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Approved NPC Chimaera Squad

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Intent: Expand on Firemane and give Cross a unit.
Image Credit: Here.
Role: Special forces, wet work.
Permissions: ARGH gear available per this thread. Permission for all ArmaTech gear and all other subs made by Laira Darkhold's writer here. Permission to use Tricks of the Trade submissions here and for Fire for Effect gear
here. Hellburner Disruptor purchased here, confirmed here.
Links: Casus Belli, Denouement, The Rapture.

Unit Name: Chimaera Squad.
Affiliation: Cross, Siobhan, Firemane, House Kerrigan-Alcori.
Classification: Black Ops.
Description: Chimaera Squad is a black ops unit that performs wet work for Firemane and House Kerrigan-Alcori. Committing acts of sabotage such as the destruction of vital communications logistics centres, false flag attacks, and the possible assassination or abduction of high-value targets is part of their portfolio. Ideally, they will be deployed well in advance of the official commencement of hostilities. Of course, infiltration operations will also deprive them of external support. The unit can also provide training to militias, manage logistics or provide tactical advice to allied commanders.

Thus they can provide support and tactical leadership to the side Firemane happens to favour in a conflict zone. Naturally things get awkward when today's friendly insurgents decide to turn their guns on you tomorrow, which is why it is vital to choose them with care and make sure they remain amenable to the corporation following the conclusion of hostilities. Or have contingency plans to make sure they do not become a problem. Chimaera Squad operates as one of the special operations teams under the authority of Firemane's special warfare branch. They are kept on call by Lady Kerrigan.

Unsurprisingly, the selection process and the training the members of the unit have to undergo is very brutal. The curriculum includes forced marches at full kit in harsh environments, training in CQC, weapons handling, rappelling, explosives training, marksmanship, counter-insurgency, airborne training, hand-to-hand combat, climbing (alpine rope techniques), diving, underwater combat, emergency medical training, communications, small unit tactics and long distance recon. There is also has a strong cultural component. This includes language training. Firemane forces often operate on remote worlds in the Outer Rim or Wild Space, so it is important that the soldiers have a degree of familiarity with the ecosystem and culture of the planets they are being deployed to.

Furthermore, they are taught the necessary skills to survive in an unconventional warfare environment. Raevana and Terax, both very harsh, untamed worlds, are among their preferred training grounds. Finally, a Survive, Evade, Resist and Extract course is part of the training programme. Recruits also go through a ruthless mental battery with Order of Fire mentalists such as Quas'Ziru and Siobhan's adoptive daughter Elpsis to learn how to steel their mind against Force-User wielding mentalism or severe forms of torture. The team consists of 12 operatives, with the commander being a Lieutenant and each operative having a specific function - though cross-training is part of the curriculum to make sure the unit is not screwed if one or two members get killed or captured.

If need be the squad can split into two six-man elements, as there are two soldiers for each job, such as two communications specialists/slicers, two medics and so on. The members of Chimaera Squad are chosen for their professionalism, willingness to get their hands dirty and unwillingness to ask awkward questions. To make sure they have incentives, they are compensated very well for their services. If things go awry, Firemane will disavow them. They are one of several black ops units fielded by GRU, a Firemane military intelligence division.

The team is commanded by Lieutenant Cross. Her real name is Molly Mog, but she really hates it. Anyone who addresses her with it can expect a broken nose or a knife between the rib. Born to a middle class family on Corellia, she started out as an idealistic woman. When the One Sith returned from the shadows, she volunteered for the Republic Army, wanting to fight for justice and democracy. However, the horrors of war brutalised her. Over time she gave up her ideals and turned into a ruthless killer. Republic defeats and Jedi betrayals disillusioned her. She used torture to obtain information and devoted herself to victory and survival no matter the cost. She was court-martialled after blinding several Sith POWs and using them as human shields in a fight, but managed to escape. For a while she worked with an anti-Sith rebel group that used methods Saw Gerrara would have approved of, then became a mercenary.

