Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Chit's getting real

It frakking stank and it was so gods damned hot. Ragos ain’t have the first clue how anybody could live in a place like this. A place like this was a low-rent two-room apartment in Coruscant’s underlevel with cold duracrete floors and walls, the walls used to have white paint on them but that had either chipped away or turned a stomach-churning shade of yellow.

Ragos sat uncomfortably on a couch that had to be older than he was while he sweat through his clothes. He tried the best he could to focus on the small vidscreen across from him that was showing highlights from a recent shockboxing event and not the sweltering heat or overwhelming smell of chemicals that burned his eyes and nostrils or especially he tried not to think too hard about the infant sitting next to him wearing nothing but a way too full diaper breathing in the same throat closing, eye-stinging air he was.

The heat and the air conditions all came from the same source: the kitchen. A space hardly large enough to fit two people comfortably was the cause of Ragos’ discomfort, concern, and frankly his guilt. The cooktop had been running nonstop for almost a week and they hadn’t been in there cooking meals for the homeless. There was only one thing Ragos and his boys knew how to cook…Spice. A warehouse full of the chit and all he managed was two bricks, two bricks that needed to pay out like it was ten, that means it needed stepped on and flipped harder than any two bricks had ever been and so they had basically commandeered the apartment of Kogie’s girl and set about turning two bricks to ten and turning the air toxic.

“C’mon, Ghost man let’s go.” His friend Jon said as he reappeared in the common room after disappearing to take a leak, brushing long black braids from his face and tying them back into a ponytail. “That chit ain’t gonna be ready to put on the street for a couple mo’ days anyway and it’s karking hot G.”

“Chit you right,” Ragos agreed quickly, thankful for a chance to get the kark out this hot box. “Yo Ko’ we out!” Ragos yelled to the kitchen drawing Tokogie to join Ragos and Jon in the common space. All three men were young, barely older than twenty, none even twenty-five yet, all three were new to Coruscant having moved from Nar Shaddaa only a couple weeks earlier and all were dark-skinned Koruni men, Tokogie and Ragos both had been born on Haruun Kal with Dejonte having been born and raised on Nar Shaddaa and all three were ride or die in the cut gangstas, members and rising stars of the Killer Koruni street gang on Nar Shadda, they had come to Coruscant to increase the influence and credit flow of their gang.

“What are you ‘bout to get into?” Kogie asked in clearly Koruni accent.

“Chit, dunno, go hoop maybe?” Ragos answered, his own accent could be heard but it was not nearly as thick as Tokogie’d

“Damn sucka, you always playing bocaball.” Tokogie said.

“Aint chit else to do round this sucka.” Ragos told him as the two clapped hands and embraced briefly as a good buy.
Not long later Ragos and Jon were at Ruckus Park getting shots up at the bocaball court. Afer that chit on Ossus and that Chit with Marcus Carter it was finally looking like things were gona start going right…right?

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jay took a breath as he sat against a wall, looking out over the people walking the streets Coruscant. He’d quickly tap his comm, opening a line to Marcus Venn, his boss for this mission.

“Hey Venn. How much do we know about this kid anyway? Just like to know what I’m getting into, even if it is to have a little talk.” He honestly enjoyed scaring the crap out of people a little too much. In a way it was more fun than his usual hunts. As he waited for a response he gave a Loth-bat he had with him a quick pat. He had to remind himself this wasn’t like hunting in the Outer Rim either. Even in the lower levels had to be careful who was watching. He’d tracked him to this building though, and after giving the Loth-bat a harness with a small camera hopefully he could confirm they were nearby. He gave some quick orders in a training tongue he used for creatures, and let them the bat loose to hopefully find the target.

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
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When the line picked up, there was the sound of a cough, then a shuffle of noise. The voice on the other end of the line was gruff & impatient.

"Well, somebody must not have been paying attention in class."

In the background, there was a high-pitched creak; the sound of a chair swiveling.

