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Character Representation: Sins & Virtues

Just a nifty little idea i had after reading up on some stuff. I was curious as to what Sin & Virtue your character represented if you had to pick one? Is a character represented by Lust & Temperance? Or perhaps another? Post yours down below ^^

Seven Deadly Sins

Lust - An insatiable need for sex or things of a sexual nature. This includes thoughts, desires, and actions. If this need is unfed, it can lead to masterbation, rape, and even worse. Lust is fed by any of the aforementioned means or Smut? FFFFF

Gluttony - Over indulgences of anything to the extreme, usually food or drink. Alcoholism is considered part of Gluttony. Drug abuse, Gluttony.

Greed - Greed is the need for material possessions or material wealth. If this need is unfed, a Greedy person may even resort to hoarding their goods, theft, robbery, or obtaining any material possessions by means of trickery, violence, deception, or manipulation. Greedy people usually are easy to bribe, or will take any bet or do anything for a dollar.

Sloth - Sadness, depression, or the inability to feel joy. Sloth is often confused with Gluttony, though I don't know why. Those who suffer from depression to an extreme usually have thoughts of or plans for suicide. Many times, Sloth can lead to another sin: Wrath. Those who have lost or lack love, usually fall into a deep state of Sloth.

Wrath - Extreme anger, rage, hatred, or a need for vengeance or revenge. People who suffer with Wrath issues will often resort to taking the law in their own hands if they feel the justice system has failed them. To feed the need of Wrath, they may even turn to physical abuse of themself or others, murder, or even genocide. Wrath usually is a need to do harm to others. Dante described Wrath as "love of justice perverted to revenge and spite" according to the Wikipedia.

Envy - The need to have better or be better than others. The need to have the goods of others. Wanting what others have for yourself. Many times, someone with extreme Envous needs may turn to voyerism to feed the need to see what others have that the envious want.

Pride - Once considered a need to be the most beautiful, Pride can also mean a need for public acceptance in all acts. Pride can also be a need to be more important than others. Those who suffer with Pride issues, usually fail to give due complements to others, but instead fish for complements for them selves. They find ways to be better than those around them and usually have a "One Up" story. Pride is said to be the original and most deadly of the seven sins, leading straight to damnation.

The Seven Heavenly Virtues:

Chastity - Courage and boldness. Embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought through education and betterment.

Abstinence - Constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, and moderation.

Liberality - Generosity. Willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.

Diligence - A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work. Decisive work ethic. Budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness.

Patience - Forbearance and endurance through moderation. Resolving conflicts peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. The ability to forgive; to show mercy to sinners.

Kindness - Charity, compassion, friendship, and sympathy without prejudice and for its own sake.

Humility - Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.Modest behavior, selflessness, and the giving of respect. Giving credit where credit is due; not unfairly glorifying one's own self.
Winter Sovereign

Sloth/Wrath - Diligence
Alright so, to be a complete hypocrite to the statement i posted above about choosing 'one' for each sin or virtue, here is my girl Winter. Now, i suppose i should explain myself here. Winter, aka The Ice Queen/Queen of the North, is a character who appears cold and emotionless on the surface but frankly she is 'very' depressed. Not necessarily 'emo', but her depression has forced her to become void of visible emotion which only solidifies her 'Ice Queen' title. After her family was dethroned and cursed into a permanent state of paralysis and her culture slowly dying, Winter constantly battles with herself and reconciles every step she makes. But after a while, her Sloth has lead her down the path of Wrath. Becoming dominant, demanding and merciless. Her desire for justice driving her to commit immoral acts to anyone who stand in her way. And yet, on the other side she is very diligent. She is constantly on the move and rarely does she waste the precious time given to her lazing about. This also comes into play with her sloth because she never really 'has fun' like going to party, weddings and other activities some might consider enjoyable. If someone asked if she wanted to go to a spa she'd probably have no idea what the word meant.

