Here are your nominations for October, please vote for who you think is most deserving. Best of luck to all our nominees! A fantastic selection here and they all seem deserving from what I have seen and read!
The reasons for their nominations are stated here:
The reasons for their nominations are stated here:
I nominate [IMG alt="Micah tol Powl"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/5/5270.jpg?1729042705[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Micah tol Powl[/FONT]
He's cute and fluffy and his posts are full of creativity and energy!
Library thread, Sith Trials, Trials Pt 2
[IMG alt="Braze"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/34/34140.jpg?1725772963[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Braze[/FONT] you're getting publicly glazed.
Good thread here, but in all seriousness I've just been enjoying the hell out of this little dude. He's got something new and unique going on in every thread and he's the only dude meticulously showing super mundane training stuff for progression. 3000 posts in a year makes since when you read his stuff. One of my favorites to write with on the board rn. Five stars, please traumatize me less.
How about my absolutely precious apprentice who might secretly destroy us all,Tamsin Graves
Tamsin Graves ? Nominating because her character introduction was one of the most chaotic and long running public threads I've ever experienced, running from the beginning of september into october via FOUR different chapters! And also because I've really enjoyed the the unorthodox big sister teaching lil sister dynamic she and Kaila have built so far which hides the dark underbelly of who Tamsin really is, only coming out in literal blood oaths and spirits hinting at a past life
[IMG alt="Zaiya Ceti"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/20/20142.jpg?1729122256[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Zaiya Ceti[/FONT]
Look at this glowbird. Just look. Literal ball of sunshine. Redeeming friendships and Sith Lords since this month at least. I'm a big fan so I nominate.
I nominate [IMG alt="Anneliese Kaohal"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/21/21014.jpg?1726923001[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Anneliese Kaohal[/FONT] because she's absolutely awesome.
Predominantly I nominate her for her posts within the Invasion of Tython and because of this particular post: link.
[IMG alt="Hakon Fett"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/23/23242.jpg?1725124438[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Hakon Fett[/FONT] doing calculations how to terrify the galaxy more by simply existing
I nominate a Non-jedi just to be contrarian
I nominate [IMG alt="Carduul Akahl"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/45/45045.jpg?1722398179[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Carduul Akahl[/FONT] . Where to even begin? An example of how to write a true Mandalorian, Carduul be putting out based post after based post. As someone writing a villain, Carduul has been a blast to write against and deserves some serious recognition for their skills.
Too many threads to pick from but from the latest thread alone it’s just killer post after killer post.
Nominee: [IMG alt="Kaila Irons"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/45/45397.jpg?1728351973[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Kaila Irons[/FONT]
I wish to nominate my master, not because I am trying to win brownie points or anything to get her to buy me a pony. I love reading her stories and writing stories with her. She has taken to the story I wanted to write for my own character and embraced it. She is one of my favorite people to write with, and she has a ton of cool ideas and concepts. I don't know if she has been nominated or won before but I assume not. She is with out a doubt everywhere, she has so many threads going and keeps up with them all and has been in the top 5 posters on the board. Honestly ooc I don't deserve to have someone like her to want to write with me, but I can't give her enough praise and thanks. So much fun and I am excited for things to come.
I nominate [IMG alt="Liin Terallo"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/31/31874.jpg?1730518186[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Liin Terallo[/FONT] for the month of October.
The writer has been active regarding New Cov and her business (threads X,X,and X) . Interesting to see what direction the character will go considering her past and what has happened thus far.
There are lots of writers who deserve this, but I'm nominating [IMG alt="Darth Caedes"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/0/859.jpg?1727083284[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Darth Caedes[/FONT]
I've been gone from Chaos for a year. Some of that was RL, but more so I just lost all motivation. I'd peek back at Chaos now and again, just to see if anything would strike my interest, and nothing ever ignited my imagination until I came across a LFG that this dude posted. And that got me reading his codex sub. And that got me reading the lore that he's building in the Sith Order. And next thing I know...
This guy gets it. He knows how to build a collaborative team, give writers the room to do what they do best, while supplying enough structure so that multiple writers are still producing a narrative that works in combination with it all. Just take a look at how he turns the basic set up for an academy training thread into a compelling series of challenges that is well written, suited to the lore, and engaging.![]()
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
I am here to once again nominate [IMG alt="Alicio Organa"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/26/26615.jpg?1700787435[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Alicio Organa[/FONT] . He’s one of the most compelling writers here and it’s a crime he STILL hasn’t won this dang award!
Seconded. He’s now the Chancellor. Give him the thing so I can die in peace
NominatingDiarch Reign
Diarch Reign for a few reasons.
First, he made me enjoy writing a FU for the first time in a while. I had a great time in our duel thread here — Lightsabers Crash. He kept the tone and energy throughout the entire thread, and we both recognized when it had come to its natural conclusion (other than one of our characters dying) and wrapped it up. This promises to be the beginning of an interesting rivalry.
Second, I love what he is doing with the Diarchy. He came out of nowhere to create a very interesting and fun faction that is doing a lot of things with a lot of different people. The Skirmish between Diarchy and LAW is just underway, but it promises to be a good one.
Third, the writer behind the character is a great person, easy to get along with, always coming up with great new ideas.
Gonna nominate [IMG alt="Valery Noble"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/22/22999.jpg?1726079071[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Valery Noble[/FONT] for SO MANY reasons.
Firstly, she was the first to reach out to me when I arrived here around the end of September and has been not just an amazing friend, but a wonderful writing partner and the perfect jedi master for Azurine
She made the first thread I did here so much more impactful for me (which is still ongoing and honestly all of her posts in it are very well written).
The way she has handled both Azzie and Annie's levels of crazy stuff in this thread, also brilliant!
Her protection mode during Azzie's encounter with Darth Reign (who frankly deserves his nomination from Hwo and was on my list for possibilities) and Darth Rellik was beautiful and well written!
Too bad we didn't get to the aftermath conversation in regards to the necromancy thing this month or that would CERTAINLY be on this list as well.
So much more I could say about her, but I think that's enough for now, love ya Master Val! <3
Nominate [IMG alt="Makai Dashiell"]https://www.starwarsrp.net/data/avatars/s/0/770.jpg?1718980986[/IMG] [FONT=BlinkMacSystemFont]Makai Dashiell[/FONT]
Under rated, been around a whole lot and very active with their characters. Love that he’s IC becoming a father soon after a long time developing his and @Myra Arceneau Dashiell’s relationship.
Also love their neutral stance approach and all business.