"One Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek ; small-time punk from Nar Shaddaa, been on Coruscant a few months now. He's a fighter," there was a rhythmic click on the other end of the line, similar to the lid of a lighter or a safety being disengaged, "but nothing you need to be worried about. Did some time after a heist gone wrong. History of boosting speeders & small-time spice sales. Made a few enemies, has a few friends... but nobody like us. Kid clipped one of our boys in what he probably thought was a hostile takeover - instead, he just squashed a drone and pissed off the whole nest."

On the other end, Marcus Venn couldn't help himself; he grinned sadistically.

"I don't care about the rest of his crew; knock 'em out, chase 'em off, or bury 'em - dealer's choice. But the kid? He don't have a choice. He either pays me what he owes, or we start fresh."

There was a pause, until forcefully, Venn asked: "Do I make myself clear? I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker."

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
"He ain't got chit! No help, no help!" Ragos yelled as he watched the man in front of him furiously bounce the bocaball. Ragos and Jon after a while of putting up shots and banthachitting were able to get into a game with some local players at the court. The man Ragos had been assigned to guard was now in possession of the ball, he was taller than Ragos by a few inches but looked like they weighed about the same. He was dribbling the ball between his legs and angling his body to be between Ragos and the ball. Dude thought he was hot chit but Ragos saw that despite all the fancy dribbles the mutha sucka was doing, he was afraid to to and actually move with the ball. No confidence. No skill. Ragos lunged toward the guy's left side but it was a fient and as his man went to pass off to the right, Ragos put a hand in the way and knocked the ball toward the other side of the court, raced after it and grabbed the loose ball with a head start toward the goal he needed to score on. He went up, easy lay in, and wham! Was nailed hard as kriff and went spilling to the ground.

His man, angry at getting the ball stolen, raced down and fouled Ragos hard as he jumped. Ragos lept to his feet and without so much as a word swung his fist hard into the offender's jaw, knocking him to the ground but only for a split second as the man was back in his feet in a flash with his hands up in a fighting pose. This would be cake. Dude was dead and didn't even know it and if he did it didn't matter, street code said you stood your ground.

Before the two of them could get things settled the rest of the players had run over and turned the situation into a brawl. Ten people, punching, kicking and stomping seemingly at random, hitting friend and foe when suddenly the sound of a blaster broke through the confusion. Not knowing where the shot came from, everyone scattered just running for their lives, Ragos included.

He lost Jon in the confusion of and in his desperation to stay alive ended up running directly into Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jay smirked a bit as his as he listened to Marcus, checking the feed from his Loth-bat friend. So this was a classic "Get with the program, or we'll burn you" job, and this Ragos kid was in way over his head.

"Here you loud and clear boss. If it comes to it, I'll make sure we have a clean slate to work with." He followed the bat, that was now beginning to follow and circle his target. Jay walked along the streets slowly, not wanting to bring attention to himself. He needed to wait for the right time. When he could get the jump on this guy before he could away. Somewhere that.... Oh interesting.... What did he have here? Looked like a friendly game was going wrong, and it would possible give Jay the opening he needed. Then a blaster went off, and people ran. Oh that was perfect.

Jay waited, moving towards and alley before Ragos got close, then would quickly move to grab him, and pull him into the alleyway, drawing one of his vibrodaggers and pressing it against the man as he did. Jay eyed him as the Loth-bat perched nearby, and the bounty hunter would soon begin to talk.

"Boy, you've got yourself in some deep water. You see, you messed with mu boss's business, and it's my job to find you. Best not try and run either. This dagger might just slip."

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Ragos had been running with all his might when he turned his head to look behind him hoping to see Jon hot on his trail. Instead he saw no one and managed to get tangled up with someone in front of him. Ragos was about to tell the mutha sucka to watch his kriffing step but that's when he saw the fool had pulled a knife on him.

"Boy, you've got yourself in some deep water. You see, you messed with mu boss's business, and it's my job to find you. Best not try and run either. This dagger might just slip." The stranger with the blade said to him

"Sucka! Who the kriff you calling 'boy'?!" Ragos said his anger made him forget about the knife pressed against him.

"I dont know what the frakk you're on about man. I don't know who the frakk your boss is, you got the wrong guy and if you don't watch yo chit and get that blade out my face, you're gonna frakking regret it."

