Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Changing of the Guard (Aedan Miles)

In light of recent chaos, Alkor made several swift decisions. Mandalore lost its Warmaster in Australis, which meant that his clan no longer held any obligation to patrol the Sector. While Centaris had few doubts or questions about their loyalty to the people, he wanted to take no chances with the defense of both Manda'yaim itself and of surrounding worlds.

The campaign of raids against the Silver Jedi left a sour taste in his mouth. Pointedly, Alkor never took direct part in the conflict because he believed warring against aruteiise without just cause was a grave misallocation of resources. They would remember the actions taken against them as Republics and Jedi were wont to do.

Now he navigated the transitory mists alone, reliant only on a map filled in with data by the cryptic Allit'alor of Clan Akaata. They had been allies once, long before he had himself expunged of the Force, but their interactions had dwindled and their only common denominator now was the Mandalorian culture. Fortunately, that was more than enough.

The newly appointed Warmaster set his Bes'uliik fighter down and climbed out to meet the welcoming committee, whoever they happened to be. He wore his Beskar'gam and weapons the way any reasonable Mando would. The Hapan worlds were under Mandalore's protection, and it was secluded enough for them to fly under the radar.

No one would be listening in on them today.

[member="Aedan Miles"]
As the Bes'uliik landed and the pilot climbed out they would find themselves greeted by what some would consider an odd assortment of species before them two hulking Cragmaloids stood flanking what could only be a human wearing shorts with an unbuttoned shirt strapped to the human's waist was a blaster though. His hand was resting on the blaster up to the point that he recognized the pilots armor and he slowly shock his head whistling loudly before saluting the pilot respectfully.

With a grin Graad Akaata one of the members of Aedan's security team and now a man who lead attacks in his place gestured for the man to follow him as he started to walk towards what for all extensive purposes was a small but well defended base. Tents and prebuilt structures lay scattered about in what appeared a haphazard manner around a large manor building four large defensive looking prebuilt outposts formed a diamond, or square depending on your angle, around the manor presumably each one housing a shield generator with angled shield emitters aimed towards the manor where a larger shield emitter jutted from the rough clearly designed to amplify the strength and form the shield from all three outposts. Graad finally spoke up as he walked towards the manor with the Mandalorian. "I assume things are serious if the new Warmaster is here to visit us sir?"

He glanced back with a grin as they walked forward through the camp if Alkor were to look around he wouldn't see everyone relaxing and lazing about but rather different almost random sections in motion gathering weapons, armor, and ammo before moving towards the landing pads/star port they had made clearly preparing to cycle out with some force. Other sections were training what could only be new Initiates in various ways one section housed a rather large number and surprisingly state of art series flight simulators another was on the edge of the base and had a large shooting range attached to it. One thing was very clear though while some would assume the Pirate King had been silent lately were right but that was due to the fact he was expanding. Training his forces in both ground and air combat clearly while preparing for something drastic and reeking of piracy when they reached the Manor Alkor would find that the area closest to it contrary to what some would assume was NOT surrounded by those most loyal to him but more the families of his people all gathered in what was clearly the safest part for there was already a shield up around the manor extending out to the edge of the section that had children running around in it.

Entering the manor they would find the first floor devoted to a dining hall for his clan people coming in to get food before heading out once more back to work or to relax gesturing towards some stairs that appeared unguarded except for a group of beings leaning or sitting on stairs and bannister all of them having a lightsaber attached to their waist. They looked at the two beings before one clearly the leader nodded his head towards the upper floors clearly indicating they could go ahead and spoke. "The Aliit'buir just got out of a meeting with section commanders for the ground teams. He also heard a few rumors he is going to want clarified Graad tell the intel division to stand by for after his visitor."

Graad grinned and nodded leading Alkor up the stairs and to what was clearly a pseudo war room complete with three holo tables showing first a map of the Hapes Cluster, than the Galactic map without any other indicators, and finally the galactic map as it is known including a series of planets lit up and what could only be fleet groups. If one looked closely they would see planets like Ankus, the Hapes Cluster, Eclipstica, Metatron, and Vahlra lit up all over standing off to the side looking out a window was Aedan a drink in hand as he looked out over his clan speaking calmly as he heard the door open. "Thank you Graad go ahead and get the intel division head and sub head on standby." Aedan waited for the door to close before he turned to face Alkor calmly nodding to him before gesturing to a glass that he had sat out by a collection of what could only be high end alcohol. "It has been awhile old friend. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
"Things were more serious than I knew before I took the position," Alkor explained in response to the question. Unlike many leaders who might have chosen to retain secrets from those below their pay grade, the Corellian considered all the Vode as equals and treated them with no less respect and trust than he would Yasha herself. "There was information not shared among the Clans, and there were actions taken with too much liberty. I aim to rectify that presently."

