Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Chromatic Conspiracy

Liin Terallo adjusted the ventilator beneath her hooded cloak, making sure the advanced camouflage embedded in the fabric blended seamlessly with the rubble-strewn streets. The air was thick with the unpleasant scent of burned metal and charred vegetation, a reminder of the chaos that had unfolded just days ago in Ilic City. Fortunately the dome contained the destruction and biotoxin attack to Ilic only, instead of spreading beyond the capitol city. Many lives were lost and citizens abducted by Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron and his legions during the attack and attempted usurping of New Cov's leadership. But it failed. Following protocol, Liin was not only able to maintain her position as New Cov's Director, but also safeguarded their labs' research and secrets.

{It smells of death here,} Liin thought as she navigated the shattered remains of what was once a bustling neighborhood. The biotoxin released during the attack had wrought more than just physical destruction; it had transformed the once orderly and beautiful cityscape into a surreal nightmare where fears materialized with terrifying clarity. Even now shadows twisted into grotesque forms and whispers of panic echoed off the cracked walls. The feeling of dread within the neighborhood Liin explored was as thick as the humidity in the air.

She passed a dilapidated apartment building, its windows shattered and walls defaced with hasty graffiti denouncing NCBC and herself. The holo-broadcasts to Ilic's citizens that Nefaron had made were quick to put the attack's blame solely on her in a bid to turn the citizens against her so that they'd hand her in to the terrorists. However she was already removed out of the situation by Karlo Kyrr Karlo Kyrr and her security team, so that strategy also failed.

The signs of the terrorists' handiwork were evident in every corner; graffiti, overturned vehicles, and the occasional burning structure. The city's automated repair drones lay dormant, their circuits fried by the biotoxin's horrific influence on the citizens that in turn had attacked the innocent drones to the point where they no longer functioned.

Liin paused near a makeshift barricade where a few terrified citizens had gathered, their faces pale and eyes wide with fear. The effects of the biotoxin had not fully dissipated, it seems. {There must be some cannisters still remaining,} she thought. {One or two may even be leaking.} Her disguise made her just another anonymous face among them, but her heart ached at their plight. They were casualties of a plot far more insidious than the immediate violence—one aimed at dismantling their very way of life and stealing what resource could only be found on New Cov.

She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she continued through the debris-strewn streets. The terrorist's leader, Nefaron, had demanded not just the surrender of the planet and her life, but also access to their most guarded secrets. To Liin, it was more than a threat; it was a calculated move to unravel everything the Covie had worked for, which was why certain protocols were made to thwart any attempted coups.

As she approached the epicenter of the destruction, Liin's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden movement; a figure darting between the shadows. Instinctively, she ducked behind a toppled column, peering through a crack in the debris. The figure moved with purpose, carrying a small, sleek device that seemed out of place amidst the wreckage.

Liin held her breath, trying her best to remain perfectly still and not be noticed. This was no ordinary scavenger or frightened survivor that she was observing. There was something deliberate and something strategic about their actions. She needed to find out what they were doing and whether they were part of Nefaron's scheme.

Emerging cautiously from her hiding spot, Liin followed at a safe distance. Every step was calculated, every sound analyzed, as she moved deeper into the chaos that had overtaken Ilic City. The future of their world might very well hinge on what she discovered in the ruins tonight.
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

The howling of distressed Citizens dogged Xitli through the streets, broken glass pressed uncomfortable beneath his feet and poison clung to his wings like tar but it would all be worth it if he could get his claws on a single canister.

With it he could not only secure a new bioweapon for study but also synthesise a cure, he was all but certain of that fact. And with a cure he could profit. Ilic had no shortage of science centres and their own bio-chemical research could only be of benefit to the Excan Tlatoloyan.

Everything hinged on it. With a cure he could help Liin Terallo Liin Terallo - assuming she wasn't already captured - restore the city or bargain with Nefaron for political favours in any regime that followed. Either way Xitli would come out a winner and he wouldn't be a true Avali if he didn't capitalise on the opportunity.

