Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Chapter One - The Departure


The steel auto-door hissed shut behind, slower than usual -- a malfunction, or the trick of an anxious mind?

Footsteps, hurried and determined, followed soon after. With time, they became drowned out by a rising crescendo of unnatural noise; the hustle and bustle of Nar Shaddaa's upper levels. Neon advertisements pierced the shallow haze of this place and gave the gloom a sickly sweet illumination. Carelessly tossed rubbish and unknown stains imparted the air with a whiff of decay and unease. This place was a thinly veiled cesspool.

The whole planet was.

Still, it was home to many. The man behind the hurried footsteps, for one.

Jagen looked over his shoulder as he finally reached what counted for daylight. Random stairs and elevators away from the comfort and safety of 'home', the man had reached some semblance of 'surface'.

"Just need a ride," he declared, more to himself than anyone else, as he looked back over the busy boulevard.

(Hopefully this will be a successful story thread for my character as he makes his way off Nar Shaddaa. Feel free to join and help (or impede!))

Ashla Novakin

Asha pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders and the staff clacked against the surface of the street. She detested Nar Shadaa. It was so different from her own world of Jedha. While the New Holy City was crowded and busy, it had its own character. And the entire population of Jedha could practically fit in a single of these towers. The sound of her staff echoed through the narrow street, just ducking aside from a group of rough-looking passerby.

She had a pouch of her carved talismans at her side but wasn't trying to sell them. Not here. It was a good place to get robbed or assaulted in case anyone thought there was a chance they could make more from them that way. The entire place's Tyia was out of sync. There was not even a sense of the proper harmony needed for a healthy society. Everything was chaos and disjointed. Even the local people she passed gave her harsh and wary looks before turning their eyes away.

Everyone seemed just as paranoid as the rest and as quick to stick a blade in her back if she wasn't careful. She needed to get the money to find a way off the planet. Somewhere back to a civilized world where people lived peaceful, harmonious lives.
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Jagen Danner Jagen Danner
Ashla Novakin

The Maverick Jester had seen better days.

The normally well-kept NovaSword fighter, apart from its pristine, blood-like paint, sported a massive hole where, prior to landing on Nar Shaddaa, the vents along the front of the ship's right wing had once been. Certainly, the ship was still flyable, but the lanky teen Bothan who proudly (though only partially) owned the ship had still been as pissed as a fat, ugly Acklay during mating season upon touching down onto a low-pay landing pad on the city's mid-level. Riskyr (the Bothan in question) had only been all the more enraged for this event to occur during one of the few excursions when she didn't have her personal droid and guardian for protection. However, it was a simple matter to lay low, even on Nar Shaddaa, if one knew where to go.

The Bothan had rather shyly questioned the pale, aged Blood Carver with the cybernetic leg (on her left side) about the nature of the meteoroid collision on her ship. The lankier elder female, voice raspy and also aided by an unseen prosthesis, had given the ill-humored storyteller her sentence: Forty-eight standard hours, give or take a few. Three cycles at the most.

Riskyr had thanked the pale, dour-looking, if professional older woman and had decided to begin her foray into the cesspool that was the plantwide city in question. Bored and still frustrated, if only slightly, the tan-furred Bothan didn't appear out of place among the eclectic styles of the diverse, seedy-looking poor of this hemorrhoid of a world: a thick, well-kept and oiled black Nerf leather jacket, akin to those worn by a gunslinger or a smuggler in a holovid, was draped perfectly over her petite, almost boyish frame, open over her thin body and despite the unseasonably cold winter cycle; beneath that, a form-fitting ocean-green shirt hugged her form, still enabling the teen to be identified as female, even despite her tomboyish style and scrawny, nigh-masculine proportions. A baggy, loose-fitting, hole-strewn pair of black Aqualish breeches, stitched with silver crosses along the hem of the garment, along the girl's hips, further kept her modesty intact and lastly, a worn, nigh out-of-place pair of laceless, dull brown Chandrilan work boots kept her feet from the worst of the cold and eclectically completed her outfit.

Riskyr had decided to engage in one of her favorite pastimes, both on and beyond her home of Chandrila: people-watching while philosophizing. Producing a cigarra (in-universe cigarette) from a pack in her front pocket, the Bothan flicked the switch on the phrik Neimoidian lighter her other hand produced from a pocket inside her jacket. Leaning back against the outer duracrete wall of what might have been a rather seedy-looking hotel (she had no desire to go in and confirm this) just beyond her landing pad, the Bothan started as a distraught, stressed human, talking to himself, emerged from the front door of the building she was nestled against.

