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Approved Tech Charon 01 Exoskeleton

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  • Intent: To create an inconspicuous cybernetic exoskeleton for use in both combat and non-combat situations.

  • Image Source: Charon logo, edited by [member="Varlo Shysa"], Exo Skeleton Ben Mauro, edits by me

  • Canon Link: NA

  • Primary Source: DARPA Exoskeleton


  • Manufacturer: Charon Company

  • Affiliation: Charon Company, Open Market

  • Model: Charon 01 Exoskeleton

  • Modularity: Yes. The upper and lower portions can be separated to be used alone or as a single unit. In the future, Charon plans to create additional modules for integration with the exoskeleton.

  • Production: Limited

  • Material: Titanium, Durafiber, Condensed Matter Composite, power cells, mechanical cybernetic components
  • Classification: Exoskeleton
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Resistances:
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): None
- Kinetic: None
- Lightsabers: None
- Other: None


  • Slim and Lightweight, easy to put on and take off.

  • Easy to wear under armor or moderately loose clothing without being conspicuous, though snug clothing will reveal the lines of the exoskeleton.

  • Built to reduce strain on joints and muscles. Condensed Matter Composite support at each joint reduces stress and vibrations from both the mechanical components as well as outside sources.

  • Cybernetic components increase strength, speed, and endurance. An adjustable control allows for a range of increase, allowing the user to conserve battery life in the field.

  • Auto adjusting mode for injury support in the field.

  • Increased Strength, Endurance, and Speed - With a variable settings, users can increase these capacities anywhere from 1.25 to 3.5 times their normal capacity. This cannot make a skinny weakling as strong as a wookiee- it scales with the user’s abilities only.

  • Injury support in the field - A standard mode that can be turned off if desired to conserve battery life, the Charon 01-Exoskeleton can sense if the wearer is favoring an injury, and automatically reroute power and stability to the affected area, even acting as a brace for a broken limb if needed, allowing them to keep moving. In case of loss of power, there are manual controls that can be utilized to physically stabilize the same sorts of injuries much like a standard brace. This system does not treat the injury, only allow continued movement or immobilization of a damaged area as needed. It will not stop bleeding or anything of the sort.

  • Zero Armored Protection - This exoskeleton offers no protection against anything.

  • Vulnerable to EMP - EMP and Ion attacks will shut down the mechanical components rendering them useless in increasing strength, endurance and speed.

  • Runs on batteries - Good batteries but batteries nonetheless. With every setting maxed out, there is less than twenty minutes of battery life available. The exoskeleton is not made for 24/7 constant increase of capacities, but as a tool for when it is needed.

  • One size fits most - While the median range of bipedal species can utilize this tech, anything with abnormal physiology, too big (Wookies and Hutts? Too big), or too small (Ewoks and Chadra Fan? Too small) will be unable to wear it.
Hired by Charon to serve as mechanic and prototype engineer for one of their units, Rory Naasade chose to start with an exoskeleton system based on the cobbled together system she had jury rigged for herself. With access to a full workshop and not relying on salvaged materials, she was able to create a prototype with significantly improved capacity and ease of manufacture. Produced by the company primarily for internal use, with the option to sell if a good enough opportunity arose, the Charon 01 Exoskeleton was the first internally produced item made available to all of the company’s field agents.

Made for use and comfort under normal clothing or armor, the exoskeleton is first and foremost a support system. With a range of variable control, it is suitable for both civilian and combat usage. Without power usage, the system supports and joints and muscles, intended to lessen fatigue seen in agents under long term physical stress, as well as support old or healing injuries in cases that it is necessary. The system is lightweight, flexible, intuitive to use, and does not restrict normal range of movement.

Beyond the standard, passive features, the Charon 01 Exoskeleton can be adjusted to increased strength, speed, and endurance. These can be applied for the overall system, or to only the upper or lower body portions based on situational need. It also offers real time, automatic adjustments, based on body movement- allowing the system to support specific repetitive movements better, or adjust for injuries that might otherwise impede movement.

Submission Modifications:
4/21/19- Changed Closed Market to Open Market
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