Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Character Direction

To confess I had briefly considered my Mando OC Minerva leaving the GADF to join the Protectors at last but that seems very uncertain right now.

Additionally there is no way she would ever join the Neo-Crusaders but I am wondering where she can go in character direction. The most obvious option is have her stay with the GADF which has been a lot of fun to write. It’s just I want to figure out what she can do story-wise that doesn’t involve the coming conflict with the new Mandalorian faction. I already did that kind of drama in some of the fight with the Enclave and want to do something different this time instead of repeating that arc.

Maybe have her end up in the neighboring Firefist galaxy due to a freak accident or get stranded in some distant region of Wild Space beginning an odyssey more or less.
Minerva works with the GADF now and if you enjoy that, it always remains an option. Even if the GA ends up fighting Mandalorians again, we're also at war with Dark Empire and the Sith Order, so there is variety and your story doesn't have to revolve around whatever happens between the Alliance and crusading Mandos.

You yourself determine which threads you participate in and how you want faction stories to affect your character.

Other options that take youe character elsewhere are always possible. That really just depends on what you want to do.

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