They moved along at a leisurely, albeit swift pace through what Alkor now understood to be family, friends, refugees- the commonfolk of the Galaxy, brought under the protection of the "Pirate King" of Clan Akaata. He was pleased with that type of service. Humility and charity were signs of a strong leader.

As the shielding hummed in the background, Alkor reached up and removed his buy'ce. It was clear that this was a safe place, and that he was among friends. There was no reason to be fully on guard.

Once they arrived within the manor, he was updated on the proceedings prior to his arrival and he gave a short nod. "I can appreciate Aedan's prudence. It was generous of him to meet me on such short notice."

He followed Graad to the Clan's inner sanctum, where [member="Aedan Miles"] looked over his holdings and monitored the shaky state of the Galaxy. Not so long ago, Alkor had a similar view from his seat on Mandalore. He understood the anxiety that came with their responsibilities.

"The former Warmaster has been relieved of his duties," Alkor replied earnestly. "His contributions to Mandalore, while significant, proved unequal to the danger he invited by moving the Sector's defenses in support of a foreign nation."

It was to the point, but Alkor hated to waste too much time on formalities. He steered the conversation quickly in the desired direction, though hopefully not so quickly that Aedan became uneasy. "Clan Australis can therefore not be entrusted with the defense of Mandalore in an official capacity. While I appreciate his devotion and dedication, and the sacrifices put forward by all of Clan Australis, with his demotion comes the need for change."

He moved forward and accepted the offer of liquor gratefully. The liquid poured over into the glass and he could taste the aroma on his tongue. Alkor smiled. "And so, as the new Warmaster of the Mando'ade, I have come to you to ask: would you accept a commission as Defender and Warden of the Mandalore Sector? I realize this is no small request, but I'm only one man and Mandalore needs all of us."
Aedan nodded as he listened turning to the final holo table he pressed a few buttons bringing up the information that had been mentioned viewing it all quietly as he nodded. "Yes Australis came to me requesting I join him but I was unsure of the move as such did not take part although I have had forces in the area keeping an eye on things sense he moved sector defenses as he did." Aedan gestured towards where two larger markers were in Mandalorian space right now clearly two fleet groups as well as a smaller marker that was in the Hapes Cluster. He thought on what was said looking over the table before he sighed and nodded pulling a datapad out he entered a series of commands quickly on it setting it back down as he turned to the holo table his hands moving out to brush against three fleet groups outside of the Mandalorian sector pulling up info on them quickly.

As he surveyed the intel he started to speak calmly. "You shouldn't even have to ask Alkor I will accept this position I am recalling a fleet back to the sector as well as dispatching my transportation fleet. It is about time that I pulled in my allies from Firefist they may come in use shortly. Inform Mand'alor that I shall be operating from here if she can start construction on a compound possibly on Wayland for me and my clan I will move there once it is finished. I already have Haar Werda Akaan'ade and Wrath fleets in the sector patrolling. I am recalling Ruin fleet to add to its defenses for now. I know some of the capabilities of the current Naval forces but if you can get me a full run down on it that would be appreciated." Halfway through speaking his hands hard started to move seemingly dragging the three mentioned fleets around and setting their icons on the map in the sector before hitting a button on the holotable that would send this information to the communications station that would than dispatch either runners or send hypertranciever messages to the flagships and commanders of each fleet.

He moved a third icon over towards the start of a series of jumps that would take it to the Firefist system and typed into the console a few commands dispatching his son to go with that force as an envoy to his allies. His eyes gleamed as he worked a small grin on his lips before he finally stepped back and took up his glass again pouring another drinking and sipping from it slowly. Finally he nodded and gestured for Alkor to follow him towards the large bay windows that overlooked a large swath of his base. "It is about time I re announced my presence anyway Alkor. I have been silent for to long as it stands and I have noticed the tension caused by Australis's actions. As it stands when you leave here you will be joined by Wrath Fleet I have dispatched them to the northern part of the sector based out off of Mandalore itself. Haar Werda Akaan'ade will start border patrols along the southern half of the border and once Ruin fleet arrives they will take over northern border patrols and Wrath will serve as inner security. I will need time to build up forces and Blood will remain mobile for now that will serve as my blocking force for all purposes. My clan will be made aware of our new duties shortly and will redouble training efficiency. It won't be faster but they will be better trained than before."

