Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Changing Light

It was a good night to spend the evening inside.

Valae stood by the kitchen window, eyes focused on the forest of Kashyyyk outside. From this great height, her treehouse swayed gently in the wind. Outside, the rain was falling gently against the roof of her small home. Instead of making herself a place at the new Temple campus, she had opted for something a bit more private – a cabin that was perched high in the trees. It was a small, but very cozy space. It didn’t offer much in the way of rooms, there was only a single bedroom, refresher, and a living area that spilled into the kitchen. But Valae wouldn’t have had it any other way. She especially liked the rather simple details, and the style that could only be described as… rustic.

And she wasn’t living here alone.

Though she had fixed [member="Jake Daniels"] up with a living space of his own at the newly constructed campus, she wasn’t sure if he’d spent more than a few hours there. A quiet smile formed on her lips as she thought back. Valae had invited Jake to dinner at her new home, and he’d simply never left… It had been a few months since their first meeting on Felucia, and the bond the two had formed had only grown in the days since. And during this time, Jake had seen many different sides to Valae.

He had seen her stressed to the point of breaking, sad, and even in grief. The recent weeks had not been kind to Valae, and she had shed more tears than she could ever remember. But Jake had been a steady shoulder to cry on, as well as a patient and caring confidant. He had stayed up with her through her sleepless nights, and gave her the comfort that she needed to get through her days. She wasn’t sure what she would have done without him, especially following the death of her closest friend on Mirial. With the move to Kashyyyk complete, the weight was beginning to lift from the Grandmaster’s shoulders.

Glimmers of Valae’s cheerful demeanor were steadily returning.

Chestnut eyes blinked as the kettle began to boil, and she prepared a fresh pot of herbal tea. Valae hummed lightly as she poured two cups, and then pulled a pie pan from the oven. The scent of flaky pastry, cinnamon, and apples filled the small treehouse.

“Jake, I made some tea!” Valae hollered, over her shoulder. “And the pie’s ready. You better get in here if you want some… or else I’m going to eat all of it!” She teased.

But stress eating was a thing… and she’d done her share of it lately.

“Say,” She continued talking, her attention turned to slicing the apple pie. “I was thinking, maybe tomorrow we can get up really early and go meditate on the Cliffside. We can watch the sunrise.” Valae let out a content sigh, momentarily distracted from her task. Even now, there were times when just the thought of spending time with Jake made her heart flutter.
Her quaint little home was marvelous. Nestled high into the treetops, with only one way to get up too and down from, it held an essence of privacy that Jake absolutely loved. It was smaller than what he was accustomed too when compared to the home on Honoghr. He loved this one just as much. Why? Because of the woman whom resided within. It wasn’t a place he saw Valae permanently residing in. Oh no. The place he saw her residing in was already under construction. The utmost secrecy kept from the woman with help from a trio of smugglers. That however was a story for another day. Today was about the unlikely duo of fallen Sith and a remarkable Jedi, man and woman, whom had been pulled together by the very will of the force.

The story being told between both Jake Daniels and Valae Kitra was more than a one trick pony. They were moving into another aspect of their relationship, another chapter in their lives. The Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi, a woman Jake looked up too with admiration and complete confidence, had given him a room at the Silver Jedi Campus. It made sense. Jake was teaching Silver Jedi how to defend and protect others from Sith. He trained for a few hours a day with Padawans and Knights. He should have had a room there. Still, he could only take so much of people he didn’t know. He couldn’t be there all day. It just wasn’t him, especially when there were still some wary of the man whom once was shrouded in darkness. In all honesty though, he would have rather spent all of his time with Valae.

So where did he stay? Well… a simple home cooked dinner date had turned into an over night stay. That overnight stay turned into another, and then another, so on and so forth. This home was Valae’s though it did hold a second occupant. The only time Jake was ever away for any amount of time was when he was off world for the residence under construction. Ah yes, but again, that’s a story for different time.

Jake rocked quietly. Valae’s porch rocking chair had become his home within the home. It’s where he meditated, or at least tried too, on his own. His Lioness was teaching him, guiding him, on his journey into the light. One of the things she had been hammering home was how Jake needed to find balance in himself. The dark passenger was subdued around her now; not simply locked away. It didn’t burst out the very second Valae might have been in trouble as it had in months past. Instead Jake was able to control his dark passenger and focus on the light to come to her assistance, again, if needed.

There was nothing he wouldn't do for the woman he loved. Nothing. She knew that too. Jake was a fiercely independent individual but with Valae, his loner attitude washed away. Anything that she wanted, anything that she needed, she got.

No questions asked.

Kashyyyk itself was incredibly peaceful. Beautiful. A very strong resemblance to Honoghr. Perhaps that was why Jake acclimated to it much quicker than he had Voss. Besides Valae herself being the best aspect of her home to Jake, he loved how it was illuminated. The windows were built in such a manner to maximize the light coming in. At night, with no electricity those same windows allowed for a scenic view of the heavens above. When lit by candlelight, it was simply romantic.

Yes... Jake Daniels was a romantic.

Jake had wanted to help Valae cook. She refused. Perhaps because Jakes specialty was dead animal; not necessary baking anything sweet. It was for the best though. Jake would have probably burnt the pie. How did Jake know from sitting in a rocking chair that Valae was baking a pie? The smell. Then Jake heard her voice. A voice that made his heart skip beats. The only voice that could break Jake out of whatever internal thought he was currently in. A smile broke across his face as he slowly rose from the chair.

"That sounds absolutely lovely." He said as he entered the home. Quietly placing a peck on Valae's cheek he took his cup of freshly made tea and found a seat. "Not you eating all of the pie as I will ensure I get my share of your fantastic cooking. No, I mean about the meditation tomorrow morning." Jake quietly took a sip of the herbal tea and let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"It's still a struggle." Jake said as he set his cup down and walked past Valae. Grabbing a knife, he cut the pie and placed a slice on plates Valae already had waiting. "I'm able to focus. I'm able to feel light lightside." Jake licked the knife before washing it. Yes he had his quirks and one of them was licking the utensils he used clean. "Its just when it comes to absorbing the light, that's where it hits a wall. That warrior part of me is proving impossible to adjust. Its like there's a wall built in there that is hell bent on not breaking. That hunter, guardian, and dark protector refusing to relent."

He grabbed two forks and met Valae at the table, "But you know what?" Jake took his knife and cut off a piece of his pie. He blew on it gently but instead, he fed the bite to Valae. "I don't want to talk about force stuff right now. We can do that in the morning. I want to talk about you, Mon Cheri'." Jake flushed for a moment when his eyes fixated on Valae. A habit he was not able to control at all. It meant that in the temple he couldn't look at her for two long lest he turn redder than an apple. In private, it was acceptable. In public Jake didn't want to embarrass her. There were still some leery about their companionship with one another.

Jake took a sip of his tea, looked at Valae and said, "You remember what I said about where I saw myself in five years some months back? Log cabin, you and me, and a little one? Seems like we got two of the three right here." Jake beamed a smug smile as he knew his next question would throw her for a loop, "How many children do you see us having in the future?"

And with that, he leaned in and took the bite of pie that sat on Valae's fork; that smug smile never wavering from his face.

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Valae beamed as Jake appeared by her side and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. Already, she could feel the warmth rising in her chest. Her hand gently rubbed the side of her neck, and she watched with a pleased smile as Jake made his way over to the table, pie and tea in hand. With her own mug cupped between her hands, she stood by the counter for a moment or two as she took a sip. The herbal steam rising from the cup was relaxing, and the tea itself had a lovely minty flavor.

