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Approved Species Chrons

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  • Name: Chron
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Hope
  • Average Lifespan: Each Chron frame tends to last around 250 years, and each Chron digital consciousness lasts for around 500 years. The consciousness can be damaged through viruses and slicers to alter this length, similarly to disease or a direct attack. Upon death, the dead consciousness can be reconstructed using stored memories and the like, similarly to cloning. This does not perfectly clone the individual, and although they may have the exact memories they may act differently, hold different beliefs, etc.
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: Chrons are a synthetic body containing the consciousness of a previously biological individual. Each frame is incredibly complex hosting synthetic muscles of incredibly strength, technological advanced mainframe and processor units equal to that of the more intelligent biological races, and no need to breath, eat, or drink. The only requirement is that a Chron must recharge every week on average, or once a day should they be involved in strenuous activities (construction, warfare, etc).
  • Breathes: N/A
  • Average Height of Adults: 2 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Tends to be black skin with amber glass decoration with various displays of light. However they have been known to mimic humanoid species in texture and color in order to blend in or appear less threatening.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: The real difference is that they are entirely synthetic with all the benefits that go with that.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
Strength: Each Chron is rather strong, able to lift around 90kg with minimal effort.

No Need to Breath: Chrons don't need to breath, eat, or drink

Processors: Chrons are capable of recalling any information stored within them instantly, as well as process information slightly faster than the average organic which tends to speed up their reflexes.

Knowledge of the Collective: Chrons are capable of calling upon the knowledge of anyone in The Collective should they be close enough to connect to The Collective. They can, however, call upon the knowledge of individual Chrons around them as well encase they are unable to connect to The Collective.

Ion: Chrons due to their synthetic nature are incredibly weak to ion weapons due to their direct nature. They do however have protections against broad EMP pulses.

Energy Supply: Chrons need a relatively stable supply of energy from which to draw from.

Slicers: Unlike organic creatures, Chrons can actually be sliced/hacked into. Although this can never truly take control of them, it can disable or severely hamper them and drastically decrease their life expectancy.

  • Diet: Energy.
  • Communication: Chrons tend to communicate through instantaneous digital networks, but have developed a language called Chronian Biduary which is a bizarre mixture of something like a 24 letter binary and a traditional alphabet/language. Biduary sounds like a strange mixture of digital clicks, screeches, and various digital noises usually reserved for droids and computers.
  • Technology level: Advanced
  • Religion/Beliefs: Chrons follow a strict philosophy of simplicity and using as few resources as possible. This stems from the reality that the universe is finite and that time is truly limited for sapient life. They believe it is their duty to "Ascend" all sapient organic life into a Chron or to digital form within their vast digital worlds.
  • General behavior: Chrons spend their life in service of The Collective, which is the combination of billions of consciousnesses uploaded to their vast computers on Hope which act as a Direct Democracy voting on how to better the species. This usually involves raiding worlds to steal away captives for uploading (which they call "Ascending") or various other tasks assigned by The Collective. Rogue Chrons are possible, having tricked the collective into giving them a body in which they escaped, or who truly believed only to be convinced by outsiders.

    Individual Chron behavior can varry as each Chron carries with them the personality and memories of their previous biological self. Even their Chron frame is tailored to have similar proportions to their previous biological body. This can effect their view on things, fighting style, knowledge of the universe, and etc. However, each Chron is able to call upon the knowledge of The Collective whenever they are on their homeworld or near a connection point to that homeworld. They are also capable of calling upon information stored in individual Chrons around them.

The history of the Chrons really starts with a single band of scientists of many species travelling to Hope to establish their colony. Through many tribulations they turned themselves into the first Chrons, established their philosophy, and began inviting others to join their cause in order to save the galaxy. However, not all wanted to come willingly. They eventually began to raid, stealing thousands from neighboring worlds to save the galaxy one upload at a time.

A Chron "Ascending" Biologicals
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Good Evening,

Before we get too far into this submission I was hoping you could clear something up for me.

Are the Chrons an AI race, or are you transfering the organic brain between robotic bodies?


[member="John Locke"]

Technically neither? What effectively happens is the contents of someone's brain is downloaded and becomes a program. So technically they become an AI but it's an AI with all their memories, personality quirks, and knowledge. So it's "Them" but digital, if that makes sense. This process also kills the organic body leaving only this digital consciousness of the person.

Thank you for clearing that up. Looking through the submission, there are just a few things that I want to bring up to your attention.

1) Average Lifespan.

Myra said:
Average Lifespan: Each Chron frame tends to last around 250 years, the consciousness of any Chron can usually be salvaged and put into a new frame.
Reading through the above description it sounds like the species is immortal, which falls foul of the Codex rules, which I have copied below for your ease of reading.

As per standard Chaos Rules, no one may be Immortal- either explicitly or implicitly stated.

From your description it appears that the Chrons are an immortal species, I would suggest that you modify the species in two ways as listed below.

  • While in a physical form some limit needs to be instituted on the Chrons so that a copy of their conciousnesses can't just be downloaded if lost.

  • As they transfer from body to body some corruption of the data is bound to crop up. This could be used as a means to limit the lifespan of the individuals as they hop from body to body while still letting them live significantly longer lives.

Reading through the submission for Hope I noticed that you mention the Collective, is the collective made up of Chrons, or just the ascended species?

2) Behaviour vs Strengths

Myra said:
However, each Chron is able to call upon the knowledge of The Collective whenever they are on their homeworld or near a connection point to that homeworld. They are also capable of calling upon information stored in individual Chrons around them

While you mention in behaviour that the Chrons are capable of drawing upon the knowledge of the Collective and of the Chrons around them, when speaking of their data recall in the species strengths you only mention the following.

Myra said:
Processors: Chrons are capable of recalling any information stored within them instantly, as well as process information slightly faster than the average organic which tends to speed up their reflexes.
While this is true, I would recommend you add the details from the behaviour to the strength as well, to provide a more clear picture of their capabilities.


[member="John Locke"]

1.) Went into more detail about their aging and what not to prevent immortality.

2.) Added it as a strength. Should I add an extra weakness to balance things out?

"The Collective" is every single Chron, both those who only exist as a digital consciousness and those who have a physical android body. They are all able to communicate via a network, and can exchange information through that network as well. Physical Chrons can become severed from this network by moving far enough away that they can no longer connect to it, only able to connect to other Chrons near their physical proximity.

Does that clear that up? Sorry, it's a rather confusing concept and I don't think I did the greatest job at explaining it.
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