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Approved Species Chariys

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: To flesh out the fauna and history of Fenris, as well as providing background creatures for later RP.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]DeviantArt[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/a[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Links[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Fenris[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Name[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Chariys[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Designation[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Non-sentient[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Homeworld[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Fenris[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Language[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: No true language, communicates through sounds, body language and smell[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Average Lifespan[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 30[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Estimated Population: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Planetary[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: The Chariys look like large lizards, like the legendary wyverns. Primarily found in the hot lowlands and jungles of Fenris the mottled scales of the lizards help them to blend in, disguising their approach until it’s too late. Perhaps the two most distinctive features of the Chariys are their horns and their triple pronged tail, both of which were developed as defensive measures against the predation of the mountain wolves.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Breathes[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Type 1[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Average[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] height of adults[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 1.5 - 2m[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Average[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] length of adults[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: 2.5 - 3m[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Skin [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]color[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Their scales are a mottled blue-grey colour to allow them to blend into the shadows of their jungle habitat[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Hair [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]color[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/a[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Distinctions[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: These large lizards grew to supremacy in the jungles, forests and lowlands of Fenris, an Apex Predator and master of all they see. Born from eggs their claws and teeth are blunted immediately after birth and they are heavily reliant on their family for protection. It is around the time they start weaning that the newborn’s claws and teeth start sharpening, around the time their horns start to develop. Over the course of the next few months, their teeth and claws reach full sharpness so that by the age of 8 months they are able to start venturing out with the pack. By the time they’re 1 year old the children will be assisting the pact in small ways. Although their claws and teeth reach full sharpness quickly the horns never stop growing. By the time they’ve reached their maturity, they tend to slow, but the age of a Chariys can be seen by the size of their horns which never stop growing. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Races[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/a[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Strengths: [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]Venomous: The teeth and claws of the Charys exude a potent neurotoxin that the lizards can use to paralyze their prey, or kill them. One slice from a claw means death for most animals. allowing the Chariys to become one of the dominant predators on the planet. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Stealthy: The mottled grey/blue colour of the Chariys allow them to blend into the shadows of the forests and jungles they call their homes. Combined with the silent flowing movement they are renown for help the large lizards to blend into their environment and sneak up on their prey.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Senses:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Chariys have adapted to see in the dark, and with a superior sense of smell and hearing to better allow them to stalk their prey.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Weaknesses: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Small packs: The Chariys are pack hunters, but only in small numbers, the packs on average consist of 5-7 lizards. As children grow and develop they split off from the pack, coalescing into new packs and seeking out new territory.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Temperature: Like all lizards, the Chariys are cold-blooded, and while very comfortable in the warm environs they lack the ability to generate bodily warmth and will shy away from cold environments that can prove to be deadly to them. [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Diet[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Carnivorous, [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Communication[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Communicates through sounds, body language and smell[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Technology [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]level[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/a[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Religion/Beliefs[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: N/a[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]General [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]behavior[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Pack hunters, the Chariys roam through their territory in packs of 5-7, one of the undisputed apex predators on Fenris. The Pack mentality informs everything about their behaviour, every interaction is informed by their position in the pack and its hierarchy. Lower-ranked lizards will often challenge those ranked above them. Packs are lead by an Alpha, normally the largest and strongest member of the pack, the best fighter and often the most experienced. A Chariys can be tamed, however, that pack mentality remains, to tame one you need to take the place of the Alpha in their head, to reach a point where the Chariys will not even dream of challenging you. If this is done then their loyalty is insurmountable, but if not, then they will seek to challenge if they see an opportunity or a weakness.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]One of the native species of Fenris, the Chariys are large horse-sized lizards that stalk the jungles and forests which make up the large central band of the planet. The Chariys were the first threat that the colonists found upon their arrival, the lizards stalking and feeding on the exploration parties. The sheer graceful lethality of the lizards drove the colonists away from their initial landing spot, forcing them to seek out the safety of the mountains and the islands. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The humans who had moved to the mountains had a tumultuous relationship with the Chariys, they became the nightmare fuel of their children, the story that was told around campfires. In those early days, the hunters and lumber smiths had to enter the forests to obtain the wood the settlements needed. These workers were easy prey for the Lizards who stalked the boundary, clashing with the wolves and settlers. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]However not all the colonists felt the same way, some had realised that the lizards were ideally suited to their environment and instead of running chose to emulate them. Utilising the remnants of their failing technology the sampled the Chairy’s genetics, combining it with their own to develop into a new race, the Pharakis. Over time the Pharakis started to tame the Chariys along with the other animals of the jungles, using them as mounts and as part of their armies. [/SIZE]
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