Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Chapter 1: The Gogi


Chapter 1: The Gogi

Strider Garon Strider Garon
Allies: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Kreg Jare Kreg Jare

Today marked the thirty-fourth year of freedom from Sith rule on the planet of Mandalore. Though as Reyorr Saxon watched the fields of trinitite glass pass beneath them he wondered if his homeworld would ever truly recover. He hadn't even been of fighting age when the latest in a long history of civil wars had devastated their planet last. But Manda'yaim had seen civil war before and the Mandalorians had long since learned not to use nuclear fire on their own home. Geography had been shifted in that war and there was a long, long winter, but friends of the Mandalorians then had come to their aid, helped clean up the world. But the Mandalorian Empire had burned many of those bridges, leaving the Mandalorians with few friends.

Until the Empire.

Reyorr looked down at his stark white crushgaunts, his stormtrooper white beskar'gam and smiled. The Empire might not have planet-saving, terraforming technology, but they made Mandalore strong again. But he knew they could be stronger, and with today's events he would be one step closer to achieving that goal. He turned, his cape fluttering from the sudden movement, and walked over to the makeshift cell they had created for a single individual. He was an old man, and though he reeked of ne'tra gal, Reyorr thought the man probably hadn't actually been drinking when the Super Commandos snatched him out of his solitary hovel. Reyorr reached up with both hands and clicked the release on his helmet. It hissed, the seal broken, and fresh air rushed in, filling his senses.

Reyorr was no spring flower, but the man he looked at now was old. Older than bones. Reyorr smiled. The transport rumbled.

"Su cuy'gar, Strider Garon."



The green glass that had once been a major part of the white deserts of Sundari rumbled beneath her boots as the repulsortrain approached. Where that had once been dunes as tall as buildings now there was mostly flat trinitite allowing for imperial repulsortrain transports to ferry goods, people, and prisoners across vast distances between the domed cities of the once desert region. The portions of the white desert that remained were so small now that it was easy to clear a path for the trains. It was sickening, but she had grown comfortable with the idea of these things and she envisioned them becoming important in a free Manda'yaim. They would be one more thing detractors used against the growing rebellion when they began in earnest.

But those were problems for another day. Another year. Right now she had to focus on getting Strider Garon off the next train. They had gone over the plan back in Keldabe. It had taken weeks of planning and days of travel and even then she didn't know if this would be worth revealing themselves.

"Here they come," she muttered to her compatriots. She revved her swoop bike, a cobbled-together mess of military speeder and pod racer. The rumble became impossible to ignore, the train billowing green sparkling dust as it sped over the glass flats. Almost there.


Janik Hyde

Seated upon the Mobquet Flare-XT swoop bike, Janik Hyde peered through his binos as the bike sat idle nearby Raona Cadera Raona Cadera 's own. Keeping silent for the time being, he watched as the repulsortrain moved closer into their line of sight, and path for the ambush. His new found allies were not familiar to him, yet the cause was something they all shared. Janik was mostly an outsider to these Mandalorians, seeking to prove himself through the merit of courage and honour, to be recognized as one of the people. A Mandalorian, full and true.

At a young age, Janik Hyde had been adopted into the way by Leys Ilian, a Mandalorian Warrior who had seen countless conflicts over the ages and had fought for the Mandalorian Homeworld. She had told Janik stories as they had lived and worked alongside each other, taking him on his pilgrimage and showing him what it meant to be a member of the Mandalorian Culture. Her death however was sudden, and cut short their plans for the future. Janik had avenged her loss, but his future had seemed uncertain for she had guided him for so long.

"It's fortified. How do you wanna take it?" Janik finally spoke, lowering the binos and turning to look to his right where Roana Cadera started to rev up her Swoop Bike. Janik returned the binos to his bandolier before reaching forward for the clutch and throttle, soon readying his bike for the coming run.


"We could ask real nice."

