Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character feedback

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Yes I know spelling and such is not grate but this isn't what I'm here for.

Recently I've hit over 1500 posts with this char and she has came a long way from when I started way back when. I'm curious to know what is others thoughts of this char. She has suffered pain, been in various fights, helped people get on their feet, even mistakes. Like trying to rescue a certain slave that got turned against her. (Thanks guys) this char has even fell in love that wasn't planned but well I also fell in love with the writer so it made sense. After all if it wasn't for chaos I'd never have found her X3. Not only that she has slipped in judgment and done things she regrets. A lot of stuff has happened in less than a year.

So to those that has read or even posted with me what is your opinion. Has she gone from a character with nothing to a character that has developed into a strong individual?



but on a serious note, I will say this character is decent in the rps I cant do a full go over as i havn't had the chance to rp with the character.

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
I remember back when you were just a wee lass. Challenging a Sith Lord all by yourself in hostile territory, only to be set on fire and burned near death. Never once did the lass scream though. Centered herself in the force she did. Pass the trial of Flesh the Jedi use to do. That's all I know of the girl. I have no idea how or why she fell, just that she did. And that she wanted to do everything she could to get revenge on the man who had burned her so.

She's a good character. If I took the time to read her fall, I'm sure it would be wonderful.

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