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Characters, Sub Accounts, and No supporting posts w/ subs


Well-Known Member
Hey! Just had a question about sub accounts/characters. I know you're not supposed to "Support" your posts with multiple characters as per the rules.
That being said, would it be acceptable to have multiple characters that don't work together, but have interactions/backstory with each other.

For example, if I were to have Character 1, have worked for Character 2 in the past, have them interact with each other, but not "Help" each other or use it to pad posts, would that be an acceptable practice, or at that point would it require that I create one of them as an NPC to avoid that? I would like to create the character (The one I haven't yet) as a kind of boss of character 1 (In the past) but develop him as an independent character, so that's why I'm asking if I have to have him be an NPC or if it would be acceptable in this case to have two of my characters interact (Since they won't be conquesting or anything like that).

If that doesn't make sense, let me know and I can try to explain better.
Factory Judge
Haileigh Dheed said:
The rule is more about OOC matters, I believe.
OOC matters. IC, is a different story. About the only thing you can't do IC with them, is have them fight on the same side, against the same person.

THis is as far as I know in my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
[member="Haileigh Dheed"]

Ah, I assumed also, for faction purposes that it would also be looked down on (Which is entirely not the intent either).

Thanks for the response!

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Denn Ralto"]

Yo, I think Tef answered what you are talking about in a response to a similar question posed by another member in the announcement thread here

Essentially don't be alt hopping to support OOC posts (such as political arguments or other random drama llama stuff), don't be alt hopping to character gang up on someone IC, don't be trying to ninja your way around staff by devious means.

If you are using it for a development thread be very clear that you are the SOLE writer for those characters involved! It would help the judges and such expedite their time rather than having to check all the characters involved.

Above referenced potential answer to question below

Boo Chiyo said:
Question on this one.

I sometimes do solo threads, that are intended to be either development threads or fleshing out character backstory. I have three characters (sub-accounts) that are related to another. [member="3X744"] is in the care/custody of [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], who is the employer of [member="Jon Jon Nemo"]

So I may do a solo (single writer) thread where I write out a Corellia Digital scene from the perspective of both Sor-Jan and Nemo. For example, this thread, which lays the ground work for a number of character and company projects for me.

My question is: Would this be considered a violation of General Rule #7 as re-written, since I'm supporting my posts with sub-accounts?

I understand that the intent here is more toward OOC topics/threads, but I want to make certain my IC activity isn't in violation of the letter of the rule.
Tefka said:
Don't do it in pvp threads and don't do it in OOC threads. Don't do it in an attempt to decieve other members or Staff.

So long as you don't fall in the above 3 categories, you should be fine.

If not, the most you'll get your first offense is a warning. Don't sweat warnings.

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