Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Charlotte Miraak

Name - Charlotte Miraak
Faction - The First Order
Rank - Witch Spellweaver
Species - Human
Age - 44
Sex - Female
Height - 5'10-5'11
Weight - Around 155lb
Eyes - Brown (natural), Silver Grey (Changed via Magic)
Hair - Silver with signs of white
Force Sensitive - Yes
Primary Language Spoken - High Galactic (Uses a Virgilian Accent. It's more like an informal Posh English accent.), Galactic Standard Basic
Other Languages Spoken: Huttese (Average. Can understand it), Toydarian (Above Average. Can understand), and atleast 3 other languages. Two being rusty, and one being fluent.
Homeworld - Virgilia
Current Master - None
Past Masters - Andromeda (First Master)
Voice - Virgilia (Umineko no Naku Koro Ni. Just not Japanese. :L Just the voice, and the way she speaks sounds similar.)
Charlotte is a skilled, and powerful user of not only the force, but at the merchant trade. If anything, she would rather speak and use fighting as a last resort. To her, fighting is a form of defensive measures, and the real way to kill a man or a woman, is to use the ways of words. In the past, she did indeed, killed someone with words alone. She knows that the power of language is something anyone can learn, force user or not. She had even observed people who used words to kill someone, and they weren't force users at all.
Calm and Collective - Charlotte is a very calm and collective person. She keeps to herself allot, and is very patient with a calm looking face, mostly having her eyes closed and open them slightly to look at a person. With such a calming look, she gives a good impression to the person she negotiates with the sense of calmness and the fact she will not harm them.
Speechcraft - Among the skills she had learn in her training is the method of convincing people and bater for lower prices to sell at higher prices. Charlottes ways with words are extraordinary, and if anything, she can easily get something for a lower price and get what she wants without having to get angry. This usually connects to her calm and collective expressions that make a person stay calm throughout the negotiation progress. As a good, and skilled user of this, she could also, very rarely, kill someone with just her words alone. This ability, which many to believe is exclusively a force ability, is infact, not a force ability at all. If anything, this skill always existed, it's just super rare to see someone actually dying from words alone. It usually comes from debating deeply, and the mind gets severely overwhelm where a heart attack can actually happen. It's indeed one of Charlotte's most well known skills, and her signature move. Though, sometimes she does cheat, and use her magic with it, which speeds up the progress. (Inspiriation of this ability)
Knowledge Craver - Charlotte preys on Knowledge and is willing to eat up any sort of knowledge to learn the powers and secrets behind it. Though not literally an eater of books and anything that teaches knowledge, Charlotte looks like she would consume it, as she always reads every single book she had been given, would learn from any holocron that she encounters or anything that involves learning new skills or improving her own. This makes her willing to learn very easily, and she pays attention allot, learning very fast from this as a result.
Skilled Force User - Due to her learning of the nature from her master before her, she is very skilled at using the force, sometimes not even using a lightsaber in combat at all. If anything, she would use a lightsaber as a form of insult to a Jedi. She is more than capable of using the force rather than using a lightsaber. Though she is good at using it, the force is all she really needs.
Patriotism - Though she doesn't seem to be loyal to the First Order, she is infact very dedicated to ensure the well being of Virgilia is assured. She serves the First Order not just because she's loyal to the ideals, but she is loyal to serving her home planet, and attend to the needs who cry out for help. This was the main reason why she became what she is today.
Though Charlotte looks flawless and a Mary Sue, think again. She has weaknesses beyond belief, especially if things don't go her way. In addition, she has that inner criminal within her, as she is indeed, not a legitimate buisnesswoman by law, but rather, a buisnesswoman on the opposite side of the law. Therefore, she indeed has those... tendencies within her. In addition, she isn't really necessarily loyal towards everyone. She sorta does her own thing, as she sees anyone as an enemy if she is not careful.