Slipping her cigarra between her thin, tan-furred lips and speaking out of the opposite side of her mouth, a stray lock of her short, fiery-red hair fell over one turquoise eye as the Bothan leaned forward. "I'm sorry, are you talking to me or yourself, Sir?" her Chandrilan-accented voice soft, though nonetheless marred with a cautious undertone. The Bothan, no stranger to caution on some worlds, pulled back the hem of her coat, revealing the outline of her blaster, her odd, gray-furred right hand coming to rest on the butt cautiously. It never hurt to be careful, especially on Nar Shaddaa. Grasping her cigarra with two fingers of her other hand, the Bothan removed the Coffin Nail, then exhaled the tabac smoke through her triangular nose...

(My apologies if that one is too long. x.x)
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Aboard the Flagship, "Cathay Rahtai"

Xzaien had just finished wrapping up above Corellia with a particular Verpine friend of hers as well as a mysterious Dark-Lord. She stood upon the bridge of the Cathay Rahtai staring into the deep blue swirling obyss that was Hyperspace. Of course, everyone knew that peering into the swirling mass of hyperspace could be detrimental to the mind yet the Cathar did so. Simply nodding along to the ship's filtration fans running full blast. Around her stood various uniformed officers typing away at their command consoles. Soon, as the ship finally blasted out of hyperspace did Xzaien finally gaze upon the world-wide cesspool that was Nar Shaddaa. She had come here before, well. Nearly ten millennia prior because of a very similar mission. Xzaien had located a particular individual that she had great interest in, not because she wanted to kill him. But she wanted to recruit him or at least, find allies.

Outside of the Cathay Rahtai, it was flanked by two Old Republic Blockade Runners, old but not obsolete and still bearing the Old Republic's emblems on their flanks. It was a modest escort for the Interdictor Class Battlecruiser that was the Cathay Rahtai, but one could never be too safe when venturing into Hutt Space. But, it was firepower enough to bring a gasp or two from any sort of pirate in a tiny light freighter. Of course, the Cathay Rahtai was old but its presence and aura was one that could be literally breathed in as it descended onto the surface of Nar Shaddaa. Its thrusters kicking up loads of city-wide trash as it descended into one of the older capitol ship docking ports while her escorts accompanied close behind.


Catharian Space Marine

The ship had landed all but uneventfully, Xzaien only came here because of the lead she had found because of her followers. But, it could never be too safe. She departed the Cathay Rahtai with a small contingent of Catharian Space Marines. Eight to be exact, and one tall man clad in a dark purple robe. Xzaien was quick to pay the landing tax, of course she was here as both a diplomat and a tourist. She and her men made their way into the very bowels of Nar Shaddaa. She walked and walked, with few of the passerby citizens casting odd glances or completely avoiding her gaze all together. Xzaien was clad head to toe in blood red robes, with the only identification being sort of insignia. That being the Catharian Emblem embossed onto her large pouldrons. Her helmet was off, thus revealing her face. A Cathar of course, but not of the ones that exist today. Instead of being far more mammalian, Xzaien appeared to be close to human in her looks. A face of angular features and a content expression was all that was painted on her face. Her hair was nearly white in coloration and tied up into a very neat bun, but her white face fur, and blood red eyes had this... unsettling feeling to them. Of course many of the passerby's had not even bothered to look nor even care, but those who did, and those well versed in historic literature knew that she was a Dark-Sider. More specifically, a Ancient Sith judging by the robes. This illicted a response by these passerby's with them either glacing or averting their gaze altogether or even nodding in respect. She was flanked by her hulking men in similarly colored blood red armor, The Space Marines all stood at least a head and shoulders taller than Xzaien, and her purple cloaked friend at least a head taller. Xzaien appeared unassuming and perhaps an easy picking for the muggers of Nar Shadda, but her contingent of Red Armored Supersoldiers did /wonders/ for deterrence. The group slowly walked past where a particular Bothan hid looking out the window. Xzaien was heading toward the boulevard which stood in the middle of the street. As the people parted around Xzaien and her followers, she spotted a human man stopping the top of some stairs and promptly made eye contact. That was her man. She approached, holding this friendly and cordial smile on her face. Clearly, she was here to talk and not to kill.

Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard Ashla Novakin Jagen Danner Jagen Danner

( ^w^ )
A Zabrak caught Jagen's eye as his gaze returned to the boulevard. Not because of the horns or the elegant tattoos, no -- she was obviously from offworld. The ghost of a sympathetic look flicked across his face for but a moment as he was startled by a soft, foreign, voice to his side.

Eyes flicked sideward to meet the Bothan's own.

He watched as she exhaled smoke; watched the cigarra clutched in her fingertips for a longing moment. He shook his head and looked over his shoulder once more.

"No," his voice was low.

