Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Retirement

So, after much thought, I've decided that I am going to retire all of my characters with the exception of Barrien. I just don't have the time anymore to keep up with all of my characters and I don't enjoy getting overly involved in the board politics, which tends to happen quite a bit with my other characters. Barrien is less involved in that, and I really enjoy writing him, to be honest.

There is another reason for this and that's that I don't have time because, as a few of you already know, I have signed a book deal. My first book is going to be re-published, and my next two will be subsequently published, by Realmwalker Publishing Group.

You can see the announcement here: CLICK ME. I'm the one with the Fedora.

So I just don't have time to make a million posts, run a faction, or anything of that nature any longer, sorry to say. It's a shame because I really wanted to make The New Republic something awesome, but oh well. Such is life. I'm sure you'll all get along fine without me. :)
[member="Barrien Siegfried"]

Congrats that's so awesome! Will the first book be available via e-book or audiobook? It's easier for me to download stuff on my kindle since I now live out in the country with the closest Barnes & Noble 30 miles away and I would love to read a book from a SWRP writer!
[member="Darth Novus"]
No idea, lol. I know itll be available basically everywhere online, but Im not sure about in the stores just yet. Still trying to figure that out.

[member="Dune Rhur"]
Yeah, its awesome! I self-published this back back in 2014, but then I made some light edits and shopped it around a bit. Found this group through a high school teacher of mine who told me to talk to another of his students. He got me in touch with the editor and voila! My cover is being worked on right now. Pre-sales on Amazon should go live probably end of this week or sometime next week.
[member="Darth Novus"]
Thats probably the delivery service, lol. It will be available vatious places on the web though. When I make the announcement post about it Ill make sure you know where and when its available.

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