Stopping at a junction he stretched his serpentine form, feeling his lungs, physiology and pateviridae suppressants hard at work filtering the toxins in his system. Fluttering his wings he watched with disdain as toxins were dislodged like dust.

Anchoring his spear into rubble filled street his beak pointed skyward, eyes attempting to look beyond the venomous smog and dome that contained it.

"Xihuitl do you receive me?"

The commlink crackled, a voice barely audible above the interference. "Barely Great One. The dome is interfering with our instruments. Techs are trying to compensate. Acalan is requesting a medical."

"The suppressants are doing their job." He answered plainly quickly moving on, "Has the extraction team secured my escape?"

"Not yet Great One. They are encountering some resistance but nothing they can't handle."

"Tell them to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, I didn't come out here to create a diplomatic incident." He paused awaiting Xihuitl's confirmation before proceeding, "Keep me advised if the situation changes, I have no desire to be here any longer than necessary."

"Of course Great One. Our Couatl's are reporting of a potential asset for containment. However, militants are loading them on to what we believe are transporters."

Xitli fell into silence. He had hoped to avoid any confrontation, the feathers on his long serpentine body bristled indicating his frustration.

"Any viable alternative?"

"None that we have found. We estimate them to be three kilometres from your current position."

"Very well. Have Acalan prepare the virology lab for containment."

"It will be done."

The static faded into silence and Xitli's neck dropped to stare at the ground his eyes closed in contemplation. The odds weren't nearly in his favour as he originally hoped. He was Avali. He was stronger than a dozen, perhaps more of their poorly trained warriors but he was under no illusion. The moment he engaged they would hightail it, creating no end of problems.

"I need help." Xitli concluded opening his eyes silently. The computer on his wrist beeped finally receiving a feed of data, he studied the emerald slate grinding his beak.

It was taking him into the heart of this chaos. Honestly, he wasn't sure he ever expected any less but the presence of hostiles wasn't a risk he could easily mitigate.
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Liin stopped as the figure did, maintaining the position that she had surmised was safe. Using shadows to hide her own figure in the night, her observations continued as the radioed conversation took place.

The wheels turned in her mind as she sought to discover whether or not the figure was friend or foe. The device he carried and mannerisms he bore were unlike any that she had come across before. {Is it the toxins he seeks?} she thought. {How many are with him? And who does he work for? This is not official business or else he'd of gone through the proper channels. I'd of been told.}

Steeling her nerve as well as her resolve, Liin stepped away from the shadows and into the street towards the lone figure. Her movements were cautious as opposed to that of someone on a hunt. To appear threatening could be a grave mistake for she was not with her security team at this time. That in and of itself could prove to be a grave mustake as well, however her instincts told her otherwise.

There was something serene about the figure, as though he was in some sort of meditation. The artificial breeze caused the fringes of his feathers to dance. It was a glimpse at softeness in an otherwise harsh situation.

"What help do you need?" Liin's soft voice rose above the quiet din of the street. The sudden beeping on his wrist broke the silence even more, yet also drew her attention to it causing her movements to pause a dozen feet from his position. "Who do you work for?"

Tag: Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul
"What help do you need?"

Slowly, purposefully, Xitli raised his head from the data feed, arching his neck to better survey the female who approached. She came from the shadows, the fabric of her cloth melded to match the light. Impressive technology, but that alone wouldn't have been enough to escape his attention. Most impressive.

How long had she been trailing him and how much did she know? Both were obvious questions, but ultimately meaningless. He wouldn't waste his time or breath on such things and besides, his culture demanded he answer the females reasonable questions before presenting his own.

"I am Xitli, Inheritor of Citalee Spacers Guild." Xitli said bowing his head, "My ship, Chico, was in the sector conducting a trade mission when I heard rumours of the domed cities biochemical facilities. It is a field of research my species have excelled and I would be amiss not to investigate." He explained allowing a moment, giving her the time to absorb this information before continuing.

