Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Idea and Request

Hello First Order, ignore Neldar, he's not here, haha

I know the Empire/First Order are a lot like, anti-alien. But there's been special cases before, so I wanted to check with the big FO to see if I could do this.

Make a character of the species Gurlanin. Of course they stayed in a human form 90% of the time, but they would switch between two forms and seeing either of them being their main form and the same identity. NFU, aside from the natural species-specific telepathy. Their past having to do with criminal espionage/sabotage, and wanting to give their services to the FO. Not a super star, but has good skills and would want to go through training to be mostly accepted even though they're an alien. And they'd ask for little more than others, maybe acting like an Inquisitor - a Specialist that usually travels with others.
[member="Neldar Poska"]

I like the concept. I've never even heard of the race before, so kudos on digging it up and applying a solid concept to it. The Security Bureau would definitely be a place of refuge for the less human members of the faction (along with the Ren). My own character fits into that mold, despite her being humanoid, she's still rather alien. Of course you would join as an Agent, a couple of threads displaying your skill set and you get bumped up to Special Agent where you can start making a name for yourself as a spy, undercover agent, infiltration specialist, whatever floats your boat.
[member="Neldar Poska"] Hello and welcome!

Let's get the dirty stuff out of the way first. Your character will be an alien, which means he will be treated differently. There is no such thing as species equality in the First Order. It's a society made by humans, for humans. We don't like aliens.

So, he probably wouldn't be accepted into the military. But, if he has a particular set of skills that might be useful to the First Order, he could be used by the Security Bureau as a spy. It would be made clear that he is not really a "citizen" of the First Order, because non-Humans can't be citizens, unless they are very special cases that have proven themselves in service to the First Order for a long time. Given that his species really hates the Republic though, this might be something he's willing to put up with. Or at least serve with the First Order due to their mutual hatred for the Republic and all that.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Just to clarify -- as we have discussed before, non-humans can be citizens, but society is definitely geared towards humans. Humanoids (Chiss, etc.) can usually 'pass', more or less, but there is certainly an inherent bias against obvious non-humans. I wouldn't say it would limit what you can do, but it would interfere with your promotion and there would likely be a hard ceiling beyond which you couldn't progress as easily.

Please let me know if anyone has further questions about aliens/citizenship.

Oh, and welcome to the First Order.
[member="Jude Falkrowe"] True, but it would be in his character's best interest to come forward about his true species. If he pretends to be a human and we find out he's a shapeshifting alien later then that probably wouldn't end well!
[member="Ludolf Vaas"] [member="Jude Falkrowe"] [member="Natasi Fortan"]

Give me about five minutes, and everyone will be able to meet the character! Make that 10 minutes, forgot to add something. I'll post as the character when ready
[member="Ludolf Vaas"]

That's not necessarily true. If the character were to work out of the independent sector, no different than our Sith compatriots, a pool from which the FOSB frequently recruits, there's not necessarily a reason to assume they would ever need to divulge certain pieces of information. Depending, of course, on how familiar they become with the First Order.

Regardless, that's not the situation for this particular case. The FOSB will still recruit aliens as much as it recruits the numerous varieties of misfits from different walks of life. Their usefulness determines whether or not we bring them into the fold.

[member="Karacan Rigten"]

I like the character! I see identity crisis in your future, which is a very intriguing development hurdle to cross. However I do worry that any loose cannon antics will not be well received. Despite the FOSB being home to some misfits, we still prioritize order, security, and loyalty (as a result: obedience) above all else. Each misfit has their own ways of dealing with such potentially oppressive circumstances, but there are severe reprimands for those who are not careful enough to take precautions.

Obviously, the above is not meant to discourage you. In fact, the chaffing of character against faction can be a lot of fun to play out, and depending on how it is developed, the situation could go any number of ways. In other words - OOC: let's do it. IC: be careful.

I am curious to see how they approach the First Order and how they end up in service with us. Perhaps that is something we should discuss?
[member="Sentiri"] Shapeshifting aliens masquerading as humans has subversive written all over it. We won't tolerate that kind of deception, especially in a humanocentric society. That is, assuming he was to play his character like that and we somehow found out about it.
[member="Sentiri"] [member="Ludolf Vaas"]

Kara just finds enjoyment in killing. She doesn't mind being a lacky at all as long as they say "this person you can kill" and she'll go off the radar, worm their way to the person, and go nuts, and then... Gone, without a trace. She couldn't care less if she was a disposable pawn in "the grand scheme" of things. Her goal is destabilization, she wants to muck everything up for everyone. She is not picking a side as much as picking someone who will let her go and kill people and hopefully tolerate her insane antics.

Of course, of course, there will be no killing of First Order... Just ignore that bloody First Order trooper over there. Kara didn't do it. Haha

Joking aside, the worst that will be met from Kara is an absent-minded, uncaring attitude/behavior. She's like American Psycho + Harlequinn. She won't go against your orders, but she may kill a few more people on the way, without any First Order branding

Ludolf Vaas said:
[member="Sentiri"] Shapeshifting aliens masquerading as humans has subversive written all over it. We won't tolerate that kind of deception, especially in a humanocentric society. That is, assuming he was to play his character like that and we somehow found out about it.
To be honest, would the First Order really react that way? Especially if the alien was loyal? The Empire had quite a few aliens, shoot, they let at least one almost basically get a command seat, which ultimately got half an Empire. When they showed use, they used them. I can't say we know so much about the First Order... They answered directly by someone or something we don't even know who or what is. The Empire answered mostly to Vader who answered to Palatine, IIRC.

Shoot, the First Order may have an entire Alien Division, how do we know? I'm not saying they do, I'm saying we have experienced the full of The Empire, the First Order was only represented by a single massive Star Dreadnought.

Although, you guys could be going off with your own First Order, which I know nothing about and changes my entire perspective on this First Order...
skin, bone, and arrogance
We aren't exactly like the First Order from the films, but we do try to take some inspiration from it, taking what we know of good old-fashioned fascist regimes and sort of sticking them together. I think, from what you've described, the First Order Security Bureau is the place for you. [member="Sentiri"] can help you get set up. As for being an alien or shapeshifter or whatever -- don't let what [member="Ludolf Vaas"] is saying get you turned around or put off. Just be aware that there may be consequences down the line -- and honestly, I think that's a really cool concept to potentially deal with as your story develops.

[member="Karacan Rigten"] Please let me know if I can assist :)
[member="Karacan Rigten"] The fact that Thrawn was a Chiss was known up front. He didn't pretend to be a Human and say "hey guys, I'm one of you!"

I'm not saying we don't use aliens when it benefits us. That's not the same thing as shapeshifters pretending to be human to gain entry into the First Order. I'm not telling you how to roleplay, I just want to make sure you're aware of any potential consequences down the road.

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