Korso's helm distorted his rasping voice. Grisly trophies adorned beskar which had lost much of its luster to constant wear. Engine thrumming beneath him, the old Skyblade-330 he rode had also seen better days. Some of the raiders he accompanied were new to their covert while others like Cadera had never left. Secrecy was their strength for the Empire would never tolerate dreams of true independence.

"Alamites," he warned the others with a gesture, "Train must have spooked them."

A few kilometers from their vantage silhouettes were just barely visible crawling from dark caves. Simple creatures who eked out a living in the wasteland, they would return soon and in greater numbers. Rook slammed a fresh power cell into his WESTAR blaster. After today there would be no more hiding like mutants.
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Her heart pounded inside her chest. She felt sweat gathering on her skin. The Chissalorian knew that after today, there would be no turning back. No more mere planning. No more simply having conversations about it. Today was the day she would take action. Today was the day she rose as a real Mandalorian. Today was the day she would become an outlaw in the Empire she grew up in...

Why did she feel so much fear inside? The day she fought alongside her people was what she had dreamed of for so long. Why did she feel this nagging feeling inside? Beneath her buy'ce, she gritted her teeth.

I already made my choice! Let's go!

Awaiting the order to pounce, Mevia was waiting at the front of the group. Her nearsighted had heavily effected how she trained and fought. Even if she was not a good shooter, she trained furiously in physical fitness, melee weaponry, and unarmed combat. She had grown into an absolute unit, and she was taking on the brutal role of the front line warrior and blaster bolt sponge. Her beskar'gam had been built for it as much as she was. She was confident in her abilities. Why did she feel so nervous today? Standing closer to the rumbling train than anyone else, she lined the pathway with land mines capable of derailing the train. She just so happened to love explosives as well. She took a couple steps back afterwards. The train was now coming into view. Her heart pounded against her ribcage like a battle drum. The ground vibrated. Sand floated around as the Chiss steeled herself. No going back. No going back. No going back. She did not want to go back. She held the detonator in her hand. But her hand was shaking.

Mevia gritted her teeth, placing her hand over her beskad, I pray you will follow me, mother, father, sister. You will see, I'm doing this for you as well.

She looked to Raona, awaiting the order to press the button.

Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Janik Hyde Korso Rook Korso Rook


Tag: Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Janik Hyde Korso Rook Korso Rook Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla

On her speeder bike Minerva watched in silent and determined anticipation. She had no clan or house to pledge loyalty to. Yet when word came to her about overthrowing Mandalore's Imperial occupation she accepted the invitation, wanting their ancestral home to be free and fully independent. The Alliance military was more than willing to let her go on this crusade to mess with the Imperials and hopefully provide intel about the latter. Whatever the reasons Minerva took advantage of the opportunity and came.

For a moment she glanced around at the others. They're strangers to her yet vod as well. Today they will fight together for their people’s future. Subsequently she suppressed a sigh.

If only we were fighting Imperial outsiders and not our own kin. Some have become dar'manda but others…they're still warriors however, misguided. Even so we must free Mandalore.

Determination renewed Minerva squeezed the bike's controls. When the fight begins she will do her part.
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"Alamites," he warned the others with a gesture, "Train must have spooked them."

Raona flicked her range finder down and looked towards the distance in the direction Korso had gestured. He was right. On the ridge stood several of the multi-eyed monsters that had once lived in the white sands and about the oases. How had he seen them? The man was strange. One of the Glass Sailors who sailed from underground oasis to underground oasis. A Mandalorian of one of the Old Creeds. But say what you would about the cultists, they knew this new, harsh landscape better than any other. She was surprised he'd noticed them from this far away.

"I'll take mutants over a Graug war party any day," she grumbled and looked to the others.

"You all know the plan," she said, her voice slightly garbled as the train neared. They were just barely out of reach of the train's com jammers but it was already affecting her tech. "The train isn't beskar. We wait for the ion mines to blow then we-" It happened all at once. The train blacked out coms and her voice cut out. At the same time in the distance, there was a dull thud and a sound like crackling lightning. The ion mines. She signaled to the others wither her hand and shouted through her helmet.

