Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Christmas Me!

It's that season again.

I request someone makes me an avatar/signature.

Playby is of course Liam Neeson, preferably in his Batman Begins persona, but any is fine, so long as it has an Xmas theme.

<_< Twi'leks added will merit extra thanks.

Thanks! :D

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] As soon as I get to work tomorrow I'm on this, unless beaten before hand. :D
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Ex- what? Like, ex ladyfriend? I'm an ex-slave though... Right now I just salvage and build robits. And I don't use space magix <3


Best Santa EVER
[member="Menka Guga"]
I have a few ex-lady-companions scattered around. Some are less than pleased to see me.

I could certainly give you some business opportunities.
<_< *Eyes PG-13 rule*
...With your droid fixing skills of course!
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

The Boards Has Eyes can't see behind closed doors ;)
And I'm sure it can't when we are aboard my ship fixing robits.

OOOH! Business! Yes please! I wanna go to the Bazaar Expo I need to save all the monies
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

You... you have things... things I could... work with...

You have no idea the plans I could use for your guys, like, building things. Like the things I want to build I think match your guys. Yes, I want to help!

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Here are my efforts - didn't want to mess with the sig as it's really good, so just Christmassed it up!



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