Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Classification: Bulk Transport
Role: Personal Transport
Height: 300m
Width: 400m
Length: 400m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Standard Fuel Cells
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 3
Minimum Crew: 45
Optimal Crew: 450, plus a Bafforr forest
Point defense emplacements: 20
Tractor beams: 5
Pressor beams: 5
Personal craft accommodation capacity
Non-Combative Attachments:
Long-range scanners
Shield generator
HoloNet connection
Meditation chambers
Medical facility
Double-redundant atmospheric retention field
Passenger Capacity: 1,100
Cargo Capacity: 2,500 tons
Consumables: Theoretically infinite (balanced ecosystem)
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 7
Intent: A smaller Ithorian Herd Ship, suitable for all manner of fun. Also good for balancing out all the gun-heavy vessels in the Factory.
Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: Ithorian craftspersons, Eshan Drive Yards, various
Model: Chodo-class Herd Ship
Affiliation: Ithor, various
Modularity: No
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel, glasteel
Glasteel curtains and redundant atmospheric retention fields protect a mobile jungle, much as with the much larger Tafanda Bay-style herd ships. In Ithorian spacefaring engineering, the jungle appears to be growing in vacuum, and the Chodo-class miniature herd ship is no exception.
The Chodo-class is not a new design. This style of smaller herd ship was pioneered by the Ithorian diaspora in the decades between the destruction and revitalization of their world – both processes having come at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. As such, the Ithorian diaspora prioritized mobility for a time. The modern Chodo-class vessels were constructed while Ithor was under the protection of the Echani. A few were even built to Ithorian specifications by Eshan Drive Yards.
At nearly a quarter of a kilometre in radius, the Chodo-class is ideally home to a few hundred Ithorians. If necessary, though, the ecosystem can support over fifteen hundred ecologically conscious individuals, depending on proximity to a suitable star. Virtually all available surfaces support growth platforms and trellises.
Equidistant pairs of tractor and pressor beams form the vessel's only substantive defense, apart from the point-defense weapons that are optimized for shooting down incoming missiles. Ithorians, after all, are pacifists. Even the risk of neural trauma from ion cannons renders those weapons unacceptable.
Interlinked Bafforr trees can be found throughout the vessel, forming a fully sentient being. The sentience will remain unless there are less than seven trees alive.