Outbursts - When things do not go her way, Charlotte can get pretty impatient, and her facial expressions can display this. Whenever her voice gets more deeper and angrier, and her hand begins to slowly grip towards the throat of the person, she is defiantly showing that she will snap. When she does finally snap, she begins to shout angrily, and choke the person as a form of torture and lecture them with a very angry looking expression and voice. When she is done, she throws the person to the side and breaths heavily and balls her fist calming herself down. Sometimes, when she is at that point of severe anger, she does indeed, kill the target with her saber as form of execution after torturing them with her force choke.
Skepticism - Charlotte can get very skeptical towards the First Order and the way they do things. Though she is willing to serve them, she sometimes questions the true intents of the First Order and their Supreme Leader. Though she doesn't want to leave it, for it's for the well being of not her, but the people of Virgilia, she sometimes wishes some things can get improved. Thus, some disloyalty shows, and sometimes she will refuse orders.
Shady - Charlotte's business is usually disguised as an innocent Trade Corporation, but in actual reality, she buys and sells illegal items that stumble upon her at the right price. If anything, she is a very shady dealer, and usually attempts to sell illegal items towards anyone who has the credit for it. This, therefore, shows her shady nature. And when she is being shady, she usually looks around to ensure no authority figures are present. Though conducting business is easier on Virgilia, doing it elsewhere outside of the First Order, or even in the capital of the First Order, retorts to her being shadier than she actually is. She seems to be less shady when on Virgilia however.
Backstabber - Usually when deals are made with Charlotte, she will do things behind the scenes to ensure her "Buddy" does not get the upper hand. To her, there is no such thing as "Friends", for every "friend" can become an enemy later on. She usually chooses to backstab them, for they cannot be trusted for very long, as they might ploy to kill her later on. Charlotte however, wouldn't do this to people she really trusts. It usually takes allot to get on that side, and usually takes years.
Body Description
Being around 5'10-5'11, Charlotte is a tall human female with a curvy body. She has a well shaped face with long hair that stretches down. Sometimes it's tied up when involving her going hooded. She has a large chest and bottom, with thick legs. Her arms are average sized, and her bottom to top torso is sligtly large due to her large chest. She has a tattoo around her stomach which goes up like smoke. It stretches from the upper part of her crotch towards the lower part of her chest. It is not known why it's present, but it was there when she first got it at the age of 27, perhaps as a symbol or some sort during her trials as a Witch Apprentice. She has another tattoo that stretches from her foot towards her upper front leg. that is of namely, the group she's leader of.
Her clothes usually differ depending on what the circumstance is. Usually, she is dressed with a red looking Victorian dress with a white ruffle below her neck. This symbolizes how much wealth she has from all those years from her criminal activities. When she is working, she tends to take on the more, innocent merchant look, and wears a fancy looking merchant robe. Since the people of Virgilia tend to dress regally, it fits the environment. Whenever she's doing deals outside of the Virgilia system, she's always wearing a black hood, with a black robe and black pants with black boots. This is so when she is attacked, she is more mobile in combat and get away from situations. Sometimes, she dons a mask to hide her identity, but this is usually if shes in Republic, Mandolorian, Silver Sanctumian, or the Galactic Alliance' space.
The soothing voice of Charlotte can be easily described that she is an overall, calm and patient person. Allot of people think that due to her soft facial expressions, and the times she barely gets angry, she is a pretty friendly person. When in actual reality, Charlotte is pretty cold, stern and manipulative. Charlotte mostly has a personality that of an ice queen, but sometimes, she is legitimately friendly towards others. She believes that this is a good business practice, as having a calm expression and aura, can easily make her make deals, and barter much more effectively than others. Charlotte isn't a big fan of shouting, but when she is shouted at, even threatened, she remains still, and remains calm throughout. Trust is something that has to be earned from her, as she doesn't trust many people, and it usually takes a while until she finally senses that she can trust the other. She is pretty quiet about romance, being super selective, and does not open up unless the person she finds that interests her, really does interest her. If she looses interest in a person, she usually leaves them for dead or abandons them entirely, completely forgetting about them.
