Kelictu Moreantu
Active Member
NAME: Charl13
AGE: Looks 25 in basic mode
SEX: Typically stays Male
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+/-) Charl can change his appearance and his gender(if necessary) due to the technology he has built into him that allows him to use holographic projection to change his looks, the gender swap being a more physical and vocal change.
(+) Charl is an expert dancer in any body he chooses to look like to put on a good show.
(+) Like most protocol droids, He is able to translate over 6000 languages, which helps for disguises.
(-) He has no combat capabilities whatsoever.
(-) Charl can tend to try and change the topic of any conversation to make him show off...even if it is for no true reason.
Chael13 is a prototype holo-projection with a multitude of different ways to disguise himself. His standard look is that of a Corellian Male with blue eyes and brown hair, even when he's shut down. The garb he wears with his looks is a white button down shirt with blue jeans and simple boots. This is subject to change, due to the nature of his holo-projection tech.
BIOGRAPHY: Charl13 was built to be an assassin droid for a Nar Shaddaa Hutt Cartel, with the most expensive holographic projection technology to be able to disguise himself as anyone he is capable to. The ship transporting Charl13 took a pit stop on Cloud City of Bespin, and most of the crew went off to a night club called "The Drunken Mynock", which had many, many dancers that were either droids or live twi'lek dancer. The Owner of the club, Jackson Bryce, found Charl13 and realized how much he could make off of him dancing inside of his club. Jackson took him from the ship and hid him inside the back of the club until the crew left Cloud City. Once the transport left, Jackson took several week reprogramming Charl13 to work at the club and dance for people, along with being a basic butler around the club. At this moment in time, He is still in the back, shut down with the new programming installed, as Jackson has never gotten around to using Charl13 yet.
NAME: Charl13
AGE: Looks 25 in basic mode
SEX: Typically stays Male
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+/-) Charl can change his appearance and his gender(if necessary) due to the technology he has built into him that allows him to use holographic projection to change his looks, the gender swap being a more physical and vocal change.
(+) Charl is an expert dancer in any body he chooses to look like to put on a good show.
(+) Like most protocol droids, He is able to translate over 6000 languages, which helps for disguises.
(-) He has no combat capabilities whatsoever.
(-) Charl can tend to try and change the topic of any conversation to make him show off...even if it is for no true reason.
Chael13 is a prototype holo-projection with a multitude of different ways to disguise himself. His standard look is that of a Corellian Male with blue eyes and brown hair, even when he's shut down. The garb he wears with his looks is a white button down shirt with blue jeans and simple boots. This is subject to change, due to the nature of his holo-projection tech.
BIOGRAPHY: Charl13 was built to be an assassin droid for a Nar Shaddaa Hutt Cartel, with the most expensive holographic projection technology to be able to disguise himself as anyone he is capable to. The ship transporting Charl13 took a pit stop on Cloud City of Bespin, and most of the crew went off to a night club called "The Drunken Mynock", which had many, many dancers that were either droids or live twi'lek dancer. The Owner of the club, Jackson Bryce, found Charl13 and realized how much he could make off of him dancing inside of his club. Jackson took him from the ship and hid him inside the back of the club until the crew left Cloud City. Once the transport left, Jackson took several week reprogramming Charl13 to work at the club and dance for people, along with being a basic butler around the club. At this moment in time, He is still in the back, shut down with the new programming installed, as Jackson has never gotten around to using Charl13 yet.