"Woe am I to find it in such disarray; chaos wrought by a toxin and an attempted coup but therein lies an opportunity." He studied her more carefully, cocking his head from one side to the other. He saw no weapon, no obvious or drawn one at least but there was something familiar about her... Something he learned recently?

"If I can acquire a pure sample, I am confident a countermeasure maybe synthesised in the labs on my ship. Perhaps earning me the favour with Khan Terallo. It is with that I need help.

Now that I have answered your question perhaps you will honour me with your name?"

Tag: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Liin's left eyebrow arched as the introduction was made. It was hardly what she had expected to hear when she had first come across the shadowy figure amongst the rubble. {An opportunity, indeed,} she thought. {Disarray and chaos such as this will live in my nightmares for a while to come, I'm sure. And I am most fortunate indeed that he does not appear to be a threat, for I am unwisely unprepared for anything else.}

She stood alone with Xitli, which one might consider to be an unwise move. However she was relying on her instincts. A wise instructor had told her to do so; the body knows and sees more than the mind. Liin was no Force Sorcerer, but her instincts to protect herself from harm had proven themselves in training. She just hoped that her emotional connection to what had occurred here did not cloud her judgement.

"I am sorry that the timing for your visit was ill-fated. Yet therein lies the opportunity for the labs upon your ship to prove their capabilities."

A moment of silence is taken as she weighs the pros and cons of revealing herself. Even while hidden in her disguise, Liin can catch a glimpse of recognition among his eyes. If word of her presence in the street was to spread like fire, it would prove to be very troublesome for her indeed. Yet the quickest access to a potential counter against any similar attacks is an opportunity that she would be unwise to turn down.

"If you can keep this quiet amongst the two of us here; I am Director Liin Terallo. I will help you to find a sample, however I cannot find it with Force magic like most are capable of. But I can use my eyes. And with the way that the Covie are behaving in this location, I can only assume that a cannister of the toxin is hidden here somewhere close."

Tag: Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul
Xitli eyes narrowed on the female, focusing his perception. She matched the description he had been given and whilst under normal circumstances someone might try to impersonate her for advantage nothing about this situation was normal. In fact, anyone foolish enough to use her name would be putting a target on their back.

Accepting her identity, Xitli's feathers closed in around him as if comforting him, "Forgive my manner, Khan Terallo." He bowed again, lower this time and when his head raised he made a conscious effort to ensure they stayed at eye level. If he had known they would meet so soon he would have brought tribute, if she had been an Avali female the absence of it would have invited great offence, assuming he even got that far. More likely they would have sent him back into the void.

Still he now found himself in a powerful position. Her capture would assuredly give him the favour he desired. He dismissed that temptation with a swift click of his beak, she had come to him in faith and what optics would that present to the rest of the Galaxy. Avali weren't the slugs and helping save her people would be a powerful foundation to any business relationship going forward. Plus her commentary about his labs inspired his Avali pride, he could not turn away from such a challenge.

"If I had known we would meet so early I would have brought you something of worth. But I digress, your analysis is accurate and I had thought similar although I much hoped to be given a easier task of it. My Couatl droids have discovered a possible cache a few kilometres from here, but it will take us into hostile territory and they are loading containers onto transporters." He explained head turning away towards the streets ahead.

"I am more than capable of fighting them but I fear a frontal assault will only make them take flight. Someone will need to secure a canister discretely or disable their transporters and my size and brilliant plumage preclude me from such tactics."

He looked again at her and hummed thoughtfully, "Khan Terallo on the other claw; do you think yourself capable of I create a distraction?" He suggested.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
A dip of her head signals an acknowledgement of his desired apology. Liin keeps her movements subtle, both out of her nerves in being discovered by those that would cause her harm; and also in a bid to not draw attention towards herself by any prying eyes.