However, when she is angry, she is indeed, angry. Though sometimes it's hard to tell, it's usually seen when her face remains a frown and she closes her eyes deeply, and begins to softly twitch. The feeling of a person's throat beginning to clog up in a choking matter with a hand curling down, can indeed tell that Charlotte is upset. When she is in full blown anger, she instantly becomes unrecognizable, as if she is a completely different person. She lashes, gets nasty, and even starts swearing at the person with absolute anger. It takes quite a bit to make her angry, but the number one thing that makes her angry is failures or if things don't go her way. She does not believe in a "second chance", unless if the person is on her trusted side.
(WIP leading up to the age of 44)
Charlotte was born on Virgilia, 801 Years After the Battle of Yavin. As a young girl, Charlotte grew up in a fallen noble family, that lost their entire fortune due to disputes with the government and stripped of every rank they had. In the process, she lost her father, Viraan Miraak, though she did not known about this, as she was only two years old at the time. Growing up, her mother, Antonette Miraak decided that her daughter should join the First Order's military, as she was born a force sensitive, due to the fact that many were beginning to become more present in this time and age. However, Charlotte initially refused to join the First Order and instead, wanted to help support her mother. Again, her mother pushed her to wanting to join the First Order, this time as a Knight of Ren. Again, she refused. This made her mother quite disappointed that she was not willing to join the First Order under any rank, but she believed that this was namely from her father, whom back before he died, was that of a man who had no ties to anyone, and was a smuggler. She feared her daughter would follow the path of crime, which eventually she did.
By the age of twelve, Charlotte engaged in a criminal lifestyle, after finding an illegal death stick trader by the name of Rotth. Joining him, she begun to learn the trades of profit, and supply and demand, becoming an aspiring student of the trade. During one of her trading deals, she encountered a Witch Master by the name of Andromeda, a human, in which took interest in the girl, and took her as an apprentice. Her master was profoundly experienced in the ways of the force, namely the nature of the Dark Side with some aspects of the Light, via manipulation of the mind, and took her to the toxic marsh planet of Sump, to further train the girl. The hostile planet was quite questionable to the young aspiring student, but to her master, Sump was an excellent place to really learn the natures of the dark side, as toxins were used in the ways of the Witch.
Charlotte had eventually became much more talented in her skills as a witch, and eventually became a Spellweaver. Though, she haven't let down her skills in lightsaber combat and kept training in that as well. Now as a more mature and older woman, she had begun to use her manipulation to try and help her trade company grow. But even still, she still needs more money... therefore, she had begun to lurk around the First Order, waiting for the opportune moment to emerge.​
2,456 Credits (On hand)
1,230 Credits (In bank)
Charlotte's Manor (WIP)
Previously, her powers were quite mastered, but now, they are mostly forgotten. These powers were greatly reduced since the Bespin incident.
Combat Style
0 - Not Yet Learned
1 - Novice
2 - Beginner
3 - Intermediate
4 - Master
5 - Prodigy)
Form I - 3
Form II - 2
Form III - 1
Form IV - 1
Form V - 0
Form VI - 0
Vaapad - 0
Force Powers
Light Side
Force Push - 2
Force Speed - 0
Mind Trick - 2
Force Vision - 0
Force Heal - 1
Force Ghost - 0
Force Telepathy - 2
Force Telekinesis - 0
Force Grip - 2
Dark Side
Force Choke - 2
Force Lightning - 2
Dark Rage - 1
Force Scream - 0
Masking - 2 (Works around the Virgilia System and the area proximity of Dosuun. Ineffective outside of the System unless near a Dark Side Nexus or a area with the Dark Side present on the planet.)
Midi-Chlorian Manipulation- 0
Speechcraft - 3
This is a lovely bio and very well written, but I'm afraid that unless you are transferring this character over from another forum where she previously earned the Master rank and you can show threads as well as official promotions, you must start her at Apprentice level and work your way up, just like everyone else.