"Just myself... Say, do --"

A foreign clanking drew his attention away from the Bothan. Jagen turned to face a squad of hulking, well-armoured, individuals escorting a cat-like woman. More offworlders. First, his eyebrow arched. It became clear that they were approaching him.

Then, he squinted.

Jagen's calloused hand fell to rest on the handle of a holstered blaster as his eyes peered over each individual before him. Despite his grip on the weapon, his posture was defensive -- almost as if the man was preparing to run at any moment.

Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard Ashla Novakin Xzaien Xzaien

Vant Dehringer

This could get interesting... he thought to himself as he watched the seemingly random collection of characters amass on the street below.

Dehringer's feet lazily dangled off the rooftop above all the commotion, with one hand holding his grappling hook and the other a small knife... not for stabbing mind you... just for cutting valuable things loose easily. He had found having a knife was very handy for pickpocketing foreigners. But he was not interested in getting into hot water with so many people around. It was time to just watch from a distance and maybe enjoy the show. Who knows, maybe one of them would eventually peel off to make a good target... or maybe a fight would break out and he would get a chance to loot a corpse. Dehringer shrugged to himself and watched on with mild curiosity.

Ivan Stadd

Location : Nar Shaddaa
Objective : Recruit Jagen Danner Jagen Danner to the DIA
Tags : Vant Dehringer , Xzaien Xzaien Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard Ashla Novakin

On board of the Enforcer's Bridge , James Cerensp watched as his Ship jumped out of hyperspace in orbit of Nar Shaddaa , encountering a Small Catharian Fleet in orbit of the Planet. A nuisance he thought. Recently the DIA had been seeking new allies for it's plans within the Core Worlds , and DIA Agents on Nar Shaddaa had located 2 people who could be useful for the Directorate. However there was a problem. DIA Agents had also reported that the Catherian Hegemony had a similar interest in these people and already they were in advance. As he watched the Catharian Lead Ship land on the Planet , James ordered the Captain of the Enforcer , his close friend Josiah Turner to keep the ship in orbit and to prepare all Tie Phantom and Tie Avenger Squadrons just in case they got in a hostile encounter.

James Cerensp then met with his Squad of Directorate Supercommandos and boarding a simple modified Star Commuter 2000 Shuttle in which were utilized by the DIA for their operations. Soon James and his men would leave the Enforcer on board of their shuttle and land near the Catharian Warship. As their shuttle landed , James and his men stepped out meeting with a DIA Agent who had informed them of the presence of their targets and the Catharian. Unfortunally for James , the Catharians one step ahead had already reached the target meaning that James would have to take a different approach.

With 10 Supercommandos at his disposal , James and his men moved towards the scene of the confrontation activating their cloaking devices and reday to strike if needed. Only James remained without his cloaking device as to give the impression that he was alone. Soon blending in with a group of bystanders James and his Cloaked Supercommandos awaited the Catharian's next move. The DIA was in need of new recruits for it's Operations and would ensure that no one would interfere with their plans. Taking a Smoke Grenade with his right hand and a Flash Grenade with the other James awaited what would happen next ready to strike at any moment.
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Jagen Danner Jagen Danner Vant Dehringer Xzaien Xzaien Ashla Novakin James Cerensp

Riskyr was somewhat at a loss for what to do, especially being a natural introvert. In the space of several seconds, three complete strangers (one with guards) had surrounded her on all sides. Well, two of them (plus guards); the Zabrak was still a few meters off, to her left. Using her free hand to brush the stray lock of her ever-frazzled red hair away from her eye, the lithe female eased her gray right hand off the butt of her blaster pistol - though she still kept her thin digits raised over the weapon, hoping that the motion would convince the unkempt, skittish-looking human to not go for his own weapon in response. There need not be unnecessary bloodshed, after all. Using two fingers on either hand to adjust the hem of her breeches, the lithe female then clenched her cigarra between her thin lips, scratching through the thin fur of her Bothan-goatee idly, the ember on the tip of her tabac stick glowing with the same inner fire in the eyes of the shrimpy, unusual-looking Cathar just before the two of them... "Look, I don't-"

The Cathar, though...

Riskyr had started to tell the possible spice addict looking for his next fix that she meant him no harm, but, however, the robes of the newcomer, flanked on either side by those black-armored guards caught the teen's eye. "By Chandrila..."

The Bothan's lips slipped open, causing her cigarra to slip down, threatening to fall out of her mouth for a second, before the girl regained her composure and, absent-mindedly, craned her head closer to the Cathar woman and her troopers, heedless of the possible danger, at the moment. That armor... Those robes... Her thoughts were filled with apprehension, fascination and not without the slightest hints of a growing, nauseating fear. This fear appeared briefly in the Bothan's eyes: her pupils dilated, a tremor shook her shoulders and caused the tan fur along her upper arms and along the back of her neck to raise up instinctively. However, this effect was also quickly pushed aside in favor of her usual cautious approach.