"Your assistance in this matter is all that I would ask from you. And I am pleased that you have already made preparations to do so."

Her eyes linger on his plumage, of which she is unable to see the brilliance that he speaks of. And for but a brief moment she is envious of those that are capable of viewing colors. How brilliant would his plumage be? Although she is grateful to have not had the ability for any moment of time and then lose it. Afterall it is better to not know what one was missing, than to always be reminded of the loss.

{He wishes for me to obtain a canister or to disable a transport? I have no knowledge of the mechanics of a transport. Or mechanics of any sort, for that matter. That was not a part of my education. But I will not let Xitli be aware of that. Still, the former is not without it's own risks.....But to not to agree to assist him would be a grave mistake.}

Another subtle nod is given to him as Liin adjusted her hooded cloak, as though doing so would further increase her camouflage. "I shall try my very best at gaining us a sample. The ability to move quietly is something that I am well skilled at. I only hope that it is enough to help me gain access when all eyes are upon you."

With a gesture of her hand, Liin invites Xitli to lead the way. "I shall follow your lead." Although she was not planning to follow directly behind. Afterall it was better for her to gain access to the transports via a different direction from where Xitli would be.

The darkness of the evening, which Liin previously viewed as something grim, now offered her a glimmer of hope. It was an added protection from dangerous eyes.

Tag: Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul
Seeing her acceptance Xitli's feathers relaxed, no offence being taken was good enough for his nerves. Her caution was duly noted, and with this in mind, his clawed hand crawled towards the shaft of his spear lifting it slowly from the ground. "Yes, and my size excludes me from such tactics. Come, we have stood sentry long enough."

With that, he turned towards the streets and began advancing towards the epicentre of the chaos. "I understand there is a building nearby that might give us a commanding view of the transports escort, but first do you have a communicator? I may be able to patch you into our network." He explained whilst a careful eye tracked the movement of some distant shadows. A small group of civilians, unarmed and too afraid to even consider approaching him.

"The building should be up ahead." He said, pointing the spear towards a twelve-story structure; outside storage crates had been stacked into a makeshift barricade. He could not see any people but that did not mean none were there. Perhaps inside or concealed by the poisonous smog. "I can scale the building, or if you're more familiar with this architecture perhaps there is a backdoor you can access?" Xitli suggested

Tag: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
The question about a communicator had Liin reach inside of her pocket. It would be a foolish thing to travel in dangerous territory by herself without one. So she produced it for him, allowing Xitli to sync hers to his own channels.

Once that was done, she fell back from him with a slowness of her pace. Liin was not far enough from him to not hear him speak, however, and her eyes were drawn to the building up ahead. It almost stood out like a beacon of hope; a rigid stance of defiance amongst the topped buildings around it. The makeshift barricade at the front of the seemingly quiet structure told another story. It gave her the look of the Covies' last stand. Her imagination ran wild as to what she may find within it. To go in there alone would not be wise.

"There is a back entrance, yes. New Cov has a lengthy history of being raided. And so our architecture includs a number of options for escape. If you will follow me please, I can take you to it."

It was now that Liin took the lead. Her eyes were directed to every movement, her ears focused on every sound. Even the beating of her heart could be heard, given how eerily quiet the streets were. Still, she found within herself the strength to move forward. Being not adept with climbing at all, she instead moved around any of the debris that crossed her path. Circling the building came without incident, fortunately. And it wasn't too long before they had arrived at the back door. It was bent in many places, the metal doors nearly buckling from what appeared to be the telltale signs of large fists banging into it. There was a gap, however, and Liin peered within it. Her eyes were only greeted with darkness, however. A part of her wanted to call out into the void, yet another part of her wanted their existence here to be a secret.

One hand of hers gripped the door handle and she turned it to test if they'd have access. As expected, the door was locked from within. Liin stepped back from the door. "Do you think that you could somehow pry it open with your staff?"

Tag: Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul

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