"FOR MANDALORE!" She didn't wait for the others. She sped off, sending green glass chips into the air in her swoop's wake.



Chapter 1: The Gogi

Strider Garon Strider Garon
Allies: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Kreg Jare Kreg Jare

He didn't have much time with his silent prisoner before the transport shuddered. He stumbled, dropping his helmet to the floor, the beskar cracking against the durasteel with a loud twang. Reyorr cursed, flailing about to regain his balance.

"I'll be back for you old man," he snarled, snatching his helmet from the floor and fitting it back over top his head. His HUD was disabled, leaving him with a primitive view into the world. Ion mines? Who would dare attack an Imperial convoy? The gruag maybe? He cursed. The bio weapon used to kill the monstrosities and wipe their scourge from the planet had mostly worked. But like all things biological, life finds a way. The Graug that remained on Mandalore were a constant headache to outlying villages and towns. He'd heard some old cities were nearly overrun with them, a constant war between them and the Vong who dared leave their wastes from beyond The Wall destroying lives. Those outliers didn't matter to him though. There were a scarce few true cities left on Mandalore now, with Sundari and its outlying surviving Green Homes making up the bulk of the Imperial counted population.

"What the hell was that?" Reyorr shouted once he got his helmet com working again.

"Must be some sort of electromagnetic disturbance sir," the Imperial train conductor replied, "It happens sometimes on the glass flats and-"

"That was no natural disturbance, Lieutenant." No. He knew warfare. They were under attack. But by who he'd yet to find out. "Prepare the Super Commandos, we will deal with this menace." He didn't wait for a reply. He grabbed a jetpack off the armor rack as he entered a new cabin and turned to face the door. He waited a moment, confused why the automatic door refused to open, then cursed remembering the train was inoperable. He punched through the transparisteel window and gripped the sides with his crushgaunts, grunting as he pulled the door aside, hot air flooding the cabin. What was that sound? Swoops?

Location: Prisoner Cell aboard repulsor train
Enemies: Imperial lap dogs, Trask Skirata Trask Skirata , Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira , Kreg Jare Kreg Jare
Allies: unknown

The transport violently shuddered forcing the stuncuffed elderly mando to smash and bounce against his current cell walls. It took the old hound a moment to straighten himself with in the tight quarters, just in time to see his new jailer glancing upon him through the small view port. The imperial white beskar clad warrior uttered his promise of return only to be met with a face as emotionless and silent as stone. Once the commando dissipated from few was only when Strider spat blood onto the floor.

Strider did not have a helmet or armor to protect and cushion his body from the battering her took bashing against the cell walls, let alone his hands were cuffed behind his back. Only thing that had saved him from the pain was the toilet bowl brewed ne'tra gal he had saturating in his system. Garon was wearing standard issue inmate orange jumpsuit and flimsy white shoes. An outfit he has worn for all is incarceration over the past two decades and a bit, a guest of a highly classified black-site. Strider never got a trial, nor has he ever officially been informed on why he was being held. The best he could come up with is that he was marked as a potential threat. He figured death by execution or assassination would of just made him a martyr of sorts so it was best to hold him indefinitatly and let time fade his existence.

Just as he did not know exactly why he has been imprisoned these many years, he had no idea why he was being transported. One thing he was sure of was that this movement and current excitement were no coincidence. Only issue was, the old man was in no position to be of any help. The best he could do was sit tight and let what ever was going to happen play out one way or the other.
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Janik Hyde

The mercenary drove forward hard against the swoop thrusters, kicking the bike into full acceleration and sending a cloud of sand up in his wake, Janik Hyde accompanying the rest of their crew of hardened and battle-ready Mandalorians in the first phase of their assault against the repulsor-train. Reaching down to his left side while the swoop bike carried him at speed towards their target, Janik drew his blaster pistol from the holster strapped around his hip while one of his compatriots shouted 'For Mandalore!'.