[member="Lorelei Darke"] I am well aware of this. I thought I would make it up by writing an NPC master out for her so then I can try to get her up to higher ranks...

What should I do now? Because I really hate rolling back everything I had done. I'm not starting all over again with my character. Considering the fact I'm doing a mega solo thread dedicated to her training which will probably span for quite a while, is there any way I can use that and explain it that way?

Edit: Fixed
A single solo dev thread will not be enough to push a self-trained character to Master Rank, I'm afraid. When RPJs look at characters who are put up for promotion, we look for development across all platforms including but not limited to - IC interaction with other characters via duels, faction threads, invasions, dominions, training threads, developmental story threads, and other such things. While we do not discount solo threads and many characters have used them as part of their overall dev towards promotion, we have not and likely never will elevate a character to Master rank based on one solo dev thread alone. The point of being on a forum like this is to interact with other characters and write stories with them. If all you wished to achieve was one single solo-thread, you'd be better served writing in a more serious effort as an author.

I would continue to pursue your solo dev thread if you already have it started. There is no reason not to. However, outside of that thread get her involved as an Apprentice. I also highly recommend finding a PC Master for her written by another member on the forum. It's much more enjoyable that way and I think you'll come to appreciate the more organic nature of her progression.

Lorelei Darke said:
I also highly recommend finding a PC Master for her written by another member on the forum.
[member="Lorelei Darke"] But that would require me to rewrite my entire biography and delete my NPC....

You got any suggestions on what I can do with Andromeda then? Should she... die or something?

Or should I scrap and start new? BEcause I'm tempted to just scrap and just leave a huge gap until I find a mster for my character.

Or should I just leave the threads as they are, stop writing in them, and just leave them as story exerts

HELP ME HERE PLEASE!!!!!! I'm freaking out now

EDIT: Got rid of the last 2 parts of the bio.

But waht should I do with her NPC master? Just leave them as mentions on what she did with her? Maybe have something happen between the two where she goes to persue a new master?


Disney's Princess
[member="Sereniama"] - If Charlotte is a Witch Master with 44 years of history. And you are not allowed to start RPing with the rank of Witch Master? Then yes. You should rewrite the character in such a fashion as that she no longer carries that rank or power. This is very very very very simple.

Here are some ideas,

  • 1. She lost some of her power and had to start all over. This is very easy to write into her backstory.
  • 2. Start her at a much younger age and begin again. This is very easy to do.
  • 3. Stop writing this character and start playing a new one altogether.

What do with the NPCs in here life.

  • 1. Write them out of her life. It's a new timeline. This is very easy to do.
  • 2. Write them in, but different. It's a new timeline. This is very easy to do.
  • 3. Don't mention them all. This is so easy a child could do it.

For more ideas, PM me. Enjoy the game. :D
There. Changed her age.

I seriously think my character is ruined now... because you all wanted her a certain way but fine. I'll live with it.

Jay Scott Clark said:
1. She lost some of her power and had to start all over. This is very easy to write into her backstory.
Was considering this one tbh. But she wouldn't be considerably stupid to loose that much power overtime.

EDIT 2: went with scott's suggestion.

NOW can I please have my character without her being ruined more?
Sereniama said:
There. Changed her age.

I seriously think my character is ruined now... because you all wanted her a certain way but fine. I'll live with it.
It's not about how others want it, It's about making it fair on everyone.

There's no reason to pout about this, you might find you have fun and create a more interesting character by starting at the bottom and working your way up. I find i used to hate getting my rear handed to me in every duel, to always be the lowest notch on the totem pole, to always look up at those towering masters and behemoths of lore.

But now that I've started actually working my way up the chain, you have no idea how satisfying it is to watch your own progression in restrospect, how amazing it feels when you finally have that knight right placed upon your shoulders, or even master one day (Fingers Crossed)

So please bear with us, and let's work this out together.

Everyone here has worked for their toys, with some hard work and dedication, you can too
This has nothing to do with what we want, it has everything to do with following the rules. If you were so familiar with the rules, as you stated, you would not have started her out this way. Sadly, you only have yourself to blame.

Being prickly about the suggestions offered by members when you asked for advice does not help you in any way. Stop thinking about it being a ruined character and start thinking of it being a door for opportunity, you'll have a much more enjoyable time of it.
Darth Prazutis said:
It is satisfying to look back as a Sith Lord or Jedi Master etc and see what you sloughed through with the character to get here.
[member="Darth Prazutis"] True...

Lorelei Darke said:
This has nothing to do with what we want, it has everything to do with following the rules. If you were so familiar with the rules, as you stated, you would not have started her out this way. Sadly, you only have yourself to blame.

Being prickly about the suggestions offered by members when you asked for advice does not help you in any way. Stop thinking about it being a ruined character and start thinking of it being a door for opportunity, you'll have a much more enjoyable time of it.
Sorry for snapping...

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