Liin Terallo
Biomolecule Innovator
The biodomes of New Cov have stood for centuries. They are what protects the Covies from hostiles that live in the jungles, as well as those beyond the planetary borders. Over time those biodomes had been attacked by raiders and pirates wanting to snatch up the planet's main resource for themselves. And that resource is Biomolecules. The Covie had learned to cultivate and harvest that resource long ago and ever since the biomolecules had been used for a variety of purposes.
The New Cov Biomolecule Company helped to pave the way in research and development; leading them to run the planet's population as it's corporate government. The Board of Directors serves at it's head; with other offices looking after the various branches of government.
Defence and Security is one of those branches. It has been a generation since any biodomes had failed to protect it's citizens. The outside jungles are deadly both in it's sentient plantlife as well as the monsters that work with them. Like a hive mind they serve the jungle and long to fully reconquer the planet for themselves.
But today of all days; they will get their chance.
A) Defend the citizens of Ilic
B) Help the monsters in their attack
C) Use the attack to your advantage
D) Do whatever comes to mind
I have done it! Due to my numerous new contracts for both NCBC and New Cov, I have finally been granted a place on the Board of Directors as a Junior Member! Now I can have a voice within the company and now I am able to be involved in the decision making for New Cov! This is such a dream come true!
Both of my parents are thrilled for me, and they each give me their praises in their own way. My Father Arch'ii has rewarded me with my own office! I no longer need to use the drawing room! And my Mother Loretta has rewarded me with a shopping spree. Now that my station has risen, I am in need of an updated wardrobe.
And that is where I find myself, sitting on a lounge chair in one of the most luxurious clothing stores that Ilic has to offer while outfits and dresses are modelled for me for my choosing. I sip my tea while I ponder over how many styles I will purchase today and which one that I will wear at my celebratory dinner.
But those thoughts are interrupted the moment that I can hear the sounds of screaming in the distance. Some are of malice while others are of terror. My heart seems to stop and my blood runs cold. I recognize the screams of the Horde and their Minions for I had been caught out in the jungle before. Yet now it sounds as though they are inside!
The sirens then begin to wail, warning the citizens to seek shelter, fight or flee. Each option is just as dangerous as the next. All that I can think of though is getting to my apartment.
Tag: Junko Ike Sylas Taff Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Zel Sharratt Under Foot Hex Daiya Ria the Cat Squeeb Cartri Keswoll SKIP