Her path led her to Firemane. Cross has no ideological but a strong institutional loyalty to the corporation. She is the type of operative who works best independently. She is given an objectice, necessary resources and a time frame, then the implementation is left to her. She is right at home leading commando operations, organising insurgencies and targeted assassinations or extracting information from enemies via torture. The latter also applies to comrades accused of treason. Cross has no respect for rank or title. But she does not ask awkward questions. The outside observer might mistake her for a uncouth brute. This is a perception she encourages, right down to her coarse manner of speaking and the amount of time she spends in the boxing ring. In actual fact, she is a meticulous planner and even an avid reader. Cross loathes Jedi and Sith. She is aware of the power Force-users wield but is not awed or intimidated by them. After all, they bleed, too. She is fond of animals and trains kath hounds as companions. Indeed, she used to train park rangers and hunted down poachers with gusto.

Her closest confidante in the unit is a young woman called Drake. Her name is an alias. The two were cellmates during Cross' incarceration. Drake was a Force-user and a Dark Jedi cursed with empathic powers. As punishment for her crimes, the Jedi Order severed her from the Force. Ironically, Drake prefers it that way because now she is free of headaches and her mind is truly her own. It has made her a lot more balanced. Her approach is less brutal than Cross and more focused on subterfuge, but she is no less ruthless.

Sergeant Narvan is the second-in-command of the unit. He is one of the
Vashyada, a race of wood elves. Narvan was trained as a Ranger and is now applying his skills to a different type of 'game'. He is a stealthy assassin like his boss, but rather dispassionate about his work. Hunting is what he does, only the game has changed. Narvan is calm and level-headed. He is very good sharpshooter and expert trapper. Before venturing into the stars, he made himself a name fighting Xioquo and Qadiri invaders.

Brazz is the squad's resident Jawa and a demolitions expert. Aside from being a good mechanic, she is great at hotwiring vehicles and doors to overcome security systems as well as creating and utilising explosive ordnance against vehicles, structures or people. Brazz is a very inquisitve individual who always likes to get first crack at any pieces of technology the team encounters. Brazz has a very chipper, upbeat and optimistic personality, which contrasts with that of some of her squadmates.

Ul-vak is the
Weequay engineer of the team, and works closely with Brazz. He plans the logistics of the mission. Moreover, he is needed in demolitions, sabotage and can design structures the team requires in the field. An example would be an impromptu bridge. Ul-vak is dry and laconic, which makes him a stark contrast to the laconic Jawa. He was on on Coruscant, where he grew up in the slums that stood in the shadow of the glittering towers of the rich and privileged. This shaped his attitude.

0P-U5, nicknamed Opus, is the slicer of the squad. As the designation implies, he is an
astromech droid. Opus has served many owners and gone without memory wipes long enough to develop a personality. He is cynical, sardonic and a bit grouchy. He obeys orders, but often makes snide retorts. He also really does not like Shards. This stems from a time when he was the unwilling host for one. Their recent attempt to take over the galaxy has given him another reason to dislike them.

Aedria Vaith is an Eldorai and resident Force-User. Once she was a member of the Angelii, the Force-Using elite corps that serves as an elite bodyguard and shock infantry for the Star Queen. However, Aedria broke her oath and deserted. One might call her a fallen Angelii. She still uses her Sarix, but has utterly abandoned the code of honour and loyalty to the Queen. She still appreciates a steady paycheck, which is why she works for Firemane rather than join a rebel group like the Shadow Knights. She focuses on elemental ice abilities, buffing powers and stealth. She is an assault specialist.

Jake Archer, nicknamed Mad Jake, is a brute of a man and a weapons' sergeant. He is an expert in weapons used by Firemane as well as those of several foreign powers. He has a preference for the big guns. Reckless and with the attitude of a bulldog, he has a strong lust for action. Being a member of a black operations unit has the beneficial effect of keeping him away from the formalistic elements of Firemane, as he has no patience for protocol.