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
"Got the wrong guy?' Jay gave a faux curious look to Ragos as he pulled a small disc from his belt. A holoprojector. As he did he'd make sure the knife stayed put. He would activate the holoprojector, showing a hopefully familiar man to the guy he was currently threatening.

"So you aren't Ragos Terrek, and you don't know who this is? My boss is the same as his, and they weren't too happy to hear he had gone on a one way trip. Lucky for you though, there's a certain way these things are handled. You have a decent choice kid. You could get a job in that guys place. Work for the people I do. Have some folks at your back to keep you a bit safer. Your other option is you, your friends, and your little operation all burn, and from the look of things it's really easy to to start with option two.

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek
"Are you kriffing deaf? I didn't do chit!" Who was this guy? Karking Corusec? He wouldn't be surprised to find some schutta of a cop down in the underlevels acting wild and roughing up the immigrants.

The cop or whoever he was shoved a holoprojection in Ragos' face. A holoprojection of…kriffing Gunda, that snake faced weequay that Ragos burned not that long ago. The man with the knife claimed to be affiliated with Gunda or that they worked for the same guy and now Ragos had to work for this guy too. Yeah, Karking right. This guy was just trying to get Ragos to tell on his self and if there was one thing Ragos don't do, it was snitch, especially self-snitch.

"You must be kriffing dense. I don't know that man and I don't give a chit what happened to him. Now get the kark out my face or we gone have a problem."

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred

Of all the qualities that could be attributed to Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek , it would appear that subtlety was not one of them. The stunt at the Family's warehouse had been proof of that. While Marcus Venn was picking up the pieces, Aurelius Baldor tasked 6 with keeping tabs on him and his "Killer Korunnai". Being in the business of information, it was not a difficult endeavor for 6 to gather the identities of Ragos' partners in crime: Tokogie and Dejonte. From there, he was able to gather information on each of the men and their known connections, and discovering their little apartment hideout was essentially child's play. Observation of the area from his disguised ID10 told him that Ragos and Dejonte were out of the apartment, which meant that Tokogie was all alone.

Even if he hadn't known the specific apartment, the various scanners and sensors in his cybernetics allowed 6 to discern the odor of spice amidst the cityscape of Coruscant. 6 approached the door, knocking and scanning the door for thickness and structural weaknesses. "Hello? Is there a Tokogie present?"
Jay smiled a bit.

"Your face says something else, but maybe you'll make a decision on this a bit quicker if you know I'm not the only one here." Jay would slowly let the knife up, being ready to move quickly if he had to. Jay wasn't sure how Ragos would react, but he figured that this guy wouldn't be willing. Jay was pretty clearly a bounty hunter and muscle at this point he figured, and the kid would be stupid to try anything. So he just eyed the guy, and started, bluntly, speaking.

"When I said there were two options I meant it. And my buddy's the match that'll burn your work, and probably some friends, if you don't decide now. Just know though, only one of us is leaving the alley if you say no, and from the looks of it, I hold the cards." Jay waited for an answer, quickly tapping his comms to send a "wait" signal to 6. He'd rather save what they could if it was option, and maybe realizing how deep he'd jumped would get Ragos here to... reconsider his stance.

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Subject 6: Cassander Solimar Subject 6: Cassander Solimar
"Hello? Is there a Tokogie present?"

"Yo,What the kark!?" Tokogie was looming over his girlfriend, veins protruding from his neck. "You karking set me up!?"

"I didn't. I swear." She protested.

"Then who is at the kriffing door?!"

"I don't know. I don't know." She pleaded in the face of his rage. He hit her knocking a few teeth loose and dropping her to the floor.

"Pick up that bastard ass baby!" He screamed at her. She gathered her son in her arms and ran down the hall locking herself in her bedroom. Tokogie flipped the couch end over retrieved the blaster rifle stashed from underneath and took cover behind the piece of furniture. No one knew he was here. Chit, no one should even know they were on the planet. What the kark was going on? He gripped the rifle tightly, sweat rolled down his face and it hardly had anything to do with the stifling heat from the apartment.