“You’re making progress,” Valae reassured Jake as he mentioned his struggle with finding the lightside. He was truly making great strides, and Valae was very proud of him. Jake was dedicated and putting in a good amount of effort to conquer this mountain of a task. Needless to say, it would be difficult to break away from the dark and move into the light, but Valae had every confidence that he would do so. Turning back towards the sink for a moment, she shook her head slightly as she spotted the knife that Jake had just licked clean. But she couldn’t help but chuckle.

It sure was interesting to live with a man again.

Both of them had their quirks and habits. Valae had the tendency to leave her clothing strewn on the floor for a day or two before picking it up, but she was trying to be tidy now. After all, the two of them only had so much space to share in this small cabin. However, they did seem to get along quite well. Jake’s presence made Valae feel at ease and safe. Now that she’d gotten used to having his warmth next to her at night, it was hard to sleep when he wasn’t there. Lucky for her, he was there most of the time – but he had been going off on the occasional mysterious trip away. Valae wasn’t suspicious, but she was growing very curious. But she trusted Jake, so she never questioned him too much about it.

Pulling out a chair, she had a seat at the table with Jake. And as he offered her a bite of pie, she happily accepted it. “Alright, we don’t have to talk about force stuff now.” She agreed with a nod. Her dark eyes met Jake’s blue orbs as he spoke, and she brought her mug up for a nice sip of tea.
But Jake’s question caught her off guard.

Caught between sipping and swallowing the tea, she coughed a few times and brought her fist up to her mouth. Doe-eyes large and fixed on Jake, she gave her chest a pat with her palm to make the tea go down. Valae’s lashes fluttered a few times as she blinked. She’d caught herself thinking about the future quite a lot lately. And in that vision, she could easily see at least two children, maybe three. But that’s not the answer she gave. Biting her bottom lip gently, she leaned in.

“I see us having many, many children.” She said, grinning playfully. “We’ll fill up a whole house; we’ll have a brood of our very own.” Valae propped her elbow up on the table, and let her chin rest against her fist. Brows arched thoughtfully, eyes still on Jake.

“Are you… up for that task?” She asked with a crafty grin.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Oh the laugh Jake let out as Valae was caught off guard by the question with a series of coughs. Her beautiful eyes went huge as they stared at Jake while she tried to ensure she got whatever tea remained down. He timed the question just right; between sip and swallow. When she was recomposed, she leaned in with a self-nibble to her lower lip. Lord how Jake loved it when she did that. It was Jakes turn to go wide eyed at her reply.

He flushed, let out a soft laugh and ran his finger round the rim of his cup. “Well… am I up for the task you asked? Which task do you mean specifically? The rigorous physical activities that need to be had in order have the many, many children, as you say?” He took a sip from his cup, his eyes never leaving Valaes. Of course the guy would make a n intimacy joke. It did seem as though a battle of wills was unfolding between them now. Whom would cave first? “If you mean am I up to the task of rearing many, many children? Well my answer to both questions is the exact same.”

Jake cut a piece of his pie and fed it to Valae, whose eyes refused to leave his own, “Absolutely. I just hope your hips are up to the challenge. Daniels are known to be some big babies when we’re born. I’m not talking just big…” Jake leaned back in his chair and used his hands to help exaggerate his joke, “I’m talking hip shattering big. You'll need a wheel chair for months kinda hip shattering."

It felt good. Sitting at a small table, across from a woman that he truly did love, and enjoy one of the simpler things in life. Pie and tea. A conversation about family; not war, not the force, the injuries, duties, or whatnot. To actually sit down and begin the conversation on their future together? It simply felt good. It felt right.

"I raised two little hell raisers. I know all about middle of the night feedings, a dozen diaper changes in a day, sleepless nights and days. I know all about teething, first steps, development." Jake took a bite of his pie, "It is something I miss though. My son's weren't entirely human though. They were part Garhoon. Part human. So their development was slightly different from a humans. They were stronger, faster, and especially louder when they cried. I assure you though everything else was exactly the same."

"Though Mon Cheri'," Jake said as he fed Valae another slice of his pie. "You should be really asking yourself if you're ready. The strange cravings and potential morning sickness. The swollen tired feet. The aching back. More importantly are you prepared for more of me?" Jake laughed as he swallowed a bite, "Think of it. Look how much of a handful I've been for you. That's only been after a few months. Imagine several sets of tiny pattering feet scurrying about with your beauty and my personality. I can just see it now," Jake took a sip of tea, "'OH MY GOODNESS! Master Kitra, what a beautiful baby! He or she obviously got their looks from you'... then our child spits up all over them and they say... 'obviously got their personality from their dad.'"

"Or when their older, 'Master Kitra, your children put superglue on the toilets again. Now Master whosawhatsavich is stuck to the seat for the sixth time this month!'" Honestly all of the thoughts brought about a vibrant smile that refused to leave his face, "So my Mon Cheri', are you sure about that many, many children? You know I'm all in for this..." giving her a playfully seductive wink, "or I wouldn't be siting here."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae laughed softly as Jake’s eyes widened at her response. Usually she was the one flushing, so she was very pleased to see that she’d succeeded in her task. Even when he was joking around, that charm of his was near irresistible. And in these light-hearted moments, it was very easy for Valae to get lost in his icy blues. Still, she wasn’t sure just how much he was joking about the Daniels lineage producing rather large children. It was a small dose of reality. There was a brief image in her mind, one that saw her in the delivery room, cursing Jake’s name.

“Hip shattering?” She repeated, brow furrowing. “Golly…”

A quiet smile found her lips as he mentioned his previous parenting experience. The fact that he missed those times tugged quite hard at Valae’s heart. She loved Jake, she really did – but she’d yet to voice this fact. The words had been on the tip of her tongue for weeks, and the feeling had been with her even longer. Just seeing the proud gleam in his eyes was enough to make her swoon. Valae had no doubts that he would be a fantastic father to her future children. Her lashes fluttered once more as he offered her a bite of pie on his fork, and she accepted it gladly. But there was yet another dose of reality to come…

She chewed her pie thoughtfully. “You know, I hadn’t actually given any thought to what it might be like to be… pregnant.” She admitted sheepishly. Valae gave her stomach a sad pat with the palm of her hand. But the thought of children all with Jake’s personality made her chuckle, her gaze drifted faraway for a moment. She could almost see how that would be. With all of the stress that she’d experienced lately, it felt wonderful to laugh again.Still, the joke was probably on Jake... After all, he would be the one helping to cater to every strange craving, he would be the one massaging her tired feet and back, and he would be the one that needed to be the caretaker of a cranky pregnant lady.

“Hmm,” Her head canted to the side, “You’re making me have second thoughts about all of this.” She said in a mock serious tone. Sitting back, she crossed her arms. But there were a few bites of pie still on her plate, and she wasn’t going to just leave them there – so, she did eat them quite swiftly and then resumed her act. Standing, she made her way back to the counter and refreshed her cup of tea. Taking a few silent sips, she watched continued to watch Jake.

Slowly, she took leisurely steps over to Jake’s side. A hand came to rest on his shoulder.

“You might have to convince me again.” She said, a smile finally breaking through.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
His eyes went from Valae, to her hand, and then back to her. Slowly chewing on his lower lip, Jake listened to her words. Valae had learned what strings on Jake to pull and how to pull them. She knew the looks that she could give that would drive him wild. She knew exactly how to touch him, just how to whisper his name, and how to give those come-hither eyes. Jake was putty in her hands. A clay to be molded in anyway she so saw fit. It was that thought that Jake for the moment focused on.

