Agarus Nethear | Darth Lazareth | Sith Pureblood | Alchemy + Pyrokinesis Master | Arrogant, witty, but in control.
"I never really saw a use for slaves or servants. If someone wants something then they should get the damn thing themselves."
Daas'kan Ordo | Adopted Mandalorian | Gen'dai | Close combat/melee expert | Quiet, respectful, loyal.
"The Mandalorians took me in when I was just a babe. They gave me something no one else could... now I repay my debt."
Jevtha Tuell | Cyborg Epicanthix | Bounty Hunter | Experienced Combatant, Trained in Teras Kasi | Cold, Blunt, calculating.
'There's a bounty on your head. I'm here to remove it from your shoulders.
Ethic and Rthic Wroskincher | Shi'ido Twins | Jedi Guardian+Counselor | Trained Duelists | Similar, friendly, inseparable.
"Someone told us you were misbehaving, mate." "Is that true, laddy?" "Cuz if it is..." "We're gonna have words."