This feat, however, would all be for naught if this woman was, indeed, a Darksider in any capacity. Memories of her (adopted) tender human Father's old tales of the abilities of the Jedi he had fought alongside during the Clone Wars came to her mind, of how those more in-tune with the gods that were the Force's light and dark sides could read the emotional states in those around them. Attempting to rein in her nervousness was, at this point, merely done out of habit rather then out of any hopes of success in tricking this potential Force-user.

It was with an almost adorable, left-sided smile (her slightly yellow teeth rendered her just shy of Perfectly Charming - teen brushing habits) that the boyishly-thin Bothan retrieved the pack of cigarras from her pocket, the ember of her own lit Coffin Nail glowing before her muzzle as Riskyr leaned her head towards the still nervous-looking human, her ever-analytical mind still quite fixated on the armor of those troopers, in particular. Using her thumb to flick open the pack of tabac cylinders, the Bothan's turquoise eyes met with the human's nervous-looking ones. "Want one?..." She offered him a sweet, friendly smile, her Chandrilan-accented voice dropping to a whisper as her muzzle came within an inch of the male's ear. "You're gonna need it sooner then you think - I've got a bad feeling about this..."
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Abaar was able to see the intriguing scene by luck, after attempting to bargain with a merchant about a very special looking crystal. One blue in tint, attached to a necklace. Only Abaar truly knew it wasn't just some gem for jewelry, but he failed to peacefully bargain for it. And with the seeming popularity of the area, a hostile taking wouldn't be the wisest move.

He saw the guarded female begin to approach two other figures upon exiting the shop. Normally Abaar wouldn't care for other peoples' work, but this wasn't just a normal nuisance. Those guards looked incredibly dangerous. And the possibly of attempting to pass them, in his current gear, could warrant unwanted suspicion. He'd quickly stand behind a wreath of scraps and indiscriminate items, simply observing. Hoping this show of immense force would go somewhere else.

Tags: Xzaien Xzaien , Jagen Danner Jagen Danner , Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard

Ashla Novakin

Ashla’s head turned suddenly as she felt the Tyia shift and shudder around her. Her staff slipped loose from its loop and into her hand. The pouch of carvings slid further out of the way.

A feline species appeared, sided with a squad of heavily armed and armored soldiers. The Tyia roiled around her and churned. Sith. There was nothing else she could be. But ancient records from Jedha recorded the symbol they bore. Ancient Sith? What were they doing here? That made no sense. They should be dead.

But the Tyia roiled elsewhere as well. She could feel others moving in, and hear them. She tilted her head. The scuffling of booted feet where they did not belong. She turned around the rest of the way.

She didn’t speak yet. A Bothan had moved next to the other, almost nervous looking man and offered a cigarra. Instead her head swiveled slightly, listening. It was the slightest sounds that gave them away and as she tilted her head around. She caught the telltale sound of cloaking fields. A smile quirked at the corner of her lips and she bent down to take a handful of dirt and trash from the street. Mud and grit stained her hand and she circled around the hidden figures before scooping the mud at the hidden troops, chucking rich and staining mud at the invisible troops, where the mud and dirt would stop on what appeared to be empty air.

“I trust not the intentions of a Sith and her hidden escort on this rock. Take no offers.”

Vant Dehringer

Abaar Pherris Abaar Pherris Ashla Novakin

“I trust not the intentions of a Sith and her hidden escort on this rock. Take no offers.”

Dehringer instantly felt the blood rush from his face... Sith... Dark force user... His past trauma immediately flashed back into his muscles in a paralyzing fashion. He tightened his grip on his grappling hook and began to look around for the best way to leave this place... he did not want to hang around to see how things turned out if there were dark force users involved.

His eyes caught a merchant nearby with some significant interest surrounding a blue crystal neckless that was in his possession. Dehringer paused, thinking over his options as he hotly debated in his head about how stupid it would be for him to try to make a move for it. With the crowd arguing back and forth, there was enough of a distraction for him to have a small window of opportunity... and if there was that much interest in it... then it must be worth something significant.

He shrugged to himself as he quietly stood to his feet on the roof and swiftly descended to a lower vantage point. He looked again at the merchant... yes... he could do this.