He rose to his feet, ensuring Valae's hand remained where it was. As he stepped forward, she took a step back. As their eyes met, as their bodies drew close, the mind of one of the most emotionally vibrant, overly self critical individuals focused on his earlier thought. She had total control of him. She was able to subdue that which hadn't been tamable for so very long. As his hands rose towards her face, his fingers barely touching her jawline in eager anticipation, Jake understood one thing. He was scared.

That fear wasn't one that petrified him to his core. It was a fear of the unknown. The fear that someone had such influence over him that with a mere snap of her fingers, the darkness inside him subdued. That was, in some ways, scary. Still as his thumb gently passed over her lips, the path they were on, the life they were planning out with one another, it was something he knew he'd never divert from. He belonged to someone. He was claimed by someone. She had seen the darkness inside of him. Valae had seen just how dangerous he was, how overprotective he could be, how stubborn, bull-headed, and fool-hearty and yet here she stood. By his side; proclaiming that he was the one she wanted.

With a swiftness he rarely displayed, Jake pulled Valae up. Her legs wrapped his waist, her hands digging into his back. His own holding firm to rear and thigh. Their bodies turned, with Valae being placed onto the table. In what was a display of his dominance of her petite frame, Jake consumed her. His plate, cup, and utensils were cast to the floor. A chair was tipped from flailing legs. Sturdy was an understatement for the well crafted table as it was rocked in ways that it wasn't meant to experience.

One word escaped Jakes mouth in a growl beside Valae's ear. Primal, ferocious, demanding, and loving; "Mine."

Jake stretched his body as best he could; all but one arm. That arm was firmly wrapped around Valae. His eyes blinked opened to see the early signs of morning. The dark skies outside were starting to give way to shade of dark blues. The sun was soon to rise. More importantly Jake remember was Valae wanted to do this morning. Rolling onto his side, Jake placed a kiss on the tip of her nose before giving the small home a once over.

The dining table was shifted from where it had been. Both chairs were tipped on the floor. Jake's dishes remained where they fell. The sofa and chairs were moved; their cushions tossed about their room. Clothes dotted the floor. Jake's pants were cast onto the kitchen counter, Valaes intimates hanging from a curtain rod by an open window. Their socks, shirts, you name it, they were was somewhere, hell they were everywhere. A smirk of self-satisfaction emerged on Jake's face before he turned back towards his Lioness and their still intertwined frames.

"Mon Cheri'," Jake whispered in between feather like kisses across Valae's forehead, "Time to wake. You wanted to go to the cliff side this morning if I recall correctly. Its about an hour before the sun rises." What was Jake saying? Even he didn't want to leave the house today; not after how yesterday so enjoyably ended. Jake knew and understood how important these little things were to Valae and he ensured that she never missed something she expressed intent on doing. He pushed himself atop her, his eyes staring down upon the bare frame beneath him, "Ill be honest. If you don't get up... I might decide to keep us both home today."

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Nestled comfortably against Jake’s side, Valae slept hard. She had fallen into such a deep sleep the night before that she didn’t even dream. There was only Jake’s warmth next to her, his peaceful breaths, and the beating of his heart. Her eyelids fluttered a couple of times, feeling Jake’s lips brush against her forehead. But the pull of sleep was still quite strong, and her eyes fell closed once more.

In this state between waking and sleep, she did have a small chance to recall the events of the night prior. Valae remembered being pulled into her man’s embrace, and then the whirlwind of activity that followed. A smile formed on her lips as she finally began to wake. Slowly, her head turned towards the window, where it was still dark outside. “Mmmm,” She stirred and stretched for a moment, and then looked up to find Jake above her now.

“Good morning, handsome.” She smiled. After drawing in a deep breath, she met his lips with a small peck. And then a slightly longer kiss. Perhaps she would let him keep her there all day; the thought did cross her mind. Exhaling smoothly, she opened her eyes.

She gazed up into the blue depths of his eyes.

There was a strange feeling in her chest – a warm aching of her heart. Valae let her arms slide up and drape gently around his neck, keeping him close. And there was a sudden pang of fear; she didn’t want to be apart from him. But it was more than that… she didn’t want to lose him. Her hand slid down to gently cradle the side of his face.

“Jake,” She whispered his name softly. “Promise that you’ll never leave me.”

Though she was before him in the nude, now she was bare – she was completely vulnerable. After losing her mother, she’d lived with the fear that her father would follow. Though Atticus remained for many years, he did leave her, too. Then she had suffered the loss of a dear friend, the wound was still fresh. And now, she was frightened that Jake would be next. The words were on the tip of her tongue again, but this time, she let them loose.

“I love you,” She said, her eyes never leaving his.

Valae instinctively pulled him even closer. Deep down, she knew his feelings for her, she’d known for quite some time now. But now that she’d said it, would he reject her? There was certainly part of Valae that knew this thought was irrational, but sometimes matters of the heart were just that way…

“We can get ready in a few minutes; let’s stay like this just a bit longer.”

After all, they did have a full day of meditation ahead. There would be plenty of time to focus on the force.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
She pulled him close. The heat of their frames once more intertwined. Jake felt the shift in her. The connection that continued to grow stronger with each passing moment alert Jake that deep within her heart, there was fear. Before the man could address that which suddenly resided within her, Valae spoke his name as softly as she ever had and then asked Jake to make a promise she had yet asked to him do. She wanted his word, his promise, his reassurance that he would never leave her. He now understood where he fear came from.

As her Lion, those fears would be put to rest.

Jake lowered himself toward her, his arms bending so that his lips hovered above her own. “Even if every force in the heavens above and hell below tried to pull me away from you, I will remain at your side.”

There were always milestones in every relationship. The first date. The first kiss. The first night that a couple shared their bodies with one another. The first time they met the other's family and friends. There were many more milestones to cross but perhaps the biggest that they had yet faced now occurred. It was a moment in time that both would forever remember. When Valae whispered the words I love you. It were words that Jake had felt himself. Words he had wanted to express to his lover. Words he had planned on saying when he revealed his surprise to her. His love was never in question. His loyalty never in doubt.

Her words did make his heart skip a beat... and then bound ferociously against his rib cage as excitement boiled over. He knew she loved him but to hear it? To realize that Valae had put herself in such a vulnerable position emotionally? To put herself on a limb? There was only one thing Jake Daniels could say; his own proclamation of love.

His nose brushed against the side of her own, "As I love you. Always and forever."

Jake had many faults. He was overbearing and overprotective. Traits that had taken decades to form and master. Given his prior life, he needed them. He knew he might have gotten on her nerves from time to time as he often served as an unseen shadow of her footsteps. Again, he'd been trained to guard and protect those he loved. He was also, sadly, much like a recovering alcoholic. A bad analogy per-say given Valae's own past and one he kept within himself but it was none the less true. Jake would always battle the darkness. He would always be recovering from it. His fear was a relapse. His nightmare was Valae rejecting him for it.

Yet here she lay. Beneath him. Around him. With him. The old saying that you could not teach an old dog new tricks wasn't true. Any man could change. The problem is most men didn't. Even Jake would admit there was a time he would have staunchly refuse to change who he was. Valae though? She was the exception. He was willing too, he would, and he was changing for her and her alone. It would take time; Rome wasn't built in a day after all. But for Valae? She deserved the best. She would get the best.