Hyde had never been to their homeworld before, born an outsider and adopted into the way, it was a privilege to be part of the fight for their independence from the Empire, today. With that feeling of pride and honour behind him, the mercenary prepared himself to board the train. Taking his boots off of the bike's pedals, Janik maneuvered himself into a crouched position atop the seat while maintaining the bike's velocity directly toward the target. It wasn't until the last few seconds before he made the jump, activating his jetpack and ascending into the air just before the swoop bike slammed into the side of one of the carriages and exploded.

The explosion ruptured the durasteel hull of the repulsor-train, blowing open a gaping hole in the side and throwing some of it's occupants aside. As smoke bellowed from the thrusters of his jetpack, Janik guided himself down atop the train's rooftop and began to search for an entrance inside.


Swoop engines roared in Rook's ears drowning out his own battle cries. Old beskar salvaged from worthy opponents shrugged off incoming fire but the nomad still broke formation to protect his bike. Looping around the crashing train, Korso picked off a few sentinels with his WESTAR before leaping on board. It pained him to waste even that quick burst of precious rocket fuel.

A few blasts into his back sent Rook lurching before he turned and activated the flamethrower on his gauntlet setting part of the train as well as several more guards up in flames. Beskar armor strode confidently through the conflagration searching for access deeper in. A grappling line emerged from smoke knocking Korso's WESTAR out of his hand.


Drawing a vibroknife and activating his vambrace's personal combat shield, Korso charged the Imperial super commando.
It’s Nothing Personal


Mandalore | Hover Train
Trask Skirata Trask Skirata , Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

The man braced himself with a stiff hand against the transport's wall. It shook once more, the attackers not letting up on their assault. This was not just another run in with the local fauna. No, they were after the prisoner. Kreg hadn't traveled all this way back to Mandalore just to lose to some raiders. He returned to bring back honor to his name and his clan's. The age of the Imperial Mandalorian was rising once again, and Clan Jare was not going to be left behind.

Reaching for the nearby storage rack, the man grabbed his hanging jetpack. Lifting it over his head, the listened for the magnetic seal to lock before he raced after the other Mandalorians onboard. The Alor'ad was already up ahead, making his way out of the transport. There was very little intel on who their attackers were, but Kreg assumed they wore beskar, just as they did. Slamming his elbow against one of the windows, the man made a makeshift exit. The wind quickly rushed inside, chilling the exposed parts of his armor.

Aiming his left arm towards the hull, the man fired off a grappling hook, penetrating the exterior. Once secured, Kreg hook the remaining rope to his belt. Giving it a quick tug, he confirmed that he was latch on. Now the fun could begin. Unholstering his duel blaster pistols, the man raised them in unison towards the nearest speederbike. Squeezing the trigger, a volley of shots were released from the barrels. The red beams of energy all started to sail towards the attacking Mandalorians.

So this is what it had come to. Beskar vs. Beskar. Brother vs. Brother.

"Mandalorians?" Reyorr cursed. Why were his own people attacking? He'd heard rumors of growing descent among the clans but this? "Kill them! Leave no trace!" The Empire could not hear of this. He activated his jetpack and launched himself into the sky, wind tearing at his cloak. There weren't that many of them. A dozen maybe? He scanned the oncoming warriors and noticed some of them were the barbarians from beneath the glass. Sickening. They abandoned the safety of cities like Sundari to play savage.

A supercomando flew past him, their white beskar alloy armor catching a bolt in the shoulder and sending him screaming to the ground. Luckily he was not so unlucky as to have to wear that imperial abomination. Beskar was strongest when it was true. The plastoid beskar mixture was lighter but far less durable.

He landed on the glass with a crack. His armor sent power to his crushgaunts and he reached out, catching one of the riders by the chest. The swoop was sent up and over the train, exploding on the other side. The Mandalorian let out a gurgle as his caved-in chest punctured lungs and filled them with blood.

