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Approved Ranged Weapon Chill Out Rifle

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Manufacturer: Kiwa Kiles
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Heavy
Size: Average


  • Instead of shooting out blaster bolts or slugs, Chill Out produces a beam of Cryoban with the intentions of freezing the target.
  • Also comes with a stock designed to help reduce with recoil, alongside containing canister needed for firing
  • Less-Than Lethal: Is able to freeze targets shot to allow for a target to be non-lethally disposed of, or to be used to take a target in alive
  • Easy to aim: Even without using the sights, it is easy to readjust the aim of the rifle, by using the beam of Cryoban as if it was a laser sight
  • Rataratarata: With it's automatic fire, the Chill Out's beam can last as long as the trigger is held, as long as it has the ammo and hasn't "overheated"
  • Cold. So very cold: Whilst it can be used to take a target in, mostly alive, the trauma inflicted by having their cells frozen means that the target won't be getting off without some form of injury, such as nerve damage or loss of limb through Frostbite, unless some kind of healing is applied immediately.
  • Opposite and equal reaction: The amount of power released through the rifle went fired applies a fair amount of recoil, thus the rifle is not designed to be wielded by those who aren't well experienced in handling rifles
  • Big Glowy Target: The Cryoban canister, stored in the butt of the stock, is an easy target for a sharpshooter to try and hit, which would cause an explosion and dispersal of Cryoban, which more than likely would have catastrophic effects on the wielder.
  • Overheated, or Overfreezed: The mechanics of the rifle, whilst resistant to, are not immune to Cryoban's effect of lowering temperature, which means the temperature can lower to the point of freezing the barrel if the beam is continually fired without sufficient breaks
The Tingel Arm Coalition needed a good less than lethal weapon. At least in Kiwa's eyes, if they were going to be seen as liberators and heroes, then having some manner of weapon that could help defeat an enemy non-lethally could be helpful. It'd also work as a little experiment for her, to see how well her understanding of the mechanics behind Cryoban actually would work. After all, she wanted to make herself a personal "frost-thrower" and this would be the first test in that.

Of course, the Rifle form of it was a bit more heavy than she'd like, though as it could fire a beam of high powered Cryoban that could freeze a target in mere seconds, it was an issue she was willing to leave for now. There was also what some might consider a "design flaw" in how the Cryoban Canisters were stored in the stock, without any added protection, but Kiwa had done that purposefully. It was an easier way of reloading the rifle in her eyes and subsequently it would make for another thing for her to test. It would be safe to assume that she was mostly using the wielders of the Chill Out Rifle as guinea pigs...Not that she'd ever admit it.

Either way, she had made what she believed would make for a useful weapon that the Coalition would be able to use. Perhaps when the TAC got access to better materials and resources, she'd be able to make a far more mass produced version of the rifle, or a more powerful one, but for now, the TAC was going to have to deal with what she had made, using what resources they had available to them.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A less than lethal weapon choice for the Tingel Arm Coalition
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Tingel Arm Coalition/TAC
Model: CryoBan Rifle
Modular: No
Effective Range: Average
Rate of Fire: Automatic
Material: Durasteel, Cryoban Rifle components, Blaster Electronics
Ammunition Type: Cryoban canisters
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: High
Recoil: High
Ranged Class: Assault Rifle
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Kiwa Kiles Kiwa Kiles

Very cool! The image source's field not working, I would like to ask you to add the image's link to the template. Others usually put it under the picture. Thank you for your understanding!
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