armoring and hull. Another advantage, enhanced by shadowskin coating, is their ability to make a ship appear less armed than it truly is, even evading detection by weapons detectors and other sensors, enabling captains to ‘spring’ out their weapons, taking enemies by surprise.
  • Innovative cooling systems prevent over-heating these weapons, allowing for sustained firing and prolonged use if needed.
  • Able to toggle between autonomous firing, stutter-fire, and linked firing settings, thus making them able to act independently, as for point-defense, or in concert to yield a devastating even prolonged volley, placing numerous rounds against a designated single target.
  • Shielded housing and sensor-frustrating coating enables captains to disguise ship’s weapons locations and count, and grants the ability for improved evasion and surprise. Further, the shadowskin coating makes targeting them difficult, particularly by starfighters, small craft, and missiles and other guided munitions which lack the powerful sensors needed to accurately target them.
  • Excellent point-defense weapons, able to acquire and track targets quickly and offering significant effectiveness against starfighters, small craft, or incoming projectiles such as rockets and missiles.
  • Able to handily destroy small asteroids or debris, these guns’ powerful yield and high rate of fire can cause notable damage as offensive weapons, particularly against smaller-sized and less protected ships and other targets. Precision targeting and fire control systems allow for captains to make rapid volleys of well-placed shots at key enemy weak spots.
  • Specialized cooling systems prevent overheating these weapons in most cases, permitting sustainable rates of fire and prolonged use when called upon.
  • Concentrated firing, as in linked settings, or independent and autonomous point-defense options are quickly interchanged at captains’ discretion. When used in tandem, they can pose a significant threat to enemy craft, able to pour on rounds and quickly damage, disable, or destroy a small craft or starfighter, or even to levy considerable damage to a selected target area of a larger ship.
  • Turrets, even when retracted, can still be detected by powerful weapons scanners such as those found on military-grade capital ships, despite being more difficult to target, and thus the ‘surprise’ element is limited for employment against civilian or smaller-sized craft where such sensors are not likely to be found/used aboard. Otherwise, you need to take them fully offline to ensure non-detectability.
  • Turret armor protects against blasters, kinetic attacks, and is hardened against EMP/Ion, however several direct hits or one or two very powerful strikes using such weapons will likely incapacitate them still.
  • Turbolasers are excellent against starfighters and small-craft as offensive or as point-defense weaponry against incoming attacks, however they yield much less of a threat to larger, better-armored or shielded vessels, and therefore will not serve a captain well in battle against such ships. Instead, they may score a few precision hits and allow ships using them to ‘break contact’ to escape, but the likelihood of victory with such weapons alone against a larger, better armed, and more armored/shielded vessel is quite low.
  • Turrets offer good medium-long to close-range options, but lack the effective range of military weapons, meaning that captains must maneuver closer and place their ships are greater risk to engage their enemies directly.
  • If capacitors used in the cooling systems become filled and power there is not redistributed, or if these should be somehow damaged, overheating becomes a very real possibility and can cause the weapons to shut down or become disabled.
  • If the ship’s reactor should go offline, the weapons cannot be fired or even deployed or returned from their nested housing, leaving them – and the ship – vulnerable to attacks.
  • When firing in linked mode, these guns require a significant power draw if used to execute prolonged concentrated fire on a target, and poses serious risk if used for too long of overtaxing capacitors resulting in overheating and shutdown of weapons.
Because of the notable power draw and significant yield of these weapons, the very idea of using multiple turrets as serial point-defense weapons was laughable. Basically, they are too much of a punch and too much of a burden for a ship to use in this capacity. However, as limited weaponry on smaller craft, they offer captains a much more powerful punch than most standard turbolaser turrets of their size, and provided not used in prolonged engagements, they offered considerable protection and offensive capabilities which smaller-sized vessels often did not have.

As point-defense on small starships, these turrets could target, track, turn and fire quickly, aided by top-notch targeting systems and enhanced by a cutting-edge cooling system first employed in the CIS-LTL-38 turrets she’d designed, making them able to deliver round after round in precision attacks, perfectly suited for destroying attacking starfighters, incoming missiles and rockets, and even other small craft engaging them. As offensive weapons, the same advantages hold true, enhanced by the ability to be set to tandem stutter-fire or linked firing against a single target, yielding significant firepower and resulting in likely notable damage to targets. Even against larger ships, where these weapons could not offer decisive advantage or even matched firepower, they could render powerful attacks against precision weak points, such as sensor arrays, communications antennae, tractor beam emitters, or other key spots aboard an enemy vessel, resulting in serious damage and enabling ships using these weapons to ‘break contact’ and flee to avoid further damage and risk.

The cooling system used in these turrets works to direct excess heat energy away from the turret to the ship’s internal systems, working to thermoelectric generators which in turn direct power capacitors to be later used to add various onboard systems. So in fact, excess heat energy is reclaimed, converted to electric power, and stored for later use, such as auxiliary power to shields, engines, or other systems where needed. If the capacitors should be full however, having reached their maximum capacity, there is a possibility the turrets might then – and only then – be in danger of overheating. However, since the guns are used during combat, the stored converted energy is often quickly expended during this same time, directed to augment shield power or to other weapons systems, meaning that the guns are rarely – if ever – in such danger of overheating.

Not intended for use on large warships or on ships which intend to plunge headlong into the thick of a pitched space battle, the “Cutter” turrets are an ideal system for defense on small craft such as shuttles, light freighters, and personal transports who wish to have the firepower, accuracy, and ‘punch’ needed to counter low-to-mid-level threats, enhance survivability, and protect themselves against attacks. Additionally, these weapons were popular for those wishing to maintain a low-profile, able to retract into appearing as armored mounds on the ship’s hull and to confound sensor sweeps and weapons detectors used by anything below the massive military-grade vessels with their powerful sensor arrays, they could allow a ship to pass unnoticed through customs, checkpoints, or blockades and even visual inspection wouldn’t betray the potent little turrets concealed there.
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