Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Halp

Figured I should invest in a second or third character but after 1 10 minute shower and 40 minutes of Led Zeppelin I have some ideas, part of this depends on any interest in rping. Just a quick rundown of ideas that popped into my head
Bachelor #1: Tesh Qural: Tesh is a Mon Cal aspiring smuggler. I have two options for ships: a modified Kazellis class light freighter ( or an original freighter. Either one of these would need a write up. Thought this would be fun to do because Mon Cals hate smuggling and piracy so there is a culture conflict. Preferably 2 other people on the ship.

Bachelor #2: Shivaax, Barabel Mercenary/pirate: This one could go either way on jobs. As a mercenary he would probably be a sort of fighter pilot and soldier combo. The other option is a pirate. I have an idea for an affordable ship that can be the start of a pirate group. I could tie these together and have him start as a merc to earn credits to be able to buy this ship. I don't usually play combat characters (non starship) so this is a nice change up

Bachelor #3: Devon Boyle, One Sith Naval Officer: This would be my fleeting character. Used him a bit at SWFans but never developed him. I have a small commans squad for him including a semi-cannon ship, a Mk II Dreadnought (actually cruiser sized) and probably some starfighter support. Someone to work his way up the ladder and satisfy my fleeting needs.

Which of these three should I work on next?
[member="Aaron Nomarr"],

I would like to see more Hardcore smugglers on the field. So one would be very nice, however the species might have to be different if you don't want to create some long story that will ruin your muse. (start small and simple. if you add too many complications at the start, you WILL lose your muse.) so do something like an Arkanian Offshoot, or even a a Chiss. Those might work best as they have Slave castes where you can build your way up (underdog smuggler if you will)

However, I would like to see more fleeting. I have a huge respect for those who can do it. I mean, I can play chess and checkers fairly well, but playing fleeting where there are a thousand more variables? No. That would be like sticking a four year old in the seat of the car. I wouldn't know what to do. However it is fun to read the feats of strategic battle of ships and troops. so number three would also be a nice one.

If you would like I can also come up with ideas that may be interesting for you to explore so you can do something different yet similar to others. As I said, simplistic things work the best. Only you have to add in a twist here and there, or you will not have a good story. Cheers! :)
my issue with smuggling is it doesn't offer a whole lot of rp to do, at least in my experience. I can understand about the character thing but Im a diehard Mon Cal fan :).
However if this site doesn't have a char limit I can have an independent smuggler working randomly in various threads.

I like starting out as a merc and earning some cash to buy a small pirating ship and going to a faction with it.

Honestly biggest thing ive fleeted with was like 3 SD and some vics and carracks

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