As a result of this, she appears to be a very 1 dimension boring character. Hopefully later in her story arch she will become more lively and kind...instead of killing three witches cause they stood in her way xD. She takes no Sh*t from anyone haha.

Look forward to see you guys as well. Cheers lads <3
Darth Vornskr said:
Darth Vornskr is the physical embodiment of violence, so yeah...

Wrath, I suppose.

[member="Winter Sovereign"]
Ah, a man after Winters own state of being, how nice lol. Does he have a virtue? All characters should at least have one from each side in my personal opinion =0
Whatever was left of his humanity was long since discarded or buried beneath the ever churning hate that seethes beneath his flesh.

So there's not a lot of virtue in him lol

[member="Winter Sovereign"]
Darth Vornskr said:
Whatever was left of his humanity was long since discarded or buried beneath the ever churning hate that seethes beneath his flesh.

So there's not a lot of virtue in him lol

[member="Winter Sovereign"]
Hmmm, that sounds to plot with. It would truly be song of Ice & Fire. ;D
James occupies actually most of the sins :D

-Lust. There's a reason he's called the billionare playboy philanthropist. He is a lady's man, and to be honest, I have only been in a few threads where he hasn't been out hitting on or... worse to a female. Ahem. Just how he rolls.

-Gluttony. James is always drunk. Always. I mean seriously I have only had five threads where he wasn't at least mildly buzzed to slammed. He also is a severe tobacco addict. There are only three threads where he isn't chain smoking. Yes, he will one day have lung cancer, and one day both of his livers will fail him. BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!!!

-Wrath? While not your typical angry at the world person, James suffers from what I call "righteous indignation" He gets furious at those who hurt the weak, and he goes to great lengths to personally snuff their lives out.

+Liberality: when he had two tin creds and now when he has stockpiles of them, James gives all he has, time and money wise to those who need it. His company employs the poor specifically to break the cycle of poverty and has donated millions to orphanages across the galaxy. He started a town called Second Chances for those he helped free from slavery to have just that--a second chance. Everything he does James does with one thing in mind; helping others.

+Diligence: you dont go from zero to billionare being a slacker. Ok, a fair amount was luck but he works as hard as he plays hard and is tireless at what he does best.

+Kindness: this goes hand in hand with Liberality. Don't let the whimsical exterior fool you; his heart bleeds for the aching and the hurting. He fights for all people, regardless of race or background.

James Justice said:
James occupies actually most of the sins :D

-Lust. There's a reason he's called the billionare playboy philanthropist. He is a lady's man, and to be honest, I have only been in a few threads where he hasn't been out hitting on or... worse to a female. Ahem. Just how he rolls.

-Gluttony. James is always drunk. Always. I mean seriously I have only had five threads where he wasn't at least mildly buzzed to slammed. He also is a severe tobacco addict. There are only three threads where he isn't chain smoking. Yes, he will one day have lung cancer, and one day both of his livers will fail him. BUT IT IS NOT THIS DAY!!!

-Wrath? While not your typical angry at the world person, James suffers from what I call "righteous indignation" He gets furious at those who hurt the weak, and he goes to great lengths to personally snuff their lives out.

+Liberality: when he had two tin creds and now when he has stockpiles of them, James gives all he has, time and money wise to those who need it. His company employs the poor specifically to break the cycle of poverty and has donated millions to orphanages across the galaxy. He started a town called Second Chances for those he helped free from slavery to have just that--a second chance. Everything he does James does with one thing in mind; helping others.

+Diligence: you dont go from zero to billionare being a slacker. Ok, a fair amount was luck but he works as hard as he plays hard and is tireless at what he does best.

+Kindness: this goes hand in hand with Liberality. Don't let the whimsical exterior fool you; his heart bleeds for the aching and the hurting. He fights for all people, regardless of race or background.

Ah to hell. I figured someone out there would have at least half of the options on both sides who knew it would be you =D. I think its cool how he has those problems and yet his virtues seem to somewhat make up for them.