He jumped down to the ground without making a single sound and joined the crowd that had gathered around the merchant. he slowly made his way closer and closer to the table. There was a very grumpy older gentleman who seemed to be upset that the price was going beyond his wallet, so Dehringer relieved the wallet from his possession. In fact, Dehringer had already acquired 4 wallets, 2 pieces of jewelry, and a money pouch by the time he had gotten to the merchants table. a smirk blatantly covered his young face. He saw a few caged animals behind the merchants table... that would make the perfect distraction! He readied his grappling hook and carefully aimed it under the table between the merchants legs. He flicked his wrist quickly.


the grappling hook made a little bit of noise, but it was easily masked by the commotion and chatter of those who were bargaining. He had hit his mark... the cage door to the small animals. Dehringer pulled slightly and the door came swinging open. The small animals immediately ran underneath the merchant, catching him very much off guard and causing him to loose his balance slightly. The crowd then began to shout as the animals ran out from underneath the merchants table and into their midst. Perfect distraction. Dehringer stepped silently behind the merchant and...


The knife cut the diamond free from the neckless in one quick motion, letting it fall right into the palm of his other hand which was now free, for he had left the grappling hook behind. He quickly and quietly merged back into the crowd. The merchant looked over at his hand and began to shout in shock as he realized the diamond was gone. As everyone pulled their attention back to the merchant, Dehringer slipped away from the group and hid himself in a dark alley.

Success. Dehringer pulled the diamond out of his pocket to take one more look at his prize. This might just be worth enough to get Him out of this place.
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Xzaien walked slowly as she neared Jagan. At first, she took him for a smuggler but as he reached for his blaster's holster. But now, she took him for something much more than a smuggler or even a common criminal. However, the presence of the light-side around her were too prominent to ignore and Xzaien briefly looked toward a Zabrak leaning over a little kid. Presumably speaking to him about something. However, the words were left unheard by Xzaien as she approached closer to Jagan. A cordial smile across her face. As she approached a deep chill would express itself. She appeared to be completely harmless judging by her laid back demeanor and friendly attitude. She spoke to Jagan.

"Greetings my friend, I understand your apprehensiveness at my sudden appearance. I am Xzaien, resident Autocrat of the Catharian Hegemony and I have heard many things about your exploits here on Nar Shaddaa. I come in peace of course, as I am here as both a Diplomat and a friend. Do not mind my followers, they are here for our protection you see. I presume you are Jagan Danner? I do not exactly hail from this portion of the Galaxy and I have been largely ignorant of Galactic affairs for a very long time you see. It was a very long Ten-Thousand Years..."

Xzaien was interrupted by a Space Marine. The Space Marine lent down and whispered something into the Cathar's ears. Xzaien on the other-hand nodded along to said whispering before continuing once again seemingly unconcerned about the Directorate Cloakers.

"Now we may not be alone as we speak but, nevertheless I seek no ill-will nor harm to you. Please, tell me about yourself. I would like to hear much more about the man I have heard so many rumors about."

Xzaien casted a sideways glance to an approaching Orange Furred Bothan. Of course, she attempted to sense the feelings of this Bothan. First being Awe, the second being Curiosity, and third being Fear of course. Of course, she turned toward the approaching Bothan. Greeting her with open arms.

"Greetings my friend. I presume you are receptive to making conversation, Force knows that conversation on Nar Shaddaa is as rare as a Blue furred Cathar, and polite conversation rarer than a three point diamond."
The surrounding hustle and bustle of the boulevard slowly dissipated as more strangers gathered. Anyone with street smarts inconspicuously made their way into a sleuth of side streets and alleyways. All that was left were the few who were dumb and curious, the stench, and the tension.

And the strangers. James Cerensp would find himself without a crowd to blend into in a few moments.

Jagen's calculating gaze flicked from figure to figure. Hairs stood on his neck. The Bothan's voice was muffled and unnoticed in his ear. His eyes dilated -- fear or adrenaline?


They locked on the Cathar as she spoke, and the man frowned deeply at the mention of his name. Confusion crept onto his features. He worked his jaw, ground his teeth together and flicked the Bothan to his side a quick look as if to say, 'you talk first.'

Using his free hand, Jagen slapped a button directly behind him. The door he'd exited mere moments before re-opened with a hiss. Still, he stood; prepared to flee but curious to see what happened next.

Xzaien Xzaien Ashla Novakin Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard Abaar Pherris Abaar Pherris Vant Dehringer
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
(Tan fur, not orange - think along the lines of a soft, creamy brown with red hair <3 Not all Bothans' hair and fur need to match).

Riskyr made a show of fiddling with her jacket, her snout, head of blood-red, fire-like, unkempt hair and those unique, tapered ears occasionally haloed by the exhalations of her cigarra's tabac smoke at every other interval. The lithe teen was taken aback (though she still felt an underlying sense of caution) as this... This actual Force-user or this elaborately-dressed costume party attendee approached with a sense of politeness and a seeming curiosity of her own. The Cathar was polite as she addressed the human, apparently one Jagen Danner, at her side. As the aforementioned human made no move to accept her offer of a cigarra, the Bothan merely shrugged, then closed and replaced the pack in her pocket, patting the pocket lightly as an afterthought.