<For Mandalore> The man choked out in Mando'a. Reyorr sneered behind his helm. THIS was for Mandalore. Their little games did nothing but put the fate of their world into question. Supercomandos in the air, a squad of stormtroopers flooded from one of the side doors, blasters firing uselessly at the likely beskar clad warriors.



No turning back!

The explosion and fighting exploded in mere moments, and without a clear plan from the team's leader. Mevia knew if no plans, but she did know one thing... attack.

So attack she did. She pulled twin beskads from their sheathes and charged. Her lifelong nearsightedness had massively impacted her training. While she could use her H.U.D.'s targeting system to aim better with her beskar'gam's arsenal, she did not want to rely completely on technology for her ability to fight. She primarily was trained in melee combat, armed and unarmed. She was very much skilled with the Mandalorian sword. And so, she charged towards the wreckage of the ship. Two Stormtrooper guards saw her approaching and opened fire, only for their blaster shots to be deflected by the armor. She charged up to them and swung her beskads at the exposed bodygloves. They fell, blood splattering onto Mandalore's sandy ground.

She looked up as some supercommandos took to the skies. The young Mandalorian aimed with her HUD at a beskar clad warrior and shot one of the three rockets on her jetpack. It was thanks to her HUD that she was able to land a hit, she could never have made the shot with her eyesight.

Another blaster shot slammed into her chest. She staggered, but was fine as she saw another group of guards flooding towards her. She raised her blades and charged towards them. She opened fire with her knee's whistling birds as she got close, catching them off guard as she started her slaughter with her twin blades.

The rush of battle was numbing. She felt no weight as she took these lives. In fact, it made the Chiss feel... powerful. Not that she wouldn't regret taking Mandalorian lives later on, but she was completely numb taking out these bucket heads. The adrenaline coursed through her veins as she finished off the final guard. There was no turning back. And now that the line has been crossed, her nervousness had dissipated. - At least, during the battle it had. Who knew how she would feel afterwards? But the battle was the only thing on her mind.

She saw more stormtroopers guarding the train and once again charged. <"For Mandalore! For freedom!">

Trask Skirata Trask Skirata Kreg Jare Kreg Jare Korso Rook Korso Rook Janik Hyde Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad Strider Garon Strider Garon



Allied Tag: Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Korso Rook Korso Rook Janik Hyde Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla Strider Garon Strider Garon

Enemy Tag: Trask Skirata Trask Skirata Kreg Jare Kreg Jare Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

As soon as a swarm of defenders flew out of the transport Minerva glared. She swerved a hard left, avoiding a missile. Not hesitating for a second the warrior let go of the speeder and lifted off the ground via jetpack. Drawing her pistols she flew around in the sky, exchanging blaster bolts with two Imperial supercommandos. Her earlier reluctance to fight fellow Mandalorians disappeared at the sight of the stormtrooper design on their armor.

"Dar'manda!" Minerva shouted but was only answered with more hostile fire.

It didn't matter if they heard her or not she was going to make them pay. But her own shots missed or bounced off their armors. One went right and the other went high, trying to keep her attention divided. Dodging three bolts while doing a roll, Minerva suddenly had an idea and ascended further up to the air allowing her opponents to pursue. She did everything to evade the supercommandos' that we're getting more accurate with each passing moment.

Then at the last moment she made a swift reserve, letting her surprised foes pass her. Minerva opened fire on the Imperial at the right flank, blasting his jetpack. It exploded with its user falling back down. The remaining one maneuvered out of the line of fire before turning around to avenge his comrade but Minerva then unleashed two whistling birds from her right boot. First one struck him in the shoulder then the next pierced through his T-visor and he collapsed.

They're traitors to our culture but they still fight like us. Best not to underestimate them again.

Minerva begrudgingly admitted before flying back toward the transport as it continued to be assaulted.


"The train! Get to the Train! We have to get Strider out!" She shouted as loud as she could, but the Imperial train was still garbling coms. Her voice came out a static mess, but it was clear where she was headed. She cursed seeing Reyorr, Governor of Sundari among the fighters. She'd thought the man too much a coward to come out and fight. Even she could be wrong about her enemies though. Blaster bolts sent chips of green glass into her helmet. They plinked off her beskar harmlessly though.

