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Discussion Character of the Month Nominations - July

  • Nominate a character that is not of your writing that has impressed you in the last month.
  • Give the reasons why.
    • Please include thread links for others to see why you love the character so much.
  • You may nominate someone that has already been nominated, they will be listed once in the voting stage and the reasons combined into one.
  • This is for In Character stuff.
  • During voting step, you will have the chance to ask IC and OOC questions of the character/writer with the most votes.
  • During the nomination step, you must ask the winner a question for your nomination to count. Yes, that means in this thread, along with the nomination also put a question for the eventual winner, ya scamp.
  • Character must have been active in the last month to qualify, would be great if you would keep it to the last months exploits too.
  • Characters can only win once.
  • One week to nominate. Approximately.

* Character may not reign as Character of the Month for an exact month. You will live.

** Please note the change to the rules as noted above.

***Go wild.

****Thanks to Kyric Kyric for holding down the fort on the last round o7

Edit: Make wording more clear on new rule, however it was pretty clear.
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I want to nominate Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , this time around.

My reasons are both IC and OOC, as well as his efforts with the Tingel Arm Coalition. On both fronts, he has been putting in work to get the faction up and running, and it's been progressing beautifully. He's a well-respected Jedi Character and has been telling some amazing stories, but also recognising the momentum that is required to lead a Faction along the road towards MF Status takes time and effort, and he's been consistent with zero signs of slowing down. While Fynch Fynch is the lead character for the Faction, I'm most familiar with Jasper due to our previous faction ties, and as I've always leaned more towards the Jedi characters, there's possibly some bias in there as well :p
I want to nominate Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , this time around.

My reasons are both IC and OOC, as well as his efforts with the Tingel Arm Coalition. On both fronts, he has been putting in work to get the faction up and running, and it's been progressing beautifully. He's a well-respected Jedi Character and has been telling some amazing stories, but also recognising the momentum that is required to lead a Faction along the road towards MF Status takes time and effort, and he's been consistent with zero signs of slowing down. While Fynch Fynch is the lead character for the Faction, I'm most familiar with Jasper due to our previous faction ties, and as I've always leaned more towards the Jedi characters, there's possibly some bias in there as well :p

Best to read the new rule my friend :)

I can’t catch everyone, so this may be my one and only reminder.
Best to read the new rule my friend :)

I can’t catch everyone, so this may be my one and only reminder.

My bad, no OOC stuff. I'm clearly intelligent >.>

Jasper's been heavily involved in Character, currently writing a Jedi who has left the NJO to pursue service to the Tingel Arm Coalition. This resonates with my character specifically, as Balun also left for his own reasons and is currently exploring what it means to be a Jedi without being associated with the New Jedi Order. A couple of recent threads are here and here. Unfortunately I haven't had the most interaction with him over this last month, but I still think he deserves the honorable mention at the very least.

Next time I will learn to read, my apologies.
Alicio Organa Alicio Organa is my favorite character on the board and has been for, idk, probably the last 2 years? His writer (who is mega cool as well) takes a patient, measured approach to his characterization that I rarely see on Chaos. It has allowed me to see him develop gradually over time - and more than that, his characterization is CONSISTENT. I have never seen him do a sudden heel turn or any other shenanigans like that for cheap drama. He's definitely changed from who he started out as, but he still feels like the same person, y'know?

I also actually buy that he is one of the good guys. Forget the heroic theatrics and epic lightsaber fights, this dude is just genuinely a good person who cares about helping people. He has flaws, he's idealistic (not in a cringey naive way), he can be a little too sad for his own good (never overdoes it though), and I think I've seen him use "orbs" to describe eyes at least once, but who cares. He's Alicio Organa, he's practically perfect.

Character of the Month? More like Character of All Time.

It is my third time nominating Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . As of this past month, he is now the VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE ALLIANCE. I also had the pleasure of dueling him.

Question: If your character could change the outcome of one event in their past, what would it be and why?
Shall vote for Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren for being a great mentor, helping me finding my place in Jakku and figuring out how to be the very best Jedi I wish to be!

Question: What is your favourite passtime activity?
While it's sweet that you nominated me, I wasn't actually active this last month to qualify. But thank you for the thought!

Once again going to nominate Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus for character of the month. Consistently engages and jumps into threads with the Jakku Enclave (X, O, X), wrote some great posts in the invasion (X), and has been, overall, a great writing partner whom I've been privileged to write with.

Question: What is your favorite book, and what inspired the creation of your character?
Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

im kinda biased since the character has much influence to mine. (we have 4 ongoing threads at the moment)
he does not seem like a typical sith sith which is quite unique yet he had found his place on the sith order dark council.
engages and writes with a wide range of characters

if your character was not of their main group (jedi/mando/sith ect), which other would best suit them? How would they or their views be like?

jedi characters seems very popular for july.
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I repost nomination, if he somehow doesn't win again, I'm gonna make a new one for the next time, smh /s:

I would like to nominate Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , you have written Empyrean beautifully, and though I have only seen a fraction of what the character was, you are able to give off the gravitas and weight of a character that is more an elder god than a man. Yet, even with that, you are able to play him as the kind of Sith that I find absolutely refreshing, and have wanted to play Malum as, a Sith that despite all the ills and evils they commit, you can fundamentally understand why they are that way.

And that even with all that they do, they have an absolute sense that what they are doing is right and necessary, for a greater goal than what mere morality could say. There is certainly a small essay worth of stuff I could say, but I'll leave it like that for now lol.

For the winner:

What's the favourite storyline you've written on the site?
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