Gerda Rabe used to be a First Order medic, but defected after the First Battle of Skor due to disagreeing with the use of nerve gas against civilians as well as decimations. Having become a traitor in the eyes of her former comrades, she worked with the Alliance and later Firemane. However, the years of struggle left her jaded, especially after the collapse of the Alliance and the revelation that several Jedi were secret Sith agents. Gerda is a talented field medic, but very cynical and does not have much of a Hippocratic oath. Or much of a bedside manner. She sometimes donates to a humanitarian aid group under an alias.

Rahmat un-Nissa is a female Mon Calamari. She is a highly skilled pilot. The other members of the team can pilot transports to varying degrees, but she is the best. She doesthe piloting of their shuttle, but can also fly pretty much anything from fighters to frigates. Rahmat un-Nissa has a liking for repeating blasters in combat, too. She is an admirer of Admiral Raddus, the great Mon Cal hero who gave his life fighting the Empire. Rahmat un-Nissa is fiery and feels strong animosity towards Sith.

Deliah is a Zeltron and a former Jedi who grew disgusted at their schisms and defeats. However, she kept some of their puritanical beliefs and resents the reputation of Zeltrons. Deliah can still play the role of a seductress, but there is an agenda behind it instead of her being driven by lust. She prefers sticking a knife into a target though. She excels in mental abilities and illusions.

As a Shi'ido, Aaren is probably the most unusual member of the squad. They used to be employed by Omega Pyre during the early days of the Cira administration and served in a deep cover role during the Bando Gora conflict. They are good at getting close to people to get the dirt on them and then putting a knife in their back. Aaren has no defined gender. Aside from their combat skills, the Shi'ido is also a talented anthropologist and linguist. Infiltrating other species is a way to learn all about them.

Unit Size: Small
Unit Availability: Unique
Unit Experience: Elite.

Wrist and Underbarrel Weapons:
Melee Weapons:
Misc gear:
Combat Function Highly capable special forces operatives. Ideal for raids, infiltration, sabotage and assassination or abduction of high-value targets. They are proficient in Teräs Käsi and have undergone an intense conditioning to resist Force-based mental manipulation, mind tricks and the like. This makes them extremely difficult to scare or manipulate. They also have an arsenal of highly sophisticated weapons at their disposal to complete their missions. They have a knack for blending into their environment, striking quickly and then vanishing again. Members of the unit are not fazed by ethically or legally dubious orders, which makes them ideal for wet work. Airborne insertion or deployment via drop pods further enhances their mobility. They are also trained to paint targets for various types of bombardment. Two members of the squad are Force-Sensitive and one is a shapeshifter.

However, they are just commandos. Moreover, it is just one squad, in other words twelve soldiers. Thus they are obviously not meant to take on large numbers of enemy soldiers, storm fortifications or face hordes of tanks and walkers. They largely forego heavy weapons to stay mobile. This limits their anti-armour capabilities, a weakness further exacerbated by their low number. Thus they cannot stand up to forces of tanks or heavy walkers, unless they are able to lay a trap by mining the area. But this would require preparation in advance, as one does not normally carry anti-armour land mines around - or lay them in the middle of a fight. Being infantry, they are vulnerable to long range bombardment such as artillery and air strikes. They lack effective means to counter such attacks, aside from seeking cover or not being spotted in the first place.

Moreover, they are non-Force-Users and thus cannot compensate limited access to heavy ordinance through use of preternatural powers. Given their limited supplies, small unit size, and lack of supply train, they are forced in almost all situations to fight and retreat, never capable of standing toe-to-toe against mobilised QRFs nor well-executed counter-attacks. Bottom line, this is not the type of unit to take on an army and go death charging with. Likewise they are very vulnerable to flak if deployed in drop pods. These are particularly weak against starfighters and only have minimal guidance. While minor course corrections can be made, it is like turning around a Star Destroyer. When it comes to their personal armour, they forego tanky heavy armour. The Spectre armour offers good protection against blasters and slugthrowers and provides a degree of stealth, but it is light armour. The Ghostsuit is a stealthy, mobile suit for infiltrators, and provides very little in terms of blaster and slugthrower protection - about as much as a simple blast vest.


