
Chikako Liona
General Infromation
- Name: Chikako Liona
- Nicknames and Titles
Title: Lady Liona - Title: Chikako Liona the First
- Alias: The Wise Child
[*]Age: 16
[*]Race: Echani
[*]Sex: Female
[*]Height: 159.6cm
[*]Weight 62.8kg
[*]Force Sensitive: yes
[*]Rank: Witch initiate
[*]Affiliation: CIS, The Witches of Dathomir
[*]Occupation: CIS representative
[*]Home world: ?????
[*]Relationship status: Single
[*]Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Skills Strength, Weaknesses and other performance factors
Wise: Despite her young age Chikako is quite wise and knowledgeable about the different perceptions of the force and galaxy as a whole.
Strong Magic: Though inexperience her skill in the use of 'magic' is quite powerful, even though she only knows the basics.
Animal Friend: Has an uncanny ability to from bonds with animals ad creatures, with or without the aid of the force.
Nimble: A light figure and force powers means she is quite the slippery and quick bugger, able to slip past people with ease.
Always Right: Insist that she is always in the right know what is the best and right thing to do, can be a for better or for worse.
Slight Amnesia: From some unknown accident has lost part of her early memory, though several hits have pointed to a not so pleasant past.
Passive Aggressive: Will try to avoid conflict, but once engaged will not back down until there is a clear winner.
Arg Science: Tech, mechanics and most modern machines are not her field of experience, and has never gotten along with them.
Under average strength: Little training or fitness makes her relatively weak compared to others, even with the addition of the force.
Blaster/slug-thrower Inept: Knows very little about blaster and guns, how they work and the proper way to use them
Flying blind: Has never been at the helm of any sort of ship, and has little practice with land vehicles as well, don't expect her to drive anywhere.
[Novice - Adept - Proficient - Expert - Master]
Saber/Sword combat styles
Shii Cho: Novice
Psychokinesis: Adept
Combustion: Adept
Animal Bond: Proficient
Chikako has long silver/white hair, accompanied by silver-ish eyes and slightly pale skin. This leads many to believe she is an Echani, which is something she could not really deny due to memory loss but was recently confirmed upon meting a former servant. She has a rather thin and feminine figure, not being one for much physical training, but allows her to be nimble and quick. Most of her clothing and outfits are usually dark in colour, being dresses or casual clothes, she often sports a black headband in addition to hair bow ties.
Notable Physical Characteristic
- Light/slightly pale skin
- Head band
Force Alignment
- Dark/Grey
- Witches of Dathimor and their view on magic and uses (Main)
- Echnai culture and way of fighting, though has lost a lot of this due to amnesia (Minor)
- Sith and the ideology of using the force to obtain power (Minor)
- Jedi and the ideology on peace though use of violence when necessary (Minor)
Governmental Ideology
Imperial rule with force and magic users holding power over different branches with on main figurehead as ruler
- To unite the Six Houses of the Echani nobles and rise to rule a new Echani Empire
Chikako is for the most part a kind person, but is rather stern and will demand things be done her way, often believing that she has the most logical solution and outcome for problems. Despite this she is not a hasty or rash and will often plan ahead on what to do. She has a passive nature, and will openly avoid conflict unless forced, but one fighting will not back down, using every trick and advantage one can get to win. In the most extreme circumstances, or when someone pisses her off she is very twisted and mean, and would stop at nothing to bring pain to the said individual.
Very little is known about her past, even Chikako does not know who she is entirely, only having hits and flashbacks about her very early life. One which was not the most pleasant as images of rituals and sacrificing people often comes to mind.
Her most recent memories are waking up in the wilderness on Naboo, slowly trying to find her way back to civilization, befriending animals and other creatures as she went along, eventually gaining help from the local Gungans and reaching Thead.
She now wanders aimlessly, not sure on where to go or what to do, helping those in need for what ever purpose she see fit.During her travels she managed to obtain an Enchani virbo sword, and learn the basics of Shii Cho for self defense, though is more interested in pursuing 'magic' training then physical combat.
Though several minor adventures with other force users and smuggler she mad her way to the Witch planet of Dathimor, soon finding a night sister whom to parlay with. Using the witches help and the memorizes of a Jedi who had know her from long ago, that crash landed on the planet, Chikako was slowly able to retain her memories about her past and family goal.
Now as a representative of the CIS, for a more neutral stance and relationships with both Jedi and Sith, Chikako aims to learn all she can about magic and the force, to one day reunite the six noble Echani houses and rule and its Empress.
Role-plays and cannon Rps in Chronological Order
Equipment and Gear
Basic medical supplies
Mother: Lady Liona, assumed to be deceased
[member="Harvi Kwen"]: Traveling companion
[member="Pom Stych Tivé"] Teacher