After all, if a man truly loved a woman... he'd change. If he didn't... then his love wasn't true to begin with.

It was here, in the peace and quiet of a small wooden tree home, high above the forest floor and far away from anyone that might here suddenly loud proclamations towards unseen deities that Jake made their bodies as one once more...

~ ~ ~​

High noon.

That was the time when both Valae and Jake made it to the cliff side. Where they well past the time they set for themselves to arrive? Yes. Did Jake regret it? Hell no. The morning had seen both of them make a proclamation straight from their heart. They opened up to the other in a way neither had yet. They accepted one another. They loved one another. Her words continued to ring through Jake's mind throughout their trek. She loved him. Him! Of all of the men in all of the galaxy, Valae loved him! Jake, without exaggeration, was well above cloud nine.

Hiking had become one of their favored hobbies together. Simply going for strolls and talking. Valae, with great patience, listened to the stories Jake told of his upbringing. More specifically, they used the walks to help balance Jake. When with Valae, or more specifically, in close proximity to Valae the dark passenger was at bay. Subdued. Controlled. When he wasn't with Valae, that's when Jake struggled a bit more. Why? Valae was his cap. The purity she brought was able to vanquish the darkness. The lighthouse of his soul cast aside the dark fog to give Jake clarity. When she wasn't near, Jake could feed on the purity.

He knelt no more than a half foot from Valae, hands resting gently on his thighs. His eyes looked over the Kashyyyk forest around them. The planet was simply beautiful, though as Jake looked to Valae and her jewel like eyes, the planet couldn't hold a candle to the woman.

"Mon Cheri'," Jake began, his icy blues nearly getting lost in her own gaze, "Sith Meditation always focused on anger, pain, and fear. Rolling those into the center of my being and using it to propel my natural skills. For me that was the lightsaber. If I remember my old Jedi Meditation training from many years back, Jedi learn to let acknowledge and then let go of their strongest emotions."

Jake took in a deep breath, "I do understand, from some of the Silver Jedi Archives, that meditation and the understanding of it has changed. I've also seen it in some of our lessons. Is there a way to use what I feel now; what is between us and what I feel for you to propel and hold me to the light? To keep me balanced when I am not by your side?"

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Standing atop the rocky cliff, Valae stretched her arms and greeted the afternoon.

They had missed their chance to see the sun come up today, but Valae didn’t mind. In fact, she didn’t mind at all. Glancing over her shoulder at Jake, she smiled. It was enough that she was able to spend the whole day with him. And they had enjoyed a very nice morning, after all. The two had experienced a whole new level of closeness. Her smile grew wider at the thought, their relationship certainly did not lack for passion. Valae never had considered herself a very flirty or passionate woman, she was more awkward than anything – but there was something about Jake that seemed to bring out this lioness…

Walking back over to Jake, Valae had a seat on the ground and crossed her legs. Her eyes lingered on Jake, simply taking in the way the sun made his sandy hair take on an even more golden hue. Of course, this also made the blue of his eyes stand out more. It was truly distracting, but in the best way possible. Valae couldn’t help but notice that the landscape here on Kashyyyk seemed to suit him well.

“Hmm?” She snapped out of her reverie as Jake addressed her, she blinked a few times to focus.

Ah, yes. They’d had their fun this morning; it was time to get down to business. Listening to his words, her gaze softened affectionately. Jake really was trying; he earnestly did want to change. She took a moment to consider his question. Valae recalled when they had first met on Felucia, back then he’d been a bit cautious about her. That is, until he discovered that he was drawn to Valae. But what exactly was it? Could it have been her light-sided aura itself? And now, after spending so much time together, it seemed that his dark passenger was subdued.

No matter how they wanted to be side by side all the time, Valae knew that there would be occasions when it just wasn’t possible. She did want Jake to be set up to succeed. And then an idea struck her.

“You mentioned your lightsaber,” Valae said, tapping her chin with an index finger. For a moment her eyes tracked towards his belt, where the Sith saber usually was. “What if we made you a new one?”

Her brows rose thoughtfully. It certainly wouldn’t be a bad idea for him to have one that was attuned to the light-side.

“It might be a good focus aid, and definitely useful if you need to go into battle without me.” She wrinkled her nose, she didn’t like the idea of him fighting, but she understood that it might be necessary in the future. “We’ll need to find you a crystal,” She canted her head to the side, “Have a specific kind that you’d like?”

While she was still a bit unfamiliar with the notable crystal caves over here in the core, she was sure that the pair of them would be able to locate one. A small journey might be in order. It seemed that adventures seemed to come easily whenever she was with Jake.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
"Interesting." Jake replied. Valae proposed an fascinating idea. Jake did need a new lightsaber. Not because the one he currently used was malfunctioning. It wasn't. Jake used lightsabers to represent the different stages of his life.

"My first was made during my very brief stint under Samara Galloway as a Padawan. It wasn't enfused with the lightside at all. I was an over eager padawan whom slapped together the necessary components to make a glow stick work." Jake explained. "I actually don't know where it is right now. After the plague and my cryosleep, it went missing. I have suspicions it's still on Dantooine; though I don't know where."

Jake's eyes never left Valae, they couldn't even if they wanted too. They, like the rest of her, made Jake feel safe, "I was gifted my second lightsaber. My Masters, Lady Silencia, gave me her blade that she built as an Apprentice. I used it for many years. I infused myself into it; becoming one with the darkness that it held. That blade is on my mantle on Honoghr."

"The blade I currently use was built after my first marriage and birth of my sons. That blade is..." Jake patted his waist and realized he didn't have it. A smirk crossed his face, "somewhere in the home. Lord knows where I placed it last night during our little soiree." He let out a small chuckle at his semi-inappropriate joke, "Each lightsaber I build represents the start of a new chapter in my life. I just don't build them willy-nilly."

"I know I've already told you those stories about my prior lightsabers before, but I don't think I ever explained why I hold them in such high regards. My life story is represented by them. The overzealous padawan, the loyal apprentice, the protective father. You are right. I need a new one. I need one that represents," Jake placed his hand over his heart and then moved it to rest above Valae's, "this. It must represent us."

"Now as for the type of crystal?" Jake fell silent and clenched his jaw. "Many Sith used crystals that were already red. I didn't." There was a sudden shame to Jakes voice. His eyes fell as his lower lip gave a slight quiver. "The first person I ever killed as Jedi Padawan Avarra Eslick. She was the Padawan to Grandmaster Hinata. When she died, I took only one item as trophy. The green crystal of her lightsaber. Why? Because I used it to perform a very old Sith right, that no Master of my time had ever performed. I made it bleed. All of my hate. All of my anger. My pain. My fear. It's represented in that crystal. I turned what was green and light into crimson and dark."

Jake slowly brought watery eyes up to Valae's, "I need a crystal as strong as you. One that won't drain me each time I use it. One that won't remind me of all of my misdeeds. I am sorry Mon Cheri', I don't know much about the different types of crystals. As I explained, I used an old Sith right to simply claim a Jedi's and corrupt it. All I know is that the only thing to subdue my darkness is you."
[member="Valae Kitra"]
As noon came and went, Valae felt the warmth of the sun against her skin. The Tatooine native basked, though the autumn sun was nowhere near the intensity of the twin orbs back home. She listened as Jake recounted the stories of his lightsabers; it was easy to see that they had quite an impact on him. For a moment, she thought about the lightsaber she had constructed as a padawan – she still carried the same one to this day. It had been a very important rite of passage for her; truly it had been her first real step towards becoming a Jedi.

