Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chiss Bounty

Name of Bounty: Unknown Chiss #1 ([member="Akio Diachi "]) & Unknown Chiss #2 ([member="Erud'ryz'ladre"])

Name of Contractor: Government of Dubrillion

Bounty Price: 50,000c
Condition: Preferably alive. If dead, proof required -- but bounty offered will go down.

Additional Info:

Wanted for two (2) accounts of assault and five (5) accounts of police homicide and two (2) accounts of resisting arrest.

Names are not certifiably known. However, the female resembles Erud'ryz'ladre, suspected former bodyguard of [member="Cryax Bane"], and short-term member of Havoc Squad. Male's name is unknown, but is suspected of being an assassin. Both were involved with the death of a wealthy widow from Naboo. Both are considered armed and dangerous, though the male is more so.

Further review of video evidence reveals possibility of female as a weak point for male. Last known vehicle is a YVY-949 light freighter. Destination unknown.

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