Just behind the three, and to one side of the Zabrak and the confused, frightened youth at her side, an escaped Mynock took a moment to defecate on the bedraggled-looking, fear-frozen boy's left shoe, before, chittering with excitement, the rather large, gray specimen began to crawl towards an unattended swoop bike. The Bothan blinked, the odd occurrence bringing yet more confusion to this strange turn of events. Who the hell brings a Mynock to sell as a pet to a bazaar? Was the Bothan's first confused thought...

However, she again focused on this oddly-dressed Cathar as the elder (if shrimpy) female in robes that were adorned with ancient Sith writing across parts of its surface began to address her, personally. She ignored the potential, seemingly confused and bedraggled spicer (stoner) at her side, and, despite her apprehension about the other female before her, the petite tomboy offered a toothy, left-sided smile despite the nervousness still clouding her eyes. Remembering a blurb about one Darth Vectivus, "The Sith Who Did No Evil", Riskyr extended a shaky, nervous right hand towards the older female, and hoped that this action wasn't a fatal mistake.

"Well..." she paused, her turquoise gaze moving to one side as she looked past the felinoid's head, bewilderment still apparent on her face, her hand lightly clasping the elder's own and pumping it twice as gently as she could, her Chandrilan accent painfully obvious as she found her voice, again. "That bit is certainly true. Hell, polite conversation is hard to find anywhere..." She paused, rolling her cigarra to the other side of her mouth with a deft, practiced scrunching and shifting of her lips, her gaze traveling over the oily patches of dirt that floated over the ground naught but a few meters behind the three. Riskyr noticed that the Zabrak and the scrawny, dirty and now turd-footed urchin were taking cautious steps away from the cloaked figures in the alleyway; the cloaked soldiers stood in the direction that the fat, liquid-turd Mynock had come from, "But... I suppose it's nice to see what looks like a historical procession making its way about this city... But..." Again, she paused, a tapered ear twitching as the Bothan ignored the light beeping from the earbud comlink in her right ear. She was too perplexed and at a loss for words to talk to whomever it was, at the moment. Even as she still struggled with what exactly to say, the Bothan decided to at least be honest with their current situation. She leaned close to the short felinoid, lightly whispering next to her face (leaning too close to the Cathar's head might have provoked the guards, if this wasn't just a costume procession). "Firstly, you're very much a part of an illegal historical holonovel... Just what are you doing here? Wait, don't answer that just yet... Secondly, there are several cloaked figures behind us, for whatever reason, as well... Should we be worried?"
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"Listen," for whatever reason, the young man decided now was the time to interject. "How do you know my name?"

His name had been unspoken topside for over a decade. Jagen was a myth, and, he realised, his revelation might endanger those he was close to. Those he was currently attempting to leave behind. Honour dictated he inform them if they were in danger.

He needed to know.

"And what, exactly, do you know about me?"

The more he spoke, the more information he required.

"And what do you want with me?"

Although he might have appeared nervous on the outside, the man's voice showed no signs of faltering, or wavering. It was resolute. Demanding.

Xzaien Xzaien Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard James Cerensp
Oooooh. Abaar could feel that anger and nervousness turn into resolve. He was a Sith, he practically fed off such things. This was starting to become interesting. Maybe such a steeled man like this fine chap may be worth knowing, or even helping? Abaar still sat back, but now had the possibility of assistance within his moral compass.

Xzaien smiled at Jagan. Her facial expression read it all. She had likely known distant associates of his from years prior. She was of course not his enemy judging by her overall demeanor and the like. But once the Tan furred Bothan speak about cloaked figures did Xzaien finally figure out who those presences were. Only the Directorate was capable of fielding Super-Commandos. But, as she sensed the rest of the people leaving and the slow rotation of her Space Marines to face the unseen threat. Her mind went abuzz with all of the horrible ways she would rend their souls from their very body if they dared to attack and as such revealing her dark abyss of Dark-Side energy which stilled the air and dulled the senses. Nevertheless, she pleasantly continued her conversation with Jagan.

"I do not know you exactly, but my eye has been drawn toward you over the past few years. You may not know me, but I am sure you have seen it in your dreams. Our meeting. I know your code of honor dictates that you attempt to understand and I shall deliver. That is the least I could do. I know you are considered a myth in some portions of the Galaxy. Your reputation clearly precedes you. Yet I must warn you, others will attempt to take you in by force. Namely the Directorate Individuals who simply do not know how neutral ground works. You understand. You are in danger my friend. These Directorates will not take no for an answer. But as long as I am here, diplomatically. They cannot risk an act of war with /both/ the Hutt Cartels /and/ a long since forgotten civilization. To clarify my being here, it is because I have heard of your talents and was greatly impressed by them. Thusly, I am offering you a job. A place off this rock, and perhaps riches unheard of, it is your choice of course and I shall leave if you desire and swiftly exit this world without another word. You have my word."

