Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Chut Rati

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  • Intent: Wise Ithorian to be a spiritual advisor.
  • Image Credit: [X]
  • Role: Spiritual advisor
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Brinna Dara, Sorr Kortu
  • Age: 54
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Ithorian
  • Appearance: Chut looks like he just spent the last month hiking the trails of Ithor. He is tall even for an Ithorian and has that look of…craziness.
  • Name: Chut Rati
  • Loyalties: Natural peaceful existence and Opposition to the use of the Force to make war
  • Wealth: He owns only what he can carry on his person.
  • Notable Possessions: Walking stick, cloth bag to hold whatever was important at the moment.
  • Skills: Herbalist, Hand to hand/melee combat, gardening
  • Languages: Ithorese naturally. Many other languages through Translation Collar
  • Personality: Chut takes life as it comes. He does not seek to intrude on the destiny of others.
  • Weapon of Choice: Walking Stick
  • Combat Function: Chut tries to avoid combat if at all possible, but to defend his own life or those he loves he is an extremely capable melee fighter.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Force Healing, Force Sight, Farseeing, Cure Poison, Cure Disease, Cleanse Mind, Hibernation trance, Serenity (trance), Plant Surge, Morichro
  • Extremely gifted in non-combat Force Powers
  • Has seen a lot in his days. Good source of wisdom
  • Disillusioned with the state of the galaxy to the point of disinterest
  • Reluctant to enter a fight
Chut was taken from his family as a child by the Jedi. He served for over forty years before deciding that the Jedi were never going to become the seekers of peace that he hoped. Despite the message of peace and freedom, Chut found himself fighting more than anything else. It wore on him and eventually he disavowed himself of the Jedi Order and became a recluse.
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