Hey there GA members and Staff,
I've got a proposal that I'd like to throw your way. Savan is centered around the idea that Jedi aren't the peacekeepers that they should be, and Sith are just plain distasteful to Savan. Due to this mindset, Savan has decided to rig the Old Jedi Temple with enough charges to level the building entirely. For the sake of IC purposes, we'll say that he has long since planned the destruction of such an iconic landmark because of the significance of the building.
I realize that this may not be an adequate target and due to the planet being under GA control, at least I believe it was last I looked, I just wanted to know how open the Faction would be to allowing this to happen and reacting as necessary. Obviously, I am open to a manhunt for Savan Val, but ultimately I would like him to escape and launch his story as a "People's Champion" by his own thinking, when in reality he would very much be the opposite - a Terrorist.
There are tons of holes in this idea and I am open to any and all suggestions, which is why I brought it to you guys. I don't want to act without your consent and would love to incorporate any ideas to make this a fun story for all, or perhaps a prolonged story line for the GA and for Savan Val.
Thanks for your consideration, stay Golden.
I've got a proposal that I'd like to throw your way. Savan is centered around the idea that Jedi aren't the peacekeepers that they should be, and Sith are just plain distasteful to Savan. Due to this mindset, Savan has decided to rig the Old Jedi Temple with enough charges to level the building entirely. For the sake of IC purposes, we'll say that he has long since planned the destruction of such an iconic landmark because of the significance of the building.
I realize that this may not be an adequate target and due to the planet being under GA control, at least I believe it was last I looked, I just wanted to know how open the Faction would be to allowing this to happen and reacting as necessary. Obviously, I am open to a manhunt for Savan Val, but ultimately I would like him to escape and launch his story as a "People's Champion" by his own thinking, when in reality he would very much be the opposite - a Terrorist.
There are tons of holes in this idea and I am open to any and all suggestions, which is why I brought it to you guys. I don't want to act without your consent and would love to incorporate any ideas to make this a fun story for all, or perhaps a prolonged story line for the GA and for Savan Val.
Thanks for your consideration, stay Golden.