Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Relationships?

Is it possible or a good idea for different Roleplayers to have relationships with other roleplayers? Would it change that much of the Roleplay or not?

What are your thoughts on this?
Do you mean in RL? Well it would depend I guess. Roleplaying is a recreation, now if both of you are clear on that and accept its limits, it can be both rewarding and satisfying. IF however, you cannot separate the role play from the real life, then we have problems.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
I'm confused on if this RPer's having relationships with other RPers in real life or characters having relationships with other characters. Either @[member="Ryori Za'tire"] has dealt with it, and is a pretty good roleplayer. So I don't think it can hurt if you know what your doing.
I'm confused as well. IC relationships are fun to write when the writers are mature about it and committed to the idea. Out of character, I've known them to work. Again it requires maturity and the willingness to not let it affect IC if things go south. If you think that you could still be friends after a breakup, it could work.


Serenno Nobility
FWIW: On one of my veeeery first boards, a faction leader and an admin were in an OOC relationship in addition to their IC relationship. It sucked, frankly. I'm skeptical when it comes to RL, because there's just too much room for frat. ICs are fun though, like Kamon said though, maturity is one of the balancing factors.

Alli Wren

Yeah, who knows ooc wise, but IC wise its fun when the players of the characters are mature and good writers. :D
Well-Known Member
ICly it's perfectly fine to me, even if that's never happened to me before (although I'm trying to get it going with someone else character on another site) It hasn't happened to me either in the OCC

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