Her brows rose curiously as he explained the process by which he had produced his current crystal. Indeed she had heard about this process before, and Valae had also heard that it was possible to heal these corrupted crystals. She’d never attempted it herself before, but it was on her list of things to try. If she was successful, it would produce a pure crystal that would make a white beam. For the moment, she would keep this idea tucked away. Valae felt it important for Jake to find a new crystal that suited him.

As she saw his eyes grow misty, she immediately moved over to sit closer. Her arm wrapped around his side for a moment as she gave him a small squeeze. And then, she let her palm gently rub his back.

“Don’t worry, darlin’” She said, offering an encouraging smile. “We’ll find you one – together.”

Judging by the way Jake had been able to use the dark side to make his crystal bleed, it was likely Kyber. Valae had been in a crystal cave once before with this variety, it was an enlightening experience. These crystals were special, they had a presence that was – alive.

“The crystal in my saber is Adegan, from a cave on Ossus.” She said, leaning against Jake just slightly. “There are a few different varieties of that crystal, but mine is the most common type… fairly sure, at least.” Back then, she hadn’t fussed about getting one of the rare types like Pontite. But her crystal was like she was – unassuming on the surface, but full of light.

“So, I think I know where we can find you a new crystal. A Kyber crystal, the same type you currently have. There are caves on Ilum, where the crystals almost seem to sing. It really is quite something. It’s over in Iron Empire space, but we’ve a friendly alliance with them.” In fact, Valae was part of the Iron Empire, but recent times had given her few chances to assist them.

“We’re going to have to dress warm,” She gave Jake’s arm a gentle squeeze. “It’s very, very cold there.”

Valae shivered at the thought of the ice and snow.

“But we came all the way up here to meditate, so let’s try for a little while. Sound good?

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Jake wiped at his eyes with a hand, while using the other to gently rub Valae's thigh. She said they would find Jake a new crystal. They'd find it together. The Knight intended to hold his Lioness to her word. This was an important step. It represented rebirth and a second chance. Of everyone in the galaxy who did not deserve a second chance, Jake was at the top of that list. Yet here he was.

"Ilum?" Jake asked as he thought on her suggestion.

Jake'd never been. He'd remember any place that was cold. Hell, if it was any colder than Midvinter in Spring, the man wouldn't wear just any warm clothing. He'd be in a personal sauna suit just to keep his giblets from freezing off. Valae had explained the different crystals to Jake, hers being fairly common, Jake honestly couldn't tell the difference between them. How did a Kyber look different when compared to her Adegan? Or was it more about the internal aspects of the crystal? It seemed like Jake still had much to learn when it came to the finer points of being a Jedi.

"As you wish, Mon Cheri'." Jake replied when she brought up meditation.

Jake placed raised his palms and placed it against Valae's. This was where Jake was presented with his first fork in the road. Instead of drawing in the darkness and all of his negative emotions, Jake expelled what he could before drawing in that which bound him to the light. His lighthouse. As Jake focused on the light, he drew in the emotions he felt about Valae and the Silvers. With Valae it was love, devotion, and protection. With the Silvers it was commrodery. It was here, that Jake wanted to show Valae something.

The force swirled around both man and woman. The bond between them, that very pull that drew them together, magnified. It bound heart to heart and mind to mind. As their souls became one, as the same portion of the force swirled into and out of one and then to the other, Jake pulled Valae into his mind. After a sudden flash of bright light, both suddenly appeared to be standing in the middle of a town square. Jake stood beside Valae, one hand holding her own. Their fingers remaining intertwined. It was imperative that the connection here remain as it did in the real world. The physicality allowed the bond on the force to keep both in eithers mind. Jake looked around, as if not surprised in the least.

"I've been taking your lessons to heart. I needed a way to actually see the changes in my mind so I used my solo meditations to create this place." Jake glanced at the many abandoned buildings with degradation having long set in. "Before I began to focus on the light, this place was much as it is now. Abandoned. Forgotten. Dank. Desolate. Lonely."

"There's been a change though." Jake said. He pointed towards the various plants the seemed to be struggling to grow. "They weren't a month ago. They just started growing. They're struggling as the darkness continues to battle against what they represent; life and hope." Jake led the pair to the nearest leafless trees, "They go through stages. The darkness seems to nearly kill them. Then the light," Jake raised their clenched hands towards it. He closed his eyes and focused on that which he knew he could hold onto without question; his bond with Valae. Within seconds the tree spouted hundreds of small green buds. The first stages of leaves. A smile crossed his face, "brings them back."

"The issue is the sheer amount of darkness here. That's where I am struggling. Its polluted the air and the very land we stand on. No matter how hard I try and drive my focus, I cannot seem to even splinter its holds enough to give the light enough space to truly blossom like a rose in spring." Jake explained. "Let me show you."

Jake closed his eyes again and focus on the light. He drew it in, raised his free palm and concentrated on a building near them. More specifically he focused on the black ivy that seemed to grow along his sides. As Jake's palm seemed to glow; the ivy itself began to dissolve. Its destructive hold on the building growing weaker.

That was until the clouds moved in.

Above their heads, the vibrantly sunny sky turned grey with clouds. Jakes face grimaced as the darkness emerged. His face reddened with frustration; the light on his palm growing dimmer until finally he let out the gasp of a long held breath. A look of disappointment crossed his face as he watched the ivy expand to an even greater length than before.

The clouds above subsided.

The sun shined through again.

"See? I don't know what do to."
[member="Valae Kitra"]
Suddenly in a foreign place, Valae’s eyes glanced around in wonder. Of course, she knew that they had never really left the cliff side. There was a part of her that could still feel the solid ground beneath her, and the warmth of Jake’s palms pressed to her own. This place was in Jake’s mind, and it was clear that he had visited this spot before. Wide-eyed, Valae listened as Jake explained the meaning behind this empty town square. The buildings were dark and in poor repair, but she was very interested to learn that this place had been changing as he ventured further into the light.

The sight of the trees sprouting new growth and small buds was truly something to behold. Though this development was very encouraging, she realized that this place symbolized Jake’s struggle to rid himself of the darkness he had held onto for so long. Valae turned a glance up at him as he attempted to focus on the light. His effort was readily apparent, and seeing the disappointment in his expression made her heart ache.

No matter the strides he was making, there was something holding him back.

Moving to stand in front of Jake, she gazed affectionately up into his blue eyes. This wasn’t just his struggle; it was something they would tackle together. But of course, there was only so much that Valae could do. Slowly, she drew deep breaths and began to focus on her own connection with the force. Her presence would grow brighter, a shining light for him to draw upon.

“Alright, close your eyes.” She instructed gently. “For just a moment, let go of the image of these buildings and the dark ivy that crawls here. What are you feeling right now?” Valae gave his hand a squeeze. “Do you feel self-doubt? Do you feel fear about these changes? I won’t judge you, don’t worry. But you need to try to let these things go. Once your mind is free of these things, you will see your own light -- you will be able to use it.”

Needless to say, this was something easier said than done. Negative thoughts and feelings had a way of digging deep within a person, burrowing into their bones. Valae had struggled immensely with her lack of confidence, she still did at times. For quite some time, she had been unable to even find her connection to the force – until she learned that she was her own worst enemy.

“Quiet your mind, my love.” She whispered. “I’m proud of you – and I’m here to support you. Take your time, I’ll be right here.”
And here in this place, Valae rose up onto her toes and let her forehead press to his briefly.

