Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Charles aka Charlie.
FACTION: Neutral
RANK: n/a
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'6"
WEIGHT: 220lbs
EYES: brown
HAIR: dark blonde
SKIN: white


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Sharpshooter
+ Knows his way around pretty much any gun you give him
+ Good in a fight
- No brains to go with his brawn
- Driven by money - he would sell out his friends if her thought it would get him a better pay check

Built like a brick, Charlie looks like the kinda guy you would want on your side. He likes to keep his hair short, but sometimes it gorws into a dark blonde mop when he can't be bothered. He's no stranger to battle scars, though he takes extra care when fighting that his face doesn't get scarred...he's rather fond of his face.

Born on the oldest of two Nar Shadda, Charlie had a gun in his hand as soon as he could walk. His father worked for the hutts as hired muscle and as such, his son was to follow his lead. Determined to do his father proud, but also very close to his mother. Charlie took to his training like a fish to water, mastering thuggishness by the time he reached double figures and capable of handling any gun by his mid teens. He developed basic pilot skill at this age too and when he hit 18, he picked up his first job with the hutts.

Moving from job to job, he spent his money on three things he enjoys most; women, booze and guns. Though he always kept a portion back to send to his mum at the end of a job. Two years into his his career, his father was killed on a job and his mother pleaded for his to come home and stop, but he refused. Upping the amount he would send her he carried on his merc career, selling out friends where necessary and picking the highest paid jobs, developing some what of a reputation for being incredibly dumb, but good at getting the job done. Provided of course, the plan wasn't his.

As far as he is aware, he's good at what he does. No call him dumb to his face, nor do they make the mistake of insulting his mother. That aside, any insult pretty much bounces off thick skin.





Cool looking character you have here [member="Charles"]
But there seems to be an uprising of NFU mercenaries and bounty hunters and soldiers, are you guys planning something against the Force User's? Because it sort of seems suspicious to me that people are all of a sudden wanting to make NFU opposed to FU
Kable Detta said:
That's probably because alot of us our tired of the God-modding that tends to come with FU's...
Make a force-dead character and suddenly they can't touch you :D
Until they start throwing human-sized boulders...
Jala Rekab said:
Or lighting you on fire.
Well then they ain't using the force. Force dead peeps can't be directly affected by the force directly.
Throwing things, throwing people, throwing animals, that still works. Force pushes and force fire... well, as far as I know, that wouldn't work.

Boulders are the bane of force dead individuals.
Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
Well then they ain't using the force. Force dead peeps can't be directly affected by the force directly.
Throwing things, throwing people, throwing animals, that still works. Force pushes and force fire... well, as far as I know, that wouldn't work.

Boulders are the bane of force dead individuals.
I don't see how pyrokinesis wouldn't work. It's not using the force directly on the Force dead person. It's using the force on the molecules in the air to speed their vibration up enough to create a flame. That or controlling the molecules of an existing flame and using that. Much like throwing a a way.

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