Akela Ru
Most Adorable Ball of Adorable
"Padawan War Journal, ninth month of the nine hundredth year After Battle of Yippies... or something no one really knows all of the adults pretend to know so they are seen as hip and cool. I ran across a body today in the streets clutching pearls with a death grip. Nar Shadda is wicked and the people cruel but
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wouldn't give up... he would inspire with his music so I must endure.... must get stronger and change the order. Abolish nap time once and for all, institute mandatory snack time with cookies and milk. It is the dream he was never able to reach and so one of us must make it a reality."
The streets of Nar Shadda were in view and the small cloaked Togruta walked among them. her eyes shifting and watching everything around her... this was in the war journal she had found in the temple of Voss. Zak Dymo had been here once upon a time, he had walked these streets and smelled these... smells..... oh god it was disgusting. She didn't not make a face of disgust but she was moving around the region now trying to add to the journal and also right the wrongs of the adults in the galaxy.... also it was important to liberate the children. She moved towards one of the doorways and opening it up. Slipping inside and around the large bouncer as she looked at the different people roaming around. She walked through the crowd going towards the counter and she was still small compared ot the rest her montrals giving her more height as she jumped onto the seat and looked at the red eyed chiss behind the bar. Her head tilted up a little for a moment. "Milk..... blue." There was a raised eyebrow and snickers from someone next.... "With chocolate in it." She said it and he was looking at her while the music was loud and drowned out much but the chiss continued to look at her. "A little young to be here kid why don't you go home." She looked at him and put her hand on the counter. "In a clean glass." She said it and narrowed her eyes watching him for a moment she had stared down a miraluka and won.. she had tamed a great beast in the form of the Kiriko... she was stronk. THe chiss would not win. "Kid I am not going to ask you again.. I am just going to have my friends drag you out." She could sense them coming as the music cut out... someone grabbed her arm a large twi'lek and lifted her as she looked at him. THan she was getting dragged out of the bar and onto the street as they stared them down but they closed the door. She would have to continue her journey across the planet... find injustices.