“When you’re ready, go ahead and open your eyes.”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
Valae seemed to brighten. Her golden skin appeared to almost illuminate. Jake felt it. The force she drew upon. He said nothing as he watched her begin her to take control of the mind they both now share. When she spoke, Jake obeyed. His eyes closed slowly albiet with apparent hesitation. He trusted Valae, there was no question in that but did he trust himself?

As she request, Jake cleared his mind of the buildings. The dark ivy soon vanished with it. It was then that Jake was asked what he felt. He wasn’t sure or was he? The vastness of the empty space inside what now existed in darkness was nothing. The squeeze of her hand formed a spark. That spark gave off a sliver of an emotion. The analytical nature of Daniels went into overdrive as he tried to decipher if what he felt, for the briefest of moments, was what was there.

How could it be?

Why should he feel such?

Then Valae, as if sensing Jakes inner turmoil, demanded her love to quite his mind. Quiet it did. Her reassurance of her place at his side brought about a soothing to the Knights overactive though process. What truly solidified everything for Jake was what happened next. Jake felt Valae draw close. She pressed her forehead to his own and that spark from earlier turned into an explosion. Jake now understood what he had felt.

It wasn’t what he thought it was earlier. It was something completely different.

As Jake opened his eyes; the entire environment around them changed. Gone were the buildings and black ivy. In its place were rolling hills of yellow flowers and bright green grass. The sun was lowering in the distance which gave the skies a golden hue. That hue matching the still glowing presence of Valae.

“I feel…” Jake began when his eyes caught sight of a small boy, standing amongst the flowers. No more than the age of four, he wore a pair of shorts and tank top. His hair was a frightful mess. His face drenched in tears while four fingers were in his mouth. His cried while looking around desperately; pure terror covering his expression. “…like him.”

Jake knew who that boy was the moment he saw him. The boy continued to turn about, ignoring both Jake and Valae, and desperately searching for someone else. His icy blue eyes, sandy blond hair, and pale complexion were a dead giveaway.

Jake didn’t approach the boy. Instead he remained where he was and just watched. “I had buried these memories long ago.” Jake said as his eyes again watered. His hold on Valae’s hand grew tighter. “When I was a young lad, my parents would leave me in a store if I embarrassed them. They didn’t hit me. Instead they would leave me behind and come back an hour later to fetch me. They thought the fear of abandonment for my failures would make me behave. Even at home. If I was disobedient I would be sent to bed. When I woke they’d be gone all the next day; not returning until supper. I was terrified.”

“You asked me what I feel. I feel a terrifying fear of abandonment.” Jake said looking down into Valae’s eyes. “I fear that I will do something that will upset you to a point that one day I will wake up and you’ll be gone.” Jake’s attention turned back towards the boy whom had now grown into a twenty year old Jake. This time he was dressed in the royal robes of a Sith Apprentice. This Jake simply sat in a chair among the field of flowers. His cheek rested on his hand as he simply looked at the ground beneath him. A defeated gaze covered his expression.

“That was me the night I confronted my wife’s then husband on his adultery. I was assigned as her guardian and escort to an event. When we discovered his infidelity I confronted him. To my surprise, she scolded me and I was asked to leave.” Jake explained. “It stung. I didn’t understand it then. I came to her defense and honor but somehow upset her. The feeling I had then and there was the same feeling I had when I was but a lad.” It was here that the same terror that had been seen on the young boys face crossed Jakes, “I feel as though I will fail you as a provider. I will fail you as a father to our children and as your husband. I fear I will fail to give you all that you deserve.”

Then there was a shift in the very scene. As Jake simply poured it out; the embodiment of his fear, that very image of a young adult Jake sitting on a chair began to grow blurry against the more vibrantly colored flowers. “I fear that one day I will wind up alone; forgotten and abandoned. That you would have found a better suitor for your mate.” Jake shook his head, “I know I sound whiny. I know I shouldn’t have these thought but they’re there and I realize now they’ve been for some time. It is not your loyalty I question. It is not mine. It is the fact that I fear that I am not worthy of you. That I am not worthy of the life changing events that are unfolding around me. I’m not scared of this,” Jake used his free hand to point from his heart to her own, “I’m scared of this.” He then pointed to his head.

“Mon Cheri’, that is what I feel.”

And so it was; every fear and self-doubt that Jake Daniels held onto was poured from his heart and into Valaes. It was here that the blurred image of Jake finally dissipated and in its place was a fruit tree. Healthy and tall, it towered above the landscape. It was no ordinary fruit tree however. It held two varieties; Pears, the secretly favored fruit of Jake, and Apples... a fruit he would only eat in a pie.

As Jakes words fell silent, as the darkness was finally banished, a new feeling crossed his heart. Relief. It was out there. He laid it all out like never before. Not once had the man opened his heart in such an emotional way. Never before had he revealed the childhood traumas. He had always buried everything. Not now. Not anymore.

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
Still holding to Jake’s hand, Valae closed her eyes as well. In the next few moments, she felt the turmoil within him cease. His mind was growing quiet, and his presence in the force became steady. And when she opened her eyes, they were met with a rolling field. The tall grass rose to meet the fingertips of her free hand, and she could see the dots of color provided by the small flowers. Everything about this scene was different from the last. It was a lovely landscape, with the golden colors, but there was still the feeling of sadness here and the feeling of… longing.

She watched as the small blonde boy came into focus.

Glancing to the side at Jake, she instantly knew that it was him. The boy’s small face was frightened and stained with tears. The sight alone made Valae want to tear away to go comfort him. It was a scene so real that it shook her; she had to remind herself that this was a place of the mind, that’s all. The story that accompanied this image was difficult to hear, and likely just as hard for Jake to speak. Valae felt his grip grow tighter around her hand.

Then, he voiced his true fear – abandonment. It was something that Valae could understand; she had her own issues with this fear. But it seemed that the root of the fear was different for both. Valae had a deep rooted fear that she would be left by all those she loved. And Jake was frightened that he himself would be the reason, and that he would be left alone as a result. Hearing him voice this made Valae’s eyes grow misty – an action that also occurred in real time, as the two sat in meditation upon the cliff.

“Jake, you deserve to be happy.” She said softly, “We both do.”

Valae hoped that hearing these words would solidify this reality.

“I believe in you, you’re a good man. I wouldn’t be here with you now if I thought otherwise.” She squeezed his hand. “Come back with me now,” She whispered.

After a moment or two, the meditation slowly broke. Valae had a feeling that Jake had had enough for one day, and it had been quite an enlightening session. Now in the sunlight of Kashyyyk again, she moved closer to Jake and wrapped her arms comfortably around his form.

“I’m not worried that you’ll fail me, do you know why?” She asked spoke quietly, “Because you love me. And as long as that's true, I will have everything I need.” Valae wasn’t a woman that demanded extravagance or wealth; she needed only the simple things to make her happy. “You made great progress today, letting go of these feelings will help you. I know it’s hard,”

She pulled away slightly, just enough to see his face.

“But try not to overthink.” Valae gave him a knowing smile, and let her hand cradle the side of his face. “Trust in the force.” She nodded, “After all, the force brought us together, am I right?”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
His lip curled into a small grin as Valae mentioned they both deserved happiness. For so long Jake served others; was concerned about others that he had put no time into his own needs and wants. He understood now why it felt so foreign; why the darkness had been holding on so strongly. He’d never addressed his internal fears head on. Not like this. Not in the way Valae had managed to weave through his mind to force him to address those painful memories.

