Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chrystal Gathering

Peace begins with a smile.
Hello! [member="Zylah Dvale"], [member="Des Kovak"], and I are looking for a Jedi Knight or Master to accompany us to the Crystal Caves on Ilum to find lightsaber crystals. Any other Padawan in need of a crystal is of course welcome to join us!

Thank you for reading and I hope we can get this going as soon as possible.
[member="Kaia Vullen"]

I'm an adult, and a Knight, and I happen to own a planet just filled with crystals, what happened to being friendly and trusting? Expand your horizons, surely you don't intend to hide away in a temple forever? ;)
It's not so much that I wouldn't like to be a teenager on a rampage (Jedi prom? Jedi prom! Force Spike (the punch)) but that it's specifically stated you need a Master to take you or it won't count. And I want my pretty lasersword, dammit. It's like a lavalamp you can carry around with you.
Pffft, folks start out with their own lightsabers all the time, all day e'ryday. I'm sure if you do a legitimate excursion for you crystals it'll be fiiiine.

Lightsaber crystal and a force crystal acquired legitimately all in one thread and useful underworld contracts for when you inevitably get in trouble in the future? Sounds like a good deal to me. Be brave ;)

[member="Des Kovak"] [member="Kaia Vullen"]
Peace begins with a smile.
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Lady you make a convincing argument, but I think it's a little too early to go sneaking around in the underworld for this one. Dat crystal planet tho. Give her a few 'years'.
[member="Kaia Vullen"] [member="Des Kovak"]

This younger generation disappoints me greatly. No sense of adventure.

You could just put out a query over the holonet, you don't need to go to Nar Shaddaas underbelly ;)

..wanna learn to play with fire? Kids like fire.
[member="Slice Spiralflame"]

FINALLY! Sweet jeebus it is hard to help you people out. There could be candy..

Mrrrr, I will teach you things and give you toys and then when I get bored of you, you can just go back to the Republic, it's brilliant!

Slice Spiralflame

I can count to 20, 50 and 100, it was Chaos
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]


Tempting, very tempting.
[member="Slice Spiralflame"]

An elaborate ruse in which I want to play with Padawans but I don't actually want to keep any.

Look at your little profile with it's no force powers listed! That's so sad!

You know what would make your name appropriate? Being able to form twisters of fire. You know who can do that? Yours truly ;)

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