Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Chris Flynn

Chris Flynn

Death Riders SC (President)
Name: Chris Flynn
Affiliation: Death Riders SC (Swoop Club)
Height: 5’10
Weight: 155
Species: Human

Home planet: Exocron (Kathol Sector)

Appearance: athletic build, sandy blonde hair down to shoulders, goatee. Blue eyes. Chris wears several Club rings and Swoop Cut with the emblem on the backside, small patch in front and the Patch of President.

Family: Nyree Flynn (Mother). Gavinc Flynn (Grandfather)

Allies: TBD

Enemies: TBD

Associates: Abrielle Piani (Girlfriend). Tycho Rond (VP).

Weapons: stolen weapons shipment (clone trooper blaster set)

Vehicle/Bike: Twinder VII

Dreams: To become a united Marshal of all SB factions

Fears: Loss of Family/ Purpose






Single-handed gun expert



SC Charter/Region:

Biography: My Great Grandpa started something to call his own. His own piece of the galaxy within his surroundings. Gangs have always been around. But nothing like the Death Riders Swoop Club. Alen Flynn, was an infamous thief that could not afford much growing up in the slums of Exocron. When some people are down on their luck and aren’t given the chances and opportunities that others were born into, you have to take it. Figuring a way to implement guns and spice into a trade route set him on a path where the club is today. Bringing in the family on the deal would always be a blessing and a curse. He always wanted to make enough cred and be done with it but his son saw to it that the club become a generational legacy.

We, the family, had a golden rule. Don’t get greedy. That didn’t last long when Great-grandpa want to be amongst the stars. New reforms and direction of the club became all about the uc. If you know where to look, profit is everywhere. Warlords, criminals, smugglers, space pirates. They’re all reaching in to be the top guys. Us? Well, I’m trying to take the club in a different direction. No spice..Limited legal firearms..And live life like the outlaws we are. The last one that was in charge was Gavinc Flynn. My grandfather. He had to step down due to health complications and in need of biotech surgery. They said he could ride, but the ability to function like he used to will be limited. Although everyone looks to her as a Matriarch of sorts, my mother didn’t want the mantle. So here it is. I was next…And this is my journey in a Galaxy full of forces that all have their own agenda. Can I turn this around? Make our SC the best in the galaxy? I've just begun.

Roleplays: TBD

Kills: TBD​
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