“As you wish.” Jake whispered as Valae pulled both of them from the meditative trance. Their hands remained clasped here as they had within the mind. Jake also noted how both had wet eyes; revelations that there was a true primal physicality which occurred.

Valae expressed what Jake knew he needed to hear. She wasn’t worried that he would fail her. Why? Because of the unyielding love he held for her. The fact she knew Jake loved her was a thrill to hear which brought that small curl into his lips into a full blown smile with a subtle chuckle as Jake blushed slightly. As she squeezed him, his own arms squeezed back.

His chuckle returned when she asked him to not overthink. That was his problem. He sure as hell thought way too much. But Valae brought up a very important point. Jake needed to trust in the force. Afterall, he trusted it enough that he followed it to her. What would have happened if Jake closed himself off? A man and woman, bonding as one, wouldn’t be on a cliff side of Kashyyyk this very moment, in this very spot.

“Damn,” Jake laughed. “When you put it like that, I’d be a fool not to trust it more.” Jake placed a small kiss gently onto the forehead of his Lioness. His thumbs wiped away the wetness of her eyes and he quietly drew in her essence. Just because he took a huge step didn’t mean he was out of the wood work. There was still work ahead; though he had a feeling that the changes within, witnessed by Valae, would remain.

The one thing Jake was grateful for was that Valae hadn’t seemed to pick up on several huge hints Jake inadvertently let slip out. During his emotional outburst, the man had nearly blurted out his plans; if not having stated his intentions. He was relieved. It wasn’t the right time yet. Jake had already planned out how to reveal those to her. Taking a breath of relief, Jake’s smile never left his face.

Lord, did he ever love her like no other.

“I agree, Mon Cheri’. Enough meditation for today. I do have a question before we go though. It’s more of a what if. On Mirial,” Jake was very careful about that subject. Valae had lost someone very dear to her heart. “I panicked in fear of that darkness consuming me. That’s why I didn’t join the main assault force. In a situation like that, when I cannot just stop and meditate during a chaotic situation, how do I center myself? What should I do to ensure that golden field of flowers and the fruit tree do not dissolve into a field of black ivy?”

"I don't want to be in a position where I let the darkness back out. Not after what we," Jake stressed the we, not he, "In what we accomplished today. I know I won't ever be as pure as you but I strive to be. I don't want to fail."

As he nestled his forehead against her own, Jake shifted his gaze to take in Kashyyyks beauty. Marvelous. Astounding. "Tell me about you, Mon Cheri'." Jake suddenly said. "How do you keep your heart pure. What is it that holds you so strongly to the light?"

[member="Valae Kitra"]​
When Jake laughed, Valae did, too. After such a heavy meditation session, the lightness of laughter was very welcome. As they sat in the afternoon sun, she let him place a kiss on her forehead and gently wipe the tears away from the corners of her eyes. And if there was every any doubt about how much he loved her, it was very evident in his every touch and every glance.
Valae felt her heart swell with affection.

Her brows arched thoughtfully as Jake posed her with a very good question. Just how did they keep the darkness from influencing him? It was something that had crossed her mind more than once, but just like the other times… she wasn’t completely sure. His words were very true – sometimes there just wasn’t an opportunity to pause and meditate.

“To be honest, I’m not sure myself…” She answered softly, “I don’t have all the answers. But we’ll find a way, I know it.”

She offered him an encouraging smile. Then, her brow furrowed for a moment as she turned the thoughts over in her mind. There were other crystal varieties that did have special abilities to strengthen a user’s connection to the force. Perhaps it was an option. Of course, it wasn’t the ultimate answer that they were looking for, but it might offer him a little extra help. And Valae figured that they should use whatever was available – she even knew where such an item could be found. But for now, she would let this idea brew a bit longer.

Valae shifted slightly to get comfortable, and let her head rest against Jake’s shoulder. The landscape of Kashyyyk stretched out before them, and she felt at home here in the trees. But she felt this way largely because of Jake’s presence here with her. And when he posed her a second question, about her own connection to the light, she drew in a deep breath of fresh mountain air.

“I give all the credit to my Master,” She said, nestling her head against Jake. “Thurion is a true pillar of light, there’s no one quite like him. He’s a well-known name for many reasons, mainly owing to his skills and prowess as a warrior.” She smiled at the thought of him, “But he’s also a healer. My Master was a very strong example for me to follow and emulate, he has such a strong connection to the light himself. I suppose he’s also something like a father to me now,” She grinned wide, remembering how her Master had given her the heraldry of House Heavenshield before she left Voss.

“I want to make him proud,” She said softly. It was a wish she’d held onto ever since her days as his padawan. “I feel it in my heart.” Her palm rose to give her heart a pat. “It strengthens my resolve.”

Perhaps her affinity for the light was simply predisposed. Valae couldn’t really even say herself, but it had always felt right.

“I guess the Order itself played a large role, too.” She nodded, “Being around so many jedi… maybe it’s good for us.” Valae shrugged sheepishly. “If any of that makes sense…”

Her hand slid gently along Jake’s arm, and fixed a squeeze on his forearm.

“Well, should we go get ready for our trip?”

[member="Jake Daniels"]
The Tumbleweed rested on a stable patch of snow covered land on a remarkably beautiful planet. Jake had never in his life seen anything like it. Millions of stars filled the planets night sky. Ribbons of aurora slid across the sky like a snake through water. Blues, yellows, and greens waved above which only added to the beauty of the snowy mountains around them. Simply staring out of the cockpit window, Jake had a new appreciation for natural beauty. Sure he loved Kashyyyk and Honoghr, but this was different. This was magical.

Valae and Skillet had piloted them all here. Jake had simply been along for the ride but he used that time effectively. Without alerting Valae, Jake continued to search within. The dark passenger, for the first time, was securely locked away. The key to the darkness' cell held by the woman whom worked to lower the hatch of her ship. When Jake heard the ramp descend, the man zipped up his thick fur coat and walked through the ship. The moment he felt a gust of icy air, Jake's shivered.

Valae had expressed that her Master, a man named Thurion, had really established her in the light. She wanted to emulate him as much as Jake did her. In the past Jake's analytical aspect would have gone into an investigative mode. He would have searched for any information about this man. He would have performed a threat assessment and taken appropriate steps to establish plans to eliminate that threat risk if needed. Now? The urge wasn't there. Valae trusted him. That was good enough for Jake. If anything, Jake simply wanted to meet the man out of respect for both he and Valae. That was especially true after she stated he was like a father to her.

"Mon Cheri', you weren't kidding." Daniels said as he came to stand beside Valae and gave off a playfully sarcastic rub of his arms. "Aren't I glad you didn't let me wear my thong."

They'd made it back home, but before any thoughts crossed Jakes mind, the man made quick work of cleaning up the home while Valae packed their clothing. Jake though hadn't any actual cold weather clothing. Fortunately he made a friend of a gray haired wookie whom brought the pair some of his excess fur clothing.

A smile crossed his face as he adjusted Valae's hood. Pushing some of her hair back, Jake pulled the hood firmly forward and fasted a fur flap across her mouth and nose. He ensured she was as bundled up as possible before rubbing his nose against her fur covered one.

"They say there are cultures that kiss like that. Nose to nose. Wet lips would get stuck together in the cold. I have a feeling Cody would find a dirty joke in something I just said." Jake laughed. He turned to Skillet who dragged a pack for Jake to carry. "Thanks." Quickly checking the contents, Daniels confirmed they had a large thermos. Several emergency heat packs. A tracer for Skillet to locate them if needed and thermal blankets. Valae and Skillet were sure as hell prepared.

