General Information
Physical Fitness
Psychological Traits
- Name: Ciara Ardellian
- Faction: Outer Planets Alliance
- Rank: TBD
- Species: Mostly Human (Pantoran ancestry)
- Planet of Origin: Pantora
- Height: 182.88cm (6')
- Weight: 73.9kg (163lbs)
- Age: 25 GSY
- Skin: Pale
- Hair: Red
- Eyes: Yellow, or edgy yellow, depending
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Force Rank: Apprentice
- Force Alignment: Moderately Dark
Physical Fitness
Ciara is, compared to most civilians, physically above average - although given her background as a soldier, this is to be expected, and in the grand scheme of things, puts her on the same level as most mercenaries, adventurers, and other assorted ne'er-do-wells of similar experience. Her height is of note, and can lend her an imposing air and a reach advantage in combat, but where she actually excels is in speed and dexterity. Ciara is quick and agile, and well-suited to sharpshooting, dueling, and tinkering.
Psychological Traits
- Hate Unending: Ciara's pure, murderous contempt for the Sith Empire is all-encompassing. Those who were present at Pantora stoke the flames of rage the strongest, of course, but every single citizen of that Empire was a soldier at some point, so as far as Ciara's concerned, they're all complicit. Sharing in that complicity is any individual, organization, or government that willingly associates and deals with the Sith Empire - if you have an Imperial at the table, and ten people cracking jokes with them, you have eleven Imperials.
- Authority Problems: There's a reason Ciara was a militiawoman, and not actual military - she doesn't respond well to orders, and she doesn't have any particular interest in giving them, either. In battle, she's cooperative enough, so long as she believes her orders aren't particularly suicidal. But outside of an actual, live combat scenario, she has an almost pathological compulsion to be contrary when anyone gets too commanding.
- Powder-keg: Ciara woke to the Force in hate and rage and grief, and they've stuck with her. They're what keep her going, and they lend her admirable prowess, but those emotions can also, if left unchecked, be easily exploited in and out of combat, and can lead to decisions which cause yet more suffering on her part.
- Inflexible: Ciara's morality is both lax and rigid. Those who cause others to suffer without just cause (as understood by Ciara, of course) must be punished, as must those who are complicit in facilitating that suffering. Outside of retribution, suffering must be prevented as far as possible. It's too simple to be called a moral code, but she sticks to it unflinchingly - without compromise, and with little regard for her own wellbeing.
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