Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chips Dumbo | Jack of All Trades

Chips Dumbo


NAME: Chips Dumbo
FACTION: Freelancer, Smuggler, Wanna-Be-Bounty Hunter.

RANK: Partner to @"Shiv"

AGE: 24

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10

WEIGHT: 210lbs

EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown




STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

Weakness; Women: Like many of the occupants of the Galaxy, Chips enjoys the company of a Woman often landing him in rough spots with the wrong flirtation and missing organs.​
Weakness; Alcoholic: Chips enjoys a stiff drink from any sort of club that offers him and is constantly seen sipping from a flask.​
Weakness; Hot-Headed: He is easy to anger and quick to refer to his rather Large Friend, a Wookie by the name of Shiv to settle his debts and problems. @"Shiv"​
Strength; Ace Pilot: Many say he flies better drunk, but years of his freelance work as a Pilot have gained him a rather skilled reputation.​
Strength; Silver Tongue: He is skilled with his tongue, on the other hand he is efficient in his lies that will get him out of many rough patches in his misadventures.​
Strength; Dependable: Chips is a great friend, willing to go into suicidal situations for his friends and even recklessly place his life on the line. He has his friends back.​

APPEARANCE: "Standing at around 5'10, with dark brown hair and eyes to match. A Rough beard grows on his face, rather unkempt and unsaved either by choice or pure laziness. He is usually noted to be wearing a Black Flight Jacket Over some sort of Jump-Suit, a loose blaster holster bounces off his left leg.
Coming soon!

"The Aluminum Hawk," An Old Junker Version of a Blue YT-2400 that was won on a well placed bet on a skilled Pod-Racer, claiming the ship for himself and his buddy @Shiv to explore the Galaxy and find whatever pays they have. The Ship itself has been modified by both occupants. Made for Speed and Smuggling. Secret Compartments line the ship, if not occupied by Chips stash of booze.

x1 Glie-50 Blaster Pistol



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