Sling the pack on, Jake watched Skillet rolled back up onto the ship. Turning his attention to the skies above, Jake simply marveled. "The entrance to the cave system you wanted to take me should just be a short distance away. Let's double time it there. Once inside and away from the elements we can slow down." He had no intention of allowing his Lioness to turn into a popsicle. As the duo began their pace, Jake decided to inquire more about Thurion. Though he could have asked on the trip here, who was to say the pair hadn't filled their time with a bit more fun of the physical kind?

"Hon, you said Thurion's like a father to you and a pillar of light. Has he ever struggled with darkness or ever touched it?"

There was a very important reason Jake was asking. A reason that would soon be revealed.

[member="Valae Kitra"]​

Dressed in many layers of clothing, Valae topped off the ensemble with a heavy coat with fur details. She had on so many pairs of socks that she could barely stuff her feet into her boots. She slid on a pair of warm gloves, and turned as Jake joined her. As he made a quip about wearing only a little undergarment, Valae laughed and gave him a playful shove. She stood still as Jake adjusted her hood, and she grinned at his cold weather clothing. “You look like a wookie,” She said, giggling.

She smiled beneath the flap fasted now over her nose and mouth, and rubbed her nose affectionately against Jake’s. And she may have rolled her eyes slightly at the mention of Cody and dirty jokes. Valae did like the man, but she could already hear him saying ‘that’s what she said.’

As the ramp lowered, she glanced sidelong at Jake. He had all of their essentials packed, and now slung onto his back. Watching as his eyes turned skyward and gazed in wonder, Valae felt a small fluttering in her heart. She’d been to Ilum a few times before, but she had to admit that it was mighty nice to share the experience with her love. The sky above was blanketed with clouds, and there was even a flurry of snow falling now. There was something quite magical about this place, despite the bone-chilling cold.

“Yeah, let’s get moving!” She said, without any objections to huffing to the cave.

Trudging along the snow covered ground, Valae’s arm wrapped around Jake’s. Her strides were not quite as long as his, but she did her best to keep up. She could feel the cold against the small part of her face that was left exposed, and she was very thankful for all of her warm layers. Valae furrowed her brow in thought as she heard Jake’s question about her Master. As far as she knew, he’d always been a shining example of the light. Truly, she couldn’t imagine the Valkyri man being tempted by the dark.

“Hmm,” Valae glanced up at Jake briefly, “I don’t think so… at least, not since I’ve known him.”

And she had known her Master for over ten years now. Goodness, had it really been that long? Valae felt the curiosity tugging at her mind, but for the moment she focused on reaching their objective. With steps a bit more labored with the snow and ice, and her heavy clothing, she was already breathing quite hard. No doubt, Jake was simply curious himself – he’d yet to meet Thurion, after all. But Valae hoped that the two would have the opportunity in the future.

“Almost there,” She said breathlessly, “I see the entrance up ahead.”

There was a small spot up ahead, a dark spot in the side of a nearby mountain. But as they grew closer, this opening in the rock almost seemed go glow. Valae could already feel the presence of the Kyber crystals. Ducking inside, she pulled Jake in with her. A small tunnel extended before them that would open up into a large cavern. She’d been here once before, but this time they were the only ones here. As they went down the tunnel, she finally let go of Jake’s arm so that she could lead the way. The glimmer of crystals grew brighter, like tiny stars that illuminated the cavern.

“Here we are,” She said, grinning wide. Valae merely stood to the side to see what Jake made of the place, and what he sensed. There were stories about others hearing the crystals sing to them, perhaps there would be a song that struck him.

[member="Jake Daniels"]
She led him towards a small opening in the side of the mountain that gave off a glow the closer that Jake drew to it. When they drew close enough to the cave, Daniels momentary slowed. He felt it. The power of the force that emanated from this place. Eerily similar to that of Avarra Eslicks crystal, the feeling here was of purity. Valae must have noticed Jake slowly as she grabbed firmly hold of him and led him inside the cavern. As they drew further from the entrance and deeper down a tunnel, Valae let go to take point.

When the tunnel opened up, Jake stopped dead in his tracks. It was a scene unlike any other. There were too many to count. They all shimmered abundantly throughout the immediate area. Each crystal seemed to give off its own source of light that only added to the ambiance of where both lovers stood. Part of Jake loved it. The feeling of purity. The welcoming feeling the crystals in the cave seemed to give. Another part seemed just a tad bit overwhelmed. Being so limited in the force to then just feel this sudden rush almost gave off a sense of drowning. Still, Jake was too awestruck to want to walk away. He needed to be here. This was his path now.

He loved it.

“Thank you!” Jake said, turning his attention to Valae. With the cave being a shade warmer, the man exposed Valae’s lower face and placed an excited kiss upon it. “I truly don’t deserve you.”

He was as joyful as a child in a toy store. He took a few steps and looked up again. Another few then towards the right wall, then left. He couldn’t focus on any particular crystal. Each gave off its own precise beauty but together they were a symphony. Then Jake heard it. It started off low. So low that Jake thought it the wind traveling through the caverns.

His attention turned towards the right wall when he began to hear what sounded like a mixture of beats, bagpipes, and string instruments. He couldn’t explain what he heard. He couldn’t explain how he heard it. The cave was silent. Yet Jake did hear it. Yet Jake did feel it. Each percussion. Each blast of a wind instrument. It coursed through his veins. Calling to him. Beckoning him. So he listened and so he followed.

His head tilted slightly at an angle. Swaying side to side as he continued to listen for, then feel, that which wasn’t actually echoing through the cavern. Jake didn’t mean to come off as rude, suddenly shutting up and walking about but there was a pull. Not on the level of his pull to Valae, but still there, something in the cave was calling out to him. The song grew stronger. His heart bounded with each beat. The hairs on the back of his neck stood. Thousands of goosebumps rose up his arms and legs until finally Jake came to a stop before small cluster of clear crystals.

His icy blue eyes fixated on one in particular. Smaller than the rest, the man removed a glove to reach out and touch the jewel embedded in rock. The moment his finger tips met its surprising warmth Jake was greeted with a vision. It was unlike any other he had witnessed before. Flashes of this crystals true form taking hold; an ocean blue emerging from a newly constructed lightsaber. An image of Jake and Valae playfully sparring with one another. An image of their meditating together. Another of the Jake and Valae dancing along in the privacy of their Midvinter home. Finally, the last, was of both significantly older. They stood on the patio of their home, watching a half dozen children rushing as their mother, whom looked surprisingly a lot like Valae, chased after them. An image of their grandchildren. An image of their child. Daniels pulled his fingers away and smiled. The vision was pure and unadulterated. Nothing negative. Nothing dark.

“You mentioned you did not believe your Master ever touched the darkness.” Jake said, finally breaking his almost trance like silence. “What would he say if he found his pupil to be with a being whom has? Much like me in this cave, its as though the crystals know I have touched darkness. It feels as though they know I’ve corrupted one of their own. Yet… they welcome me. Would he?” Jake as in reference to her Master.

“I heard something here.” Jake pointed to his head. “I…” Jake paused as he looked back to the crystal. “I believe the force just gave me a vision. I know it did and it came by means of this one. Kybur crystals are a combination or organic and inorganic, correct? How do my emotions effect an unbled crystal or do they not?”

[member="Valae Kitra"]

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