He went silent as he looked out over the gathered people drinking the rest of his glass before looking down at the empty glass and speaking calmly to Alkor. "You know Alkor. I think the worst part of what we have to do is live with sending people to their deaths at times. I try to avoid it but in war there is no sure fire way to avoid casualties." He gestured down at the closest series of tents and structures speaking calmly once more. "Half of those families down there don't have a family member actively serving with me. In some cases they are to old in most though they have all lost a family member to my commands and I won't allow them to lose another parent.... the worst part is that none of them despise me for it. None of them swear revenge for what has happened. Instead they thank me for allowing them to serve. Each of them assumed that they would be left behind at some point hell I think some of them think that now. BUT I refuse to do that Alkor. I refuse to leave them behind they are all family and that is important to me." He turned to Alkor and smirked lightly gesturing around lightly. "Who would have thought the dreaded Pirate King Miles was this sentimental about things."

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
Alkor made no mention of his presence at Commenor, since it was a fairly well known fact after... well, after that. Instead, he focused on the full breadth of the other man's words and considered all of the assets Aedan brought to the table. There were fleets scattered across the Galaxy at his fingertips, ready to rally at a pin drop. This was the sort of response that the Mandalorian people needed. It was the visual that would help inspire them, whether in war or in peace.

"The important thing is that people know that they are safe," Alkor replied, "and with the questions raised by the actions taken by the fleet at Commenor, the Mando'ade need more than just a constant and vigilant presence casting a long shadow. You and I, we will be fists for Mandalore, and its enemies will feel us."

He took a sip of the whiskey, long aged and with a low burn that reminded him of Corellian skies. Aedan's words resonated with Alkor's own sentiments, wizened by time and maturity. "If it were my decision, no Mandalorian would ever die in a foreign war," he stated. "Not one of us would ever have to fight beyond our borders. The Galaxy would not come to Mandalore seeking conflict, they wouldn't dare. We are all family, and we are strong. Family does not get left behind."

He placed the empty glass on the table, then folded his arms. "That is the vision I have for our people. Unified. Strong. Safe." Alkor considered his next words thoughtfully. "Conflict with the Jedi and Sith in recent months leave us with many questions about safety, however. I have teams surveilling the fringes of our space for any hint of danger on that front, and intelligence officers conducting listening operations, listening for chatter that might affect us. I will have their reports routed to you as well.

He pulled a datapad from his hip and tapped a few commands. Wayland... Wayland could be done. He'd speak to Yasha about it when he returned.

[member="Aedan Miles"]
Aedan listened as his friend spoke nodding as he turned gesturing for Alkor to wait as he walked out onto a nearby balcony that overlooked a large portion of the living area soon people would notice him and word would get out there was an announcement. As he stood there within the inner sanctum Graad returned and looked around spotting Alkor the younger Mandalorian walked over with a grin stopping behind him and glancing at him curiously. "Warmaster Centaris would you like to see something interesting?" He didn't wait for Alkor to respond audibly just gestured for him to follow him making his way outside quickly pausing he indicated for Alkor to don his helmet just before they left the building. Once he had Graad pushed the door open and stepped out the rest of the group he worked with moving to converge with him grinning at Alkor as a few of them had heard tales of the man before. Finally one of them spoke up clearly female by the armor and voice as she looked towards the balcony. "Its about time something happened whatever it is this is going to be a good speech. Centaris if you haven't heard him in awhile it might surprise you that this is the same boy you knew before. He has changed some would say for the better others for the worse. But just listen and you will understand while every man woman and child here is willing to lay down their lives for that one man."

