Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Christopher Wrainrek

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Christopher Wrainrek

Force padawan

He lives for his family, he feels he must protect them at all costs. Even though Christopher may not always agree with Ansem, he would follow him into hell itself with hesitation.

Christopher is Ansem's little brother and apprentice. He studies Ansem's ways and does anything he is told. When left to his own in fights, he always stays back with his sister, Astrid, to protect her from in coming danger.


Force sensitive:
From a young age he was taught the ways by his father. He now learns from his brother.
Ansem would never admit it to anyone, not even Christopher, but he feels as if Christopher is already more capable than him when it came to using the force.

Christopher looks twelve, he is small and lanky, and can still use his big puppy dog eyes to his advantage. His hair has been cut only a few times and flows freely past his jaw line. He wears the robes his father left behind when he was a sith apprentice. They wear a little big on him, usually consuming his whole body in material, as if he was a big wool blob.

Before his parents murder, he was a shy timid boy who didn't even like to so much as argue. He always looked up to Ansem, he was much stronger and was much more knowledgeable about the force than he. When his parents passed, he started feeling a great sadness inside of him, but chose to repress it in order to stay strong. He now feels as he must do whatever it takes to protect his family, even if it means following Ansem down a path of destruction.

Weapon of choice
His mothers purple light saber, the hilt runs a little longer then the regular blade, but other than that it looks like the common light sabre.

None at all
Combat functions:
He wishes he could contribute to the fight just as much as Ansem, but knowing how strong he is and how weak Astrid is Christopher often stays back to protect her. Sometimes he will get instructions from Ansem while fighting, and he always carries them out no matter how horrendous they might be.


Christopher was born, scared and afraid, much like he'd be for the first decade of his life. He was never the toughest, the quickest or the smartest, but he always felt like his big brother was. Ansem, whether he knew it or not, was Christopher's hero. Even before he knew about the force and trained with his big brother, it always seemed like Ansem was doing something cool, something interesting. In his room alone at night, Christopher used to pretend to be Ansem, pretending he went on fantastic adventures, slaying beasts, protecting the helpless, regular hero stuff.

At age 7 his father took him and Ansem under his wing as apprentices in the way of the force. Chris was scared at first, such awesome power coming from him? How could it be? He was just a regular joe, an average guy, but now, now he's got all this great stuff he can do, and better yet he gets to do it with his hero, Ansem. The two definitely became closer through training. Often they would sneak out at night and go to their secluded training spot and spar for hours on end. Ansem learned how capable Christopher truly was, and Christopher began to gain Ansem's respect and admiration. Christopher finally began seeing himself as an equal, and instead of daydreaming about Ansem's adventures, he dreamed about the duo, conquering the world, and stopping evil.

The night of his parents death, he along with his brother, completely lost who they were. The two were searching their parent's room while Astrid stay lookout outside, at least thats what she told them she was doing, she was probably just looking off crying somewhere, better out there than in here Christopher thought. The pair had finally found their parents lockbox, the crate containing everything they would need, robes, their parents light sabres and a set of armor. Although they had never seen the armor, it was obvious it was their dads, the scary Vientiane mask, the gold plating, it reaked of their dad. Christopher was the one to pull the armor out of the lockbox, and when he did both Chris and Ansem stared at each other with blank expressions. 'Here, you deserve it, you are the older one, I think dad would have wanted you to have it.' Chris handed over the armor to his older brother. The words that followed are ones that Christopher runs over his head whenever there are trying times, or whenever he has his doubts about his brother. "Christopher, what is happening down there... We can't let them be forgotten. We are the strong ones of the family, and we must seek our revenge." This was the most serious Chris had ever heard his brother before, he was almost shocked by his words. "In the days, months, even years to come, we will have to do things, things that we may need to kill our hearts and emotions for." Ansem could feel the pain and fear Christopher held in his heart. "We must do it for Astrid, we must do it for mom and dad. Our family will be avenged." From that day on Christopher knew what he had to do. Protect his family and follow his brothers orders. He too felt too much pain to let this go, and he would see it through to the end.
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