Once she had finished telling Jagan her business here and her desire with him. She turned to the Tan furred Bothan who right after, let loose with a series of questions. She waited until the Bothan were finished before answering her queries. As she talked Xzaien reached out a hand, a red glove sat above Xzaien's fingers with strangely... the fingertips removed from these gloves. She shook the Bothan's hand with a firm grip.

"I do not exactly hail from this "Time and space" you see. My robes may declare me Sith, but I am merely a practitioner of the Dark-Side you understand. I do not follow the Modern Sith Philosophies, only the philosophies created by the Dark Jedi. Ajunta Pall, Revan, Malak. These are who I follow, their teachings. Power courses through me. I hail deep from the unknown regions. It had been... a very long time since I had re-appeared in the wider Galaxy. And, I'm the good reason why the World of Krios no longer appears in record holos. And yes, these cloaked individuals are apart of the Directorate. I assure you as long as their leader is sane and well-versed in diplomacy they will not touch us. In-fact, I am not one to attack first. You see. Also... I have heard of you. Yet your name eludes me. Have we met before as I may have a similar preposition for you."


"The Suited Man."

Xzaien spoke well, and neutral in tones of voice. Aside from the casual gesture, the waved her hand at black suited human who stood nearby in the bar's entry way. If anyone were of proper perception. A very similar collar clasp could be seen on this Suited Human's lapels that looked like the emblems on the Space Marine's Armor. This suited individual simply nodded, and left to go into the bar. Nothing to worry about of course. Aside from that, a few passersby appeared to nod as well. A regular grandma looking Cathar, and a younger more spy Cathar. Likely no older than ten. The simply carried on their merry way.

Pherris could feel something in the force, all consuming and a black abyss like feeling overcome him. It was his choice on whether or not to acknowledge the presence of someone extremely powerful in the Dark-Side of the Force.

Abaar Pherris Abaar Pherris Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard Jagen Danner Jagen Danner

Ivan Stadd

As the Catharian made her imposing Speech , James decided to come out of the shadows presenting himself to Nerd Wizard Nerd Wizard and Jagen Danner Jagen Danner . What the Catharian said was right except that the Directorate would allow her to walk away with the Loyalties of both the Bothan and the Human. However James mission had been to pursay them to join the Directorate. However with the Catharian reaching them first he decided to see how this played out. Finally he decided to address Danner.

"What the Catharians offer is a good deal Jagen , except for one thing. There presence still remains unknown and the Galaxy has seemed to ignore their presence. The Directorate Directorate means no harm to anyone here given already that we have other matter to focus on and have no interests in sparking conflict. What we are offering however will be ten times worth what the Catharian here offers. Other then a place of this rock and riches we can offer you something that the Catharians can't given their position in the Unknown Regions. A Reputation , we can make your name heard in hundreds of systems and can make you a legend. In addition our members are given autonomy and approval of whatever projects they wish to pursue as long as it does not bring the Directorate into harmsway or goes against our interests. So what do you think? This is a job one can not miss."

Then he addressed directly to the Catharian herself. Already he had ran into her forces on Pijal and both the Catharians and the Directorate where forced to team up against a Bryn'adul Attack on the Planet. But ever since then the DIB had not forgotten the threats given by the Catharians. The Sudden emergence of the Catharian Hegemony was a bigger surprise then that of the Directorate. Already the Directorate was small in comparison to the Catharians with it's Fleets still growing while the Catharians had an entire Navy at full-strength but the Directorate had allies in the Core and could easily defeat the Catharians as it grew stronger.

"So you must be Xzaien of the Catharian Hegemony , a relic of a lost era. So what brings you here to this Planet at the other side of the galaxy and what interest do you have in these people? The DIB has been keeping tabs on your recent activities on Corellia and it seems that you're up to something. Something Intriguing."
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Riskyr fell silent as, oddly enough, the bedraggled, spice-addict-looking human, of all people, had seemed to become the center of attention between the mysterious Force-user and the cloaked, partially dirt-strewn soldiers that were still blocking the alleyway behind the Cathar and her black-armored soldiers. Suddenly feeling ill-at-ease, the petite teen took a step back away from the unkempt one - Jagen, yes, that's what he was called. The name didn't seem all-too-familiar to the Bothan, and she wondered how such an unimpressive-looking fellow could warrant so much attention, from an out-of-place, Sith-inspired Dark Jedi with her own personal soldiers as well as an organization of other troopers with rare, potentially experimental cloaking technology was beyond the teen's ability to comprehend, at last until the current headache that was her damaged ship was out of the way, and perhaps after a proper meal, but that last one could wait until this encounter was over. Turning her thoughts away from Breaded Dianoga Tentacles and an Acklay Steak, the youth was stunned to witness the Cathar Dark Force User address this "Jagen Danner" as a person of great importance, despite his somewhat bedraggled appearance.