"Can anyone hear me? The train!"


Incoming blasts splashed off Korso's shield gauntlet. He smashed aside the supercommando's blaster and his vibroknife scraped against Imperial beskar in a shower of sparks. Already driven back by this blow, Rook smashed his shield into the dishonored's helm. A desperate kick connected with his armor and gave the Empire's lackey just enough time to draw a blade.

With a feral snarl the mandalorian survivalist bashed his enemy's vibroweapon aside and plunged his own knife into a gap between beskar plates. Lifeblood covered his fist still clenched around the pommel. Korso granted the mercy of a warrior's death with ritual flourish. Whatever dark hell awaited these Imperials for breaking the Creed, they fought like demons and deserved as much.

"Can anyone hear me? The train!"

"Working on it."

Rook tilted his head forward and fired a rocket from his jetpack into the train. There was no more time to look for a subtle way to breach the Empire's outer defenses. Not with supercommandos on board. Instead, he chose to risk injuring the Imperial prisoner by creating his own. Vibroknife still in hand he leapt through a smoking hole in the crash.

"For Mandalore!"
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Janik Hyde

The heavy clamber of the mercenary's armoured boots thudded against the roof of the Repulsor Train as Janik Hyde ran from the head of the land vessel, firing off sporadic shots back at the Imperial Supercommando's as they utilized their jetpacks in order to try and pin him down, to keep the warrior from getting closer to where Strider Garon Strider Garon was being kept. Bolts of plasma ricocheted off of the train around him as well as his beskar'gam itself, forcing the Mandalorian to stumble and falter several times in his bid for their objective.

Before he could make any significant headway, however, one of the super commandos landed in front of him, striking out with a hard right hook of their free arm whilst preparing to unleash a volley of fire from their wrist-mounted flamethrower. The commando's fist slammed against Janik's helm and sent him lurching backwards, struggling to maintain his standing. As the Imperial reached out with the flame jets, Janik had just managed to catch a glimpse of the warrior's intentions and out of desperation to get himself clear, threw himself off of the roof of the train, his jetpack firing up to avoid slamming directly into the ground below and he instead maneuvered around to fire his DH-23 blaster back in retaliation.

Allies: Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Korso Rook Korso Rook | Minerva Fhirdiad Minerva Fhirdiad | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla | Strider Garon Strider Garon .
Enemies: Trask Skirata Trask Skirata | Kreg Jare Kreg Jare | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira .

The rebels were relentless, but thankfully, disorganized rabble. What were they after anyway? How did they know this train would be here at this time at this place? It must be random...Right? He cocked his head to the side as he saw a few of them begin to enter the train and it dawned on him.

"They're after the prisoner! Protect Strider Garon at all costs!"



The ceiling panel exploded, rocketing down into the train, the durasteel clanging to the deck below. Her ears rang from the explosion but she didn't care. They were running out of time. Just as she was about to jump into the hole she'd cut and blew the grav train shuddered. For a moment the com disturbance was lifted as the train rebooted.

"The train's about to move! Start clearing out!" She looked into the hole. "I have visual on Garon!" She jumped down landing with a thud. She didn't waste any time exchanging pleasantries with the old Mandalorian. She didn't know him outside of the stories the older Mandalorians told around the plasma hearths. She pulled a data spike from her belt, the Imperial cog laser etched into its side. It had cost her an arm and a leg to get this.

"Time to go Old Man," She muttered, slamming the spike into the computer console. It beeped a few times and the ray shielding disengaged, removing the red glow from the cellblock. She stepped into the cell, the pungent smell of old man washing over her. "Luminous stars above," she gasped. But she couldn't let a little stink get to her. She reached out a gauntleted hand.

"Let's go, train's moving soon!" Just then the grav train shuddered and lurched as it began to chug toward Sundari.


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