As soon as she finished speaking the she subtly gestured around quickly indicating that the whole of the clan on planet had arrived she than showed him a datapad that was showing Aedan as he stepped forward stopping at the railing and looking over his people before he started to speak not yelling but his voice carried by the force so all present could hear clearly. "My brothers and sisters.. son and daughters of Clan Akaata our time has come just today a representative of Mand'alor has arrived not to judge us for our actions but with a request. That representative is the Warmaster of our people they come to us in their time of need. They come to us asking for our help as their naval forces are in disarray. They come asking me as a friend of the Warmaster to answer the call and rise up in defense of our people. How will we answer them? How shall Clan Akaata answer this call for help from our extended family. I will tell you how we shall answer immediately. As you all know I have already issued orders for three of our fleets to start taking action within Mandalorian space showing any who would think this is their time to strike that they are wrong. Training will continue we will continue to grow and thrive for our clan is not just pirates. We are Mandalorians WE ARE WARRIORS ONE AND ALL! We have spent enough time waiting and watching as the galaxy around us descends into chaos we have spent enough time preparing it is time for action. As such our action starts by securing our borders and our homes. Everyone prepare for in the coming days we will move from this location to one where we can thrive and grow even more. One where we can be safe and secure while close to those that call for us. WE RETURN HOME! It is time that the name of Clan Akaata once more spreads throughout the galaxy. It is time that once more all enemies of the Mandalorians fear entering our space aggressively for we will be waiting to defend and protect our people. Now begin preparations if you are crew members of Haar Werda Akaan'ade or Wrath Fleet you have 2 hours before you leave to rally with the ships. I won't say that you tell your families good bye for that means you will not meet again. But tell them you go to defend our home and our people. Tell them you answer the call to protect. For above all that is what we are. WE are the Defenders of the Mandalorian Sector now. WE are its Wardens. None shall pass us for we are strong. Together we will be able to counter any foe that dare stand before us as we always have. Go forth my brothers and sisters and those of you remaining here remember that while they are away doing their jobs you all have one to do as well. Keep yourselves safe and bring honor to our name."

As he spoke each point he made wasn't answered by roars of approval no his people had another way of answering each point was answered by a stomp. Than by fist clashing with their chests as pride shown in their eyes and they all stood taller. While it couldn't be said he had a way of speaking it could be said that he cared about his family and would do anything for them. Before he turned to leave the first shout lifted from the throats of his people but not from an adult no from a child rang out the word "CABUR!" soon the shout was taken up by all present. With a smile he turned to face his people and offered them a salute speaking clearly to them. "Aliit Akaata Cabur." With that the shouts rose up taking up the call as the 6 standing with Alkor shook their heads grinning lightly and gesturing inside the woman speaking again. "Well lets go the boss will meet us back in the meeting room."

[member="Alkor Centaris"]
Alkor listened to Aedan's words and watched the response of his Clan without comment. These things spoke for themselves. He could could on Akaata to remain completely loyal to their Allit'alor, but the question that remained was not his own. Others doubted the loyalties of the self-proclaimed and rightfully notorious pirate, who had stolen thousands of meters worth of ships from the fallen Republic. What would he do given command of Mandalorian ships?

Alkor had faith that the man would come clean and rejoin the culture, but that was not his decision to make. The next steps in this venture involved bringing [member="Aedan Miles"] before [member="Yasha Cadera"] and her closest advisors to allow them to decide if Alkor's decision ought be allowed to stand.

The truth was, Alkor did not want to make these decisions alone. He was glad there would be more oversight. He wanted to assure that all Vode had a voice, and their opinions were all heard. That meant even those who disliked his chosen Defender deserved to speak their mind. Perhaps it meant they deserved it even more so.

Once they were back in the privacy of his Chambers, Alkor spoke up. "And now, you will stand before Mand'alor," he told the man, "and you will be put under the gaze of your Vode. With my decision comes the weight of great responsibility, Aedan. Steel yourself-

Yasha has a much longer memory than mine, and while her grace is great, her wrath is doubly so."
Aedan listened and chuckled shaking his head as he turned to the 6 standing alongside Alkor as he calmly reached down to his waist and withdrew his weapons holding them out to those most loyal to them as he nodded his head calmly. "Yes I had a feeling this would be coming. Well than we best not keep Mand'alor or her council waiting. We can take my flag back while the clan prepares here." He gestured for Alkor to wait a moment as he returned to his private quarters shedding one persona for that of the Mandalorian he strode back into the meeting room wearing his beskar'gam once more and took a few deep breaths finding the presence of the armor calming as he turned and nodded to Alkor leading him back towards where his Bes'uliik waited a Devastator Mk 2 heavy fighter resting alongside it engines running and hot painted to reveal that this was Aedan's personal fighter. "My Alor-class Dreadnought awaits us in orbit it will take us to where you tell me. It is time I faced the music yet again anyway old friend it has been long in coming I am prepared now more than ever."

[member="Alkor Centaris"]

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