The mention of Hutts sent a nervous shiver down the fur of the Bothan's back, the leather of her jacket rustling as she hugged the garment around herself instinctively, as though to stave off a deeper chill in the winter air. Riskyr's thoughts were interrupted as the short wannabe-Sith turned and addressed her, personally, even as their hands lightly clasped and shook as the Bothan numbly remembered to offer a shy and nervous, though polite proper greeting. One of her tapered, creamy-tan ears twitched atop her head, her puzzled and amazed mind still off-put by this turn of events, even as her growing nervousness made her glance all-the-more frequently back at the cloaked soldiers, trying to appear as nonchalant with those looks as possible, so as not to provoke them. Her eyes brightened as she listened to the Cathar's words, a hand adjusting her Cancer Stick in her mouth before she took a long, purposeful and relaxing pull from the last remnant of her cigarra. Flicking the butt of the cylinder onto the ground, the Bothan exhaled the last of the smoke from her nostrils as slowly as she had inhaled it, mentally puzzling over the other female's words as she finished speaking naught but a second later. In spite of her nervousness over the mention of Hutts, however...

Her Chandrilan-accented voice was as soft and demure as ever, barely above a whisper so as to keep the conversation as personal as possible that no others might overhear. "Revan, the Prodigal Knight? Malak?" The lanky Bothan took a second to rub her fingers over her eyes, "This is too much... If only my damn ship wasn't in for repairs, a the moment, to say nothing of contacting Dad..."

The Bothan huffed, more annoyed at the fact that her ship was temporarily down then at the potential for danger. So lost in thought was this youth that she seemed to be almost hyper-focused on the Cathar before her, ignoring the rest of the eclectic group that surrounded them for the time being. This was a PERFECT (well, almost perfect, besides the dangers posed by the involvement of Hutts) opportunity to learn about more then one philosophy of the Force, if all of this was true... "Madame, I must say that, despite our not having met before, this... Wow..." The lanky teen's mouth spread in another left-sided grin, "At the very least, I've got to get a secure means to talk to you, in some way... I'm a traveling storyteller and scholar, you see..." There was another pause, followed by a snort of excited laughter from the Bothan, as she once again opened her mouth, "I can't go into too much detail, but... But... If you can prove to me, somehow, at a neutral location, that what you're saying is the truth, then... Even if I weren't interested in whatever you'd otherwise propose, then I must say that, strictly in a confidential and neutral, peaceful manner, that I'd like to exchange knowledge and philosophies of the Force with you... As long as we get no problems from the Empire, I'll be happy even to exchange code cylinders and data chips with you... An oppourtunity like this, one-on-one, doesn't come along this wonderfully, so often... All I need, when you're through with this guy-" she inclined her gray thumb at the potential Spicer at her side, "-is a few hours of your free time, with our clothes on, and we need never see each other again, if need be."

Riskyr turned her attention to the stocky-looking, armored Commander of the cloaked troops, fixing the older man with a cautious look, "I don't know what your game is, friend, but, as you're from the Core, if you're a friend of the Empire, then it's best that you and I give each other a wide, wide berth.."

With her signature left-sided smile, the Bothan slipped her hand over one side of her mouth, discreetly and softly speaking to Jagen, "Fame is overrated, if you want my two credits on this matter... Also, I hope you're not a friend of the Empire, too..." Cautiously, the Bothan gave a polite nod to the trooper on one side of the Cathar, then sidled over to lean her back against the doorway, resting jest next to the open frame, in case she did, in the end, need to duck into it for cover. She watched the Directorate Commander suspiciously, an ear twitching as she listened to his words, her eyes traveling over towards the Zabrak, the Urchin and the others, civilian, trooper and otherwise, who had gathered to watch this unfolding spectacle. Riskyr shifted closer to the door, leery over this many civilians and weapons becoming so... So apparant, especially with her practically being the center of attention herself, as close as she was to the parties involved in... Whatever this was.

(Grr... I thought this post sucked, for some reason... x.x )
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Yeah. That immense dark power was definitely something Abaar sensed. It was almost nauseating. Abaar felt little fear. Because if he did, that man would likely sense it. So he kept a neutral feeling about himself, contemplating drawing his lightsaber. He’d just stand there, glaring at the practitioner under his helmets faceless gaze. This was going to be more trouble than he first anticipated.

Tags: Xzaien Xzaien

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