And lol, i'd like to see him flirt with winter. She'd give him a kiss...hmmm. A very, very cold kiss xD
[member="Winter Sovereign"]

There are really only two women James has met that he hasn't flirted with. [member="Lady Kay"] aaaaand I am saying there is a second only ONLY because I think there HAS TO BE :D :D :D Only reason he hasn't hit on her is I have tons of respect for her OOC, as a writer.

James is, depending on how you look at it, the Lord of Vice or the King of Virtues. He is so equally good and equally bad, he is (at least I hope) the one who shattered the mold.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Gluttony for Sapir tea. It's her addiction.

And kindness is her virtue :)

Yeah, not quite a dangerous person. But her friends can be when she's threatened ;)


Well-Known Member
I recon it be..... Liberality and Greed.

Liberality- (Generosity. Willingness to give. A nobility of thought or actions.)
- As is exemplified by the fact he'd been all that willing face and leave everything behind. Even to the point of having break away from everything he knows or hold dear in the pursuit of the noble cause oraction

Greed- (Is the need for material posessions, wealth or person . If this need is unfed, a Greedy person may even resort to hoarding their goods, theft, robbery, or any means possible to obtaining or covet said object, person or posessions. By means of trickery, violence, deception, or manipulation. Greedy people usually are easy to bribe or blinded to take any bet or do anything fulfill the need.)
- On the flip side it can be noted that due to all the loss he'd had to endure in his lifetime. Ronin can be at times teether on being bit obsessive andcovet things.


Disney's Princess
I've written Karen as having struggled with all of those things. But two of my favorites are,
  • Lust - Karen embraced her sexuality as a young Jedi woman early in her story, rather than deny it like many Jedi interpretations do out of fear of a blood lineage. Nah. Instead she met a man, dated him, married him, and forged a new life with him. Together, part of that new life has been about sharing their sexuality with each other. Trying to find the happy place that fulfills both of them, their jobs, and their future together. And I've always err'ed on the side of: too much sex is a good thing. Lulz.
  • Abstinence - Karen embraced the Jedi's calling at a very young age. But it was a very Green Jedi (Corellian) interpretation of the Force. According to her back story. So it was a more independent philosophy focused on being a completely free individual rather than as a caretaker of galactic society. It had more to do with being in harmony with nature and with oneself, than with bringing balance into other people's lives. It's what made her destiny different than other Jedi mages. She was always focused more on perfecting herself, her family, and her organizations; long before she ever felt the pangs of bringing balance to the galaxy at large. As such, she abstains from a good deal of commonly Jedi things. Such as crusading, Jedi Councils as leadership, lifelong apprenticeships, wardrobe identification, traditional swordsmanship, System Watchmen, and a dependence on others for money. People I write with are always surprised more by what Karen says No to, than what she says Yes with.

Sins: Asemir really doesn't fall into any of those. It used to be Wrath, probably, but now he's just like meh. He doesn't care too much. It's an attitude you get from just accepting that things happen in life and you have to deal with them. There's no sense in getting worked up about these things.

Virtues: Chastity? Diligence? There needs to be a Justice-type virtue.

Eh, I find that these types of categories are way too restrictive. People are complex beings and when you try to boil them down to a handful of archetypes, it seems quite weird. Oversimplification, I suppose.
Lust - Magena has always been a sexual creature, sort of comes with the territory. However, Magena wasn’t raised on Zeltros in a culture where her natural inclinations would have been accepted but was rather raised by a domineering, pious Father on Trauls. For a very long time she was ashamed of species, her sexuality, and just held a lot of stigmas for herself. Eventually, (could you guess it?) she made the decision to run away, basically jumping into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim. Still, she survived it, made a lot of mistakes, learned a lot about herself, and got back on her feet again. Her second time around, Magena had learned to embrace who she is, and now basically just enjoy her liberties and freedom with a lot of zeal and spirit.*snicker* She doesn’t do…’love’ though. She’ll indulge, she’ll stick around while it’s still fun and new, explore and what-not… but commitment isn’t her thing, and at the first signs of a serious attachment she’ll scatter.

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