The planet of Lao-mon is home to sprawling jungles, treacherous fauna, and the enigmatic shapeshifters known as the Shi'ido. Though this world has long remained distant from galactic affairs, years ago it found itself under attack by the Brotherhood of the Maw. The Shi'ido people suffered immense casualties under the Maw's genocidal persecution; Much of the remaining population fled, while the world itself was ransacked and occupied.
Now, the Maw is gone. But the process of rebuilding this remote society has and will continue to take much longer. Hence, the intervention of the Vonnuvi. This herdship and its cooperating Jedi Enclave pride themselves on their outreach efforts, and thanks in part to the representation by ambassador Inanna Harth, Lao-mon has become the latest planet to receive such a visit.
A lone herdship could hardly oversee the development of a planet singlehandedly, but they could make great leaps forward through offered aid. While relief workers and conservationists were setting up to survey Lao-mon, the Enclave and its allies were on a more specific mission: The recovery of stolen artifacts. Shi'ido culture was just as ravaged by Maw occupation as much as the Shi'ido themselves. One of the local religious orders had found plausible evidence for the whereabouts of some such treasures, and showed a willingness to cooperate with the Enclave in retrieving it. Returning these culturally significant relics could go a long way in showing progress on Lao-mon's recovery.
"It's important to keep in mind we don't know what's waiting for us. Intel is limited. So hope for the best, prepare for the worst. There's reports of Maw holdouts still clinging to these jungles." Enclave leader Amani Serys-Organa reported to her gathered allies. They had set up a base camp in the jungle, while the Vonnuvi herdship itself could just barely be seen hovering above the thick canopy. "Inanna, is there anything particular you can tell us about these artifacts? What we're looking for? What to expect?" She turned to the Shi'ido, stepping aside to give her a moment to speak.
Members of the Vonnuvi are tracking down some lost cultural monuments for the Shi'ido. Expect some jungle exploration and possible resistance from wildlife or even leftover Maw cells. Friends and like-minded individuals are welcome to join: Explorers, archaeologists, relief workers, naturalists, and of course fellow Jedi.
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