At the same time that Tokogie was gripping his rifle, Dejonte rounded the corner of the apartment hall. Having lost Ragos in the confusion of the playground fight, he had come back to the apartment instead of looking up and down the streets of Coruscant. Some stranger, some man he had never seen before stood outside of Syana's place.

"Yo man you lost?" Jon asked the guy

Ragos had enough of this chit already. He let out a smooth single stream of breath and felt the force flow freely through his body. His mind was sharper, his reflexes faster, his muscles stronger and his patience thinner.

Ragos was not a trained Jedi but that did not make him without training. He sent a wave of force energy shooting out at the man in front of him trying to fling him away and hopefully at best send him hurtling into the opposite wall and kriffing him up and at worst getting some separation between the two so they could scrap this thing out in a fight.

Subject 6: Cassander Solimar Subject 6: Cassander Solimar

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred
Jay, needless to say, didn't see a this kid being a Force wielder coming! He muttered Marcus's name with more than a few curses about not knowing that part as he coughed from hitting the wall, then gave off a whistle. The Loth-bat that had stayed close quickly started to fly after Ragos, with Jay pulling out both his Rims and firing a particle bolt in front of the fleeing Spice maker. He was don't playing games, and the explosion of the bolt landing hopefully got that message across.

"Next one's aimed at you. Force or no Force you don't scare me. Fought worse than you too, so you might want to think for one more second." He had both pistols trained on Ragos, with the Loth-bat diving from behind to try and knock the guy over.

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Subject 6: Cassander Solimar Subject 6: Cassander Solimar

6 heard shouting and furniture flipping from the other side of the door, but before he could kick it down Dejonte came around the corner. "No, I'm precisely where I aim to be. But you can answer me this: do you know where your friend Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek got that spice you've got in there? Don't bother denying you have it, even if I couldn't see it I can certainly smell it." In an instant, a blaster pistol appeared seemingly out of nowhere into his hand (in reality, it was the Veshet pistol hidden on his wrist) and pointed directly at Dejonte. "Now, you have two choices here: you can peacefully give back what was stolen from us, or I can kill you, kick down this door, kill your friend Tokogie as well, and take it back. Think carefully, I'd rather not leave a mess for poor Syana." His glowing blue cybernetic eyes observed Dejonte, and a cursory scan confirmed what he already had no doubt about: this would not be a fight Dejonte could win, while 6 would barely break a sweat.
"Feth. Chit, man okay, okay." The kriffing wall above Ragos head kriffing exploded when the schutta took a kriffing shot at him. One time. Just one kriffing time he wanted to find someone who fought fair. He played the game the right kriffing way. He didn't step on nobody's toes, unless you count the dead weequay but chit he was desperate. He didn't stop nobody from eating but now these mutha suckas come down to squeeze him. What the frakk.

"I'll talk to your boss alright. Work chit out, whatever, just leave my guys alone."


As soon as the blaster pistol came out and Jon was able to recognize what he was looking at, he turned to run back the way he had come, around the corner and down the steps. You don't answer questions and you don't die. Those are the rules in that order. He didn t want to leave Toke but with no strap Jon was kriffing useless as a gamorrean in a beauty pageant. He had to find Ghost, tell him the op was up.

Jai'galaar Gred Jai'galaar Gred Subject 6: Cassander Solimar Subject 6: Cassander Solimar
Jay smiled under his scarf before giving a whistle, and having his Loth-bat land on a street lamp nearby. He then hit his comms, this time actually speaking up instead of only sending a signal.

"Soli, give up whatever your doing. Got an answer finally, and me saying stop should be enough to guess." He then looked at Ragos finally holstering his pistol as he nodded towards the nearby landing areas. The bounty hunter would then nudge Ragos towards them. "Comms on my ship are a bit clearer than my wrist comm down here for the distance we'll need." He wasn't exactly lying. He could connect his comm to the ships, but it was a good excuse to have people go to somewhere where he had a bit more leeway with things like this. Plus people usually ignored Ki'tala on account of her being a Jawa. Made for some easier handling of... difficult patrons.

Ragos Terrek Ragos Terrek Subject 6: Cassander Solimar Subject 6: Cassander Solimar

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