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Approved Starship Chariot II-Class Missile Boat

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  • Intent: To create a Powerful Missile Boat for the Final Dawn
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Here
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Twin Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Can Enter Atmosphere
  • Heavy Hitter | Can Devastate Entire Starfighter Squadrons and Enemy Capital Ships
  • Strong Shielding | Can take a beating from Enemy Starfighters and Point-Defense Weaponry from Capital Ships
  • Advanced Power Management Systems | Allows Power to be Diverted to one of the three Major Systems of the Starfighter [Shields , Weapons , Engines]
  • Agile Hull | Increases Speed
  • Fixed Forward Weapons Placement | Has to constantly re-orient itself to lock onto it's Targets
  • Agile Hull | Extremely Weak Hull , once the Shields are down a few shots are enough to destroy the Missile Boat.
  • Limited EMP/Ion Resistance | EMP and Ion Weaponry can quickly disable the Craft
  • Advance Power Management Systems
    • Shunted to Engines | Weapons and Shields are Weaker
    • Shunted to Weapons | Speed is Reduced and Shields are Weaker
    • Shunted to Shields | Speed is Reduced and Weapons are Weaker
  • Unstable Loadout | A Single Shot to the Missile Launchers (Once the Shields are down) will cause a Chain Reaction that can destroy the Missile Boat and create a massive explosion with a Radius of 10m. (The same thing can occur if the Missile Boat is also outright destroyed)

During the Early Days of the Third Imperial Civil War , Marlon Sularen developed a Missile Boat designed to take down entire Fleets and pave the way for easier Victories for the New Imperial Order during the numerous Engagements of the Braxtant Campaign. However the Chariot Missile Boats were only used Twice before they were discontinued for unknown reasons as Sularen was unable to secure funding for the mass-production of the Missile Boat. Upon joining the Final Dawn , the idea of developing Missile Boats for the Sith-aligned Military Junta popped up again although actual planning for such a new Missile Boat would not begin until after the Battles of Coruscant and Jedha where Sularen , now known as the Grand Overseer of the Final Dawn began prioritizing the need of new Elite Starfigthers for the Final Dawn capable of taking down entire enemy Starfighter Squadrons and Fleets and pave the way for the Final Dawn's Conquest of the Core Worlds , filling a similar role to the original Chariot-Class Missile Boats.

Thus Work on the Chariot-II Class Missile Boat began , with the sole purpose of creating a Multi-Role Starfighter capable of duking it out with enemy Fighters while also being able to deal serious amounts of damage to enemy Capital Ships. Equipped with 3 Heavy Laser Cannons and over 42 Missile Launchers with Armament Duplicators , the Chariot-II Class Missile Boat is armed to the teeth primarily relying on it's Powerful Weaponry and Strong Shielding to overwhelm enemy Capital Ships and Enemy Starfighter Squadrons alike. However despite this , the very strengths of the Chariot-II Missile Boats are also their biggest weaknesses as one shot to the Missile Launchers if the shields are down , could cause a chain reaction that could destroy the Chariot-II while the Missile Boat's Hull is unable to take any sort of Punishment from Enemy Starfighters meaning that if the Chariot-II loses it's Shields all it will take is a few shots and the entire Missile Boat will be gone.

Despite these drawbacks , Grand Overseer Marlon Sularen has ordered the Limited Production of the Chariot-II in preparation for it's usage during his planned Operation Deathstroke where the Grand Overseer aims to unleash his newest weapon upon the Proud Vessels of the Galactic Alliance.

  • Modified the Ratings in Technical Specification as per this
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Nice sub again!
  • The first permission's link is broken again, please fix it.
  • The second is not good, Cyan gave her permission to the other submission only, not for this.
  • In the weaknesses, this: "Advance Power Management Systems" - your ratings are not reflect this weakness. Please modify the weakness or your ratings to reflect this.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Sunday (2021.11.14.), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
  • Unstable Loadout | A Single Shot to the Missile Launchers (Once the Shields are down) will cause a Chain Reaction that can destroy the Missile Boat and create a massive explosion with a Radius of 10m. (The same thing can occur if the Missile Boat is also outright destroyed)
  • Agile Hull | Extremely Weak Hull , once the Shields are down a few shots are enough to destroy the Missile Boat.
  • Limited EMP/Ion Resistance | EMP and Ion Weaponry can quickly disable the Craft
Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Agile Hull and Limited EMP/Ion Resistance is not not signifigant weaknesses, put those in regular. As for Unstable Loadout, I will accept it. Remove the later two and place them in regular weaknesses and I will approve.
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