Kiskla Grayson-Matteo
Chazwa; Demanding Republic Assistance
When you were the dominant government in the galaxy, you had to make sure everyone beneath your umbrella was appeased. For the record, Chazwa was not appeased.
Chazwa was an important planet to the Republic, because of their dominance over the Parlemain Trade Route and strong networking hub for traders, merchants and even smugglers (shh). However, the chilly planet was presently compromised with a conflict that was preventing any imports or exports from passing through the trade route.
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
Solan's feet were moving as quickly as they could carry him. Unfortunately, to stave off the cold, he'd put on a little extra weight around his midsection which prevented the fluidity and acceleration he would have liked at this moment. Still, he reached the transmission room in enough time to send a correspondence to the main senate building within the core of Republic space.
The people of Chazwa needed help, and as the junior representative it was Solan's duty to send an alert on the senator's behalf. He was detained -- severely held hostage by The Clog. The entire governmental structure was being held hostage by The Clog, a pathetic but well-armed militia, and would remain so until an order to wipe out Stone-dwellers had been executed. Hurridly, his pudgy fingers danced across the keyboard to type out a brief, but desperate summary outlining the details of what The Republic would face when they came to assist.
The message's contents informed the senate of what was going on. The summary, as detailed by a stenographer passed through to The Senate, is below.
Historically, the planet's citizens could never see eye to eye. Two rivaling clans, The Clog and The Stone-dwellers, inhabited the civilized areas. Over the past few months however, their conflict has grown and influenced the a majority of the population, even going so far as to have The Clogs having a primary influencer within the organization that controlled in and outbound traffic. This of course meant that The Stones had to have an influencer in the council of trade; which resulted in a standstill of any activities that provided a foundation for the planet's infrastructure.
The situation has escalated to the point that all trade operations have come to stand-still and the local government is being held hostage until a mass genocide is issued against The Stone-dwellers.
Solan was no longer available for contact, due to unforeseen occurances.
Objectives: Liberate the government officials
Resolve the conflict between The Stone-dwellers and The Clogs [The Clogs are hostile]
*This has already been approved to act on by the Senate. All members of The Republic are encouraged to join.
Resolve the conflict between The Stone-dwellers and The Clogs [The Clogs are hostile]
*This has already been approved to act on by the Senate. All members of The Republic are encouraged to join.