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Changes to Republic Government & Nominations

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Welcome, fellow Republicans.

After discussion with [member="Kiskla Grayson"] and the other faction admins, it has been decided that there's going to be some changes made to the way the Republic operates.

Instead of one Supreme Chancellor, we will instead have two Chiefs:

Chief of Government - Oversees the government and administrative functions of the Republic.
Chief of the Military - Works with the military commanders to discuss grand strategy and funding for the military.

The intent behind this is to open up participation of IC government to more people and prevent our Chancellors getting burnt out.

The Jedi Grandmaster will not be an official part of the government, but will be able to break ties on important decisions.

There will be further announcements soon about expanding and changing the role of the Senate.

With this in mind, we are going to open the floor for people to nominate themselves or others for the role. A vote of all Republic members will then be held, with the top two vote recipients being elected. They will then decide amongst themselves which has which role.
This thread is to be kept free of spam. One nomination per person, no extraneous chatter.

Torill Holgor

Interesting idea let's see how it works out.

Oh and.......

/me tosses self nomination hat into the mix.
I first nominate [member="Jack Sheltrak"] or what ever Harkness changed his name too. Hes confusing. Anyways the simple reason he has experience with being Supreme Chancellor itself and ran the republic quite well before he had to go on LOA. Obviously this recommendation and nomination is for the Chief of Government.

Next, seeing as it is allowed, i would like to nominate myself for Chief of Military. There are several reasons for this though i am sure that people likely will just go TL:DR but hey, writing useless shit is what i excel at. Anyways, onto the reasons.

  • First, Heavy knowledge of fleeting and land military tactics. During my time both here and in other boards and on private servers, as well as a fondness for military history and the influence of both my AFROTC instructors i have taken a great deal of time to study both real life and fictional military tactics, weapons, vehicles and technology to the point where it is more of an obsession.
  • Second, Experience in Roleplay battle fields. In the last year i have partaken in as many military engagements as i could and tried to deal a heavy blow on our side, one of my favorite and sadly discontinued moments being during that event with the planets that had cortosis buildings... anyways, during the fleeting and land portion (The land portion i did not get to do alot for though) i tried to push heavily and worked closely with others in the faction to get us an assured victory. This combined with my efforts in both Dominions and Invasions has exposed me to the tactics used on the board and what our ships and craft are capable of.
  • Third, Experience running groups. Now, this is a smalle thing, but i have had experience running mock military organizations, between a brotherhood of knights, a black ops force, and hell i even ran a group that tunneled under shit to just fuck with people by placing bombs under their forces... (WoW Private Server on that last one). Point is ive done this before, and more than once, so running a military is not something (in the world of Roleplay) that is foreign to me.
To be clear, there's only one election. The top two get the places, they then decide amongst themselves who gets which job.
It's preferable to two votes.
[member="Aurelia Saelari"]

Not to be rude, but that sounds highly inefficient, two people good at governing or vice versa where two good at military could get it, and then they would damage one role by not getting specified people in those roles. I know you guys probably wont change it, but i really suggest you make it two different elections.
It's hard enough to get people to vote once, let alone twice.

However, you do have a point.

Very well, I change my nomination to be for Civil Chief.

[member="Torill Holgor"] please specify your preference.

Torill Holgor

[member="Memorial"] [member="Aurelia Saelari"] [member="Nitram Ozio"]

Torill is best suited for Military Chief so................ that one.

For the reason of as a writer I believe I have through my other character Maximus displayed the organizational skills to do the job. As a character Torill has the weapons training for ground combat and is currently working on the Navy Fleeting side with Gir Quee and some of the other Navy people in pursuit of a more complete knowledge of military roles and tactics.

/me bows.

Thank you.

Torill Holgor

lol for the like third time now I am perusing the nomination for Chief of Military and abstaining from nominating anyone for the other position.
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