  • Elite commandos.
  • Excel at stealth, subterfuge and black operations. Their training as well as the makeup of the squad make them extremely versatile.
  • Extremely small unit. It is just one squad. They are covert operatives, not assault troops.
  • Suffer against heavy armour. They are not meant to have fights with tank formations or large numbers of foes.
Historical Information:
Chimaera Squad does not exist. Officially at any rate. Despite suspiciously specific denials, the unit has been part of the Firemane for quite a while. It has its roots in the cataclysmic events of the Netherworld Crisis and the Eldorai Exodus from Kaeshana. Though both events are unrelated, they occured shortly after one another and had a profound effect on Firemane. First trillions of people vanished. Among them was one of Firemane's two directors, Tegaea Alcori and their adoptive daughter Galina. Siobhan followed them into the Netherworld to find them. Many Eldorai believed that the rapture was a harbinger of the end times, so fighting broke out across Kaeshana between royalist forces and various fundamentalist rebel groups.

Firemane installations and personnel were targeted targeted by terrorists. For a while contact with remote outposts broke down, and the ones on Gehenna and Bespin were lost altogether. Self-serving employees tried to take advantage of the chaos and the Bando Gora experienced a brief resurgence. Sergeant Freya Solveig, temporarily in charge at Firemane's Kaeshana HQ due to the disappearances, formed the squad as an ad hoc measure to clean house by any means necessary - including torture, abductions and speeder bombings. Following her return, Lady Kerrigan legitimised their actions, protecting them from being prosecuted.

Unlike many ad hoc formations that came into being in this time, the squad was not disbanded after the crisis had passed. Firemane had a new emergency to deal with due to Kaeshana's impending destruction by a huge asteroid. While the corporation worked diligently to save as many natives as possible before the planet was devastated, Chimaera Squad performed its duties in the shadows. It would also see action on Tygara, where it got involved in the Xioquo War and in subsequent counterinsurgency operations against Xioquo insurgents who fought on after the destruction of Mystra.

In the aftermath of the annexation of Atrisia by the Galactic Alliance, it cooperated with the ancient war droid Six-O in a war against the Reki. Said war against villainous crime syndicates, meant to prevent the Reki from taking advantage of the power vacuum on the planet, was characterised by precise brutality, surgical strikes and liberal application of what can only be called enhanced interrogation if only really loves euphemisms. The unit was placed under the command of Lieutenant Cross. Born as Molly Mog, she originally in the Republic army and fought in the One Sith War. She had once been an idealist whho too up arms to defend of freedom, but the war turned her into a deeply cynical, brutal woman. Court-martialled by the Republic army after her actions went beyond the pale, she escaped prison and became a gun for hire. She joined the Company shortly after the
Battle of Atrisia. She distinguished herself by fighting the life of Vice President Kaylah Danton from assassins. Lady Kerrigan kept her on call for when she needed an operative known for brutal competence.

The squad was also present on Kaeshana during the battle between the forces of the Galactic Alliance and the First Order. There it organised and directed Eldorai partisans. It would continue to work with Eldorai rebel groups after the battle. Training was provided for Eldorai renegades on Arkas. Later Lieutenant Cross, the unit's eventual commander, assassinated the Duchess of Caladan, an Eldorai noblewoman suspected of being part of Tarissa Cadalthor's plot to purge all non-Eldorai, topple the Star Queen and assume control of Tygara. Following this event, Chimaera Squad was assigned to GRU as one of the agency's special operations units. During the Krolis War it participated in counterinsurgency operations against the League of Krolis. When the elves decided to move into space in huge arkships and enlisted Firemane's support, the squad was assigned to keep potentially problematic elf leaders under watch and eliminate reactionary elements deemed 'problematic'. In the aftermath of the initial campaign, it was deployed to Tephrike to continue Firemane's retaliatory measures against the Dominion of Light.
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