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Character Creation: Strengths and Weaknesses

First of all how specific should we be in character bios for strengths and weaknesses? A short sentence describing it? Are the names enough if they are obvious?

Is there a limit to the number of strengths and weaknesses a character can have? Obviously I'm not going overboard and doing something crazy like a 50 page essay on every little flaw and strength of the character but I do plan on changing, adding, or subtracting them over time.

Finally for my first character I want an opinion on a weakness I'm not sure about. Being a mixed species child brings to mind some of the problems (to me at least) had with hybrid species on earth in terms of both limited fertility and susceptibility to infections because of mixed genes bring autoimmune deficiencies. Is a weakness to infection from diseases in this respect (A Human-Kiffar girl) too much of a handicap? Would it limit her usefulness to the military if she had to take regular medicine and have filtering equipment in her suit for environments like Felucia or Dagobah with all sorts of exotic and killer viruses? If so I think I'll likely dump that aspect of her character.
I'd say put as much detail in as needed to make the strength/weakness clear. If that's a sentence, fine, if it's complicated and takes a paragraph, also okay.

There's no limit- do what makes sense for the character to work for you. You can check out other bios (mine has about a half dozen of each for example) if you want to see what other people generally work with. And those can definitely change with time as the character progresses.

I think the idea of a genetic weakness due to combination is a great one, personally. And no one else can tell you "Your character can't be in the military because of *weakness*." I think it sounds like a super interesting thing to write about and struggle with IC.
DedderThanDisco said:
limited fertility and susceptibility to infections because of mixed genes bring autoimmune deficiencies. Is a weakness to infection from diseases in this respect (A Human-Kiffar girl) too much of a handicap?

Nope! The weaknesses are in the end exactly what you make them, much like the strengths. Maybe this Kiffar has some sort of suit to help with her deficiencies, or maybe she just knows how to deal with them by now. Nobody can deny you the right to be in the army of a major faction and nobody can deny you the right to be in a force order belonging to a major faction either. Nobody other than you, so if you wish for this girl to be a soldier you are most certainly allowed to write it.

As for if you need to write elaborate texts for strengths and weaknesses: No. They can be as short or long as you wish them to be.

Also kudos for coming up with a good weakness.
Well a short sentence describing the strengths and weaknesses is usually what I've seen on the board and what most people do. Some even adding clever names for the weaknesses and strengths.

As for a limit? The least you can have is 2 weaknesses. But I don't know about a limit, I've personally had up to 8 weaknesses on one character and only 1 or 2 strengths. Others go with 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses. Just be sure to have the weaknesses.

Well Kiffar and Humans are the same in almost everyday besides their special abilities and culture so a problem wouldn't really come from them. However most armors and such already have filtering equipment built in as a standard so not to debilitating. Hope I helped.

Bunker-level Normal

DedderThanDisco said:
Being a mixed species child brings to mind some of the problems (to me at least) had with hybrid species on earth in terms of both limited fertility and susceptibility to infections because of mixed genes bring autoimmune deficiencies. Is a weakness to infection from diseases in this respect (A Human-Kiffar girl) too much of a handicap?
I wish more people would think about this. Most species hybrids in fiction tend to have the best traits of both, and barely any weaknesses (a handful of minor exceptions are out there, but by and large this is the attitude). Mixing both strengths and weaknesses from the genetic pairing is a great idea.

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