Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris

We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.
NAME: Ciara Jevnaker
FACTION: First Order
RANK: Knight of Ren
AGE: 22
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 175 lbs.
HAIR: Light Brown w/ Blond Streaks
SKIN: Pale
Lightsaber Combat:
Due to her size, she has focused her attention on the Shien/Djem So form. From the first time she began her training with the lightsaber, she fell in love with it. She has spent countless hours practicing with the weapon, making her a formidable opponent. She believes she is a master swordsmen and never denies an opportunity to display her skill.
Problem solving:
Every since she was a child, she had excelled at problem solving. She feels every problem has a solution, no matter the difficulty of the problem. She yearns for such challenges, and will spend her free time doing research into more complex problems.
Before she had joined the Jedi, she shunned at the thought of tinkering with computers or slicing into systems. But to find some sense of balance between her life and the daily activities of her Jedi life, she began to dabble with this skill. Soon she realized that this was nearly similar to problem solving, so she began to excel at computers and slicing.
Dark Side:
Being a Vahla, her connection to the Dark Side was already strong. But when she had become a member of the Jedi Order, they worked hard to abolish the taint of the Dark Side. However, she was failing. The Dark Side was who she was by birth.
She is never afraid to speak her mind. If something needs to be said, or addressed, she quickly does it. Most times it is at the wrong time.
She has come to the understanding that there is no one that is her equal or above her. She believes that she is better than everyone else and will not think twice to pointe that out. She is willing to learn new things but only because she knows she can do it better.
She had the nasty habit of running into situations quickly without taking the time to see the bigger picture.
Force Powers:
Telekinesis: Adept
Force Sight: Expert
Telepathy: Novice
Force Persuasion: Adept
Force Choke: Novice
Electric Judgment: Novice
Force Barrier: Learning
Life Sense: Learning
Truth Sense: Learning
Kieran "Tag" Merrik
In the Beginning....

Her tribe, like all tribes of Vahla, scoured the galaxy in search of their lost home. Designated to the life of nomads, they hoped from one planet to another, one system after another trying to find a place to fit in. Because of their connection to the Dark Side, they had to take residence in places away from the Jedi and the Republic. Her family, royalty and leaders of their tribe, had settled on the world of Kashyyyk. They had formed a trading bond with the Wookies that was beneficial to both parties. The Wookies never questioned their lifestyle while the tribe never exhibited their knowledge of the Force. The Wookies taught them to hunt off the land and how to avoid the dangers of the Shadowlands, while the tribe taught the Wookies that lived nearby them the complexity and nature of machines, computers, and electronics. Despite the language barriers, the two groups had worked out system of communicating by using hand gestures and drawings.
The tribe eventually grew into a small community, then into a small town. The town was prosperous and the government, a monarchy ran by her parents that was inherited by her Father's parents, ruled fair and just. Shortly after their coronation, her Mother gave birth to their only child, a daughter named Ciara Jevnaker. She was raised in a royal environment, her every needs met, her every demands saw to you. As she grew older, she began to despise the treatment, feeling as if her life was not hers to run. On top of that, she began to distrust others feeling they only wanted her friendship because of her royal blood. She felt she was being used.
By the time she was eight (8), she become known around her family's inner circle as a master problem solver. Her family and their friends sought to encourage this behaviour by always putting tests to her, which she passed. On her own, she sought out problems within the town and assisted the people by helping them find solutions. She had found some peace in this. It was during this time she had been slightly trained in the ways of the Force by her Mother, learning the aspects of the Dark Side. However, this was short lived when a group of Republican soldiers, led by some Jedi, stumbled upon their little happiness in the forest. Tempers flared, accusations tossed about, and violence erupted. The Jedi, feeling the Dark Side in her, had concluded she could be redeemed and brought to the light. So she was whisked away to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.
Is the Jedi life for Me? (8-19)

Her arrival at the temple was met with mixed views. The Jedi Knights, Masters, and older Padawans had accepted her, offering their assistance if she needed it. Those that were around her age, the younglings, and slightly older viewed her differently. They could sense the darkness in her and tried to avoid her. She didn't understand why this was so, but latter in life she understood. Already knowing how to command the Force, she had been chosen by an old and wise Jedi Master named Ghu Logain, whose first priority was to cleanse the Dark Side from her.
As she grew into her role as a Padawan, she always felt the presence of the Dark Side in her, at times thinking she could hear it whispering to her from afar. But she tried to ignore it for her Master, still sensing it, periodically lectured her on the dangers and wickedness of it. Despite the inner conflict, her Master began teaching her about lightsaber combat and helped her create her first lightsaber, the one she still wields today, helping her to find the perfecct fit for her. And that was Shien/Djem So. To her Master's surprise, she had taken to both the lightsaber and the form as if it was second nature to her. She began to grow a reputation around the temple for her skills, which led to her pride; another lecture her Master went on and on about.
Now feeling the pressure from her Master on the subjects of her pride issues and the ever presence of the Dark Side, she needed to find a release from this and everyday life. Most of the Padawans had been taken abroad on several missions and outings with their Masters, while she had remained behind in the temple because her Master was worried of the influence in the galaxy might fully awaken the darkness in her. So in her free time, she began doing a lot of research and found she had a new passion, computers and slicing.
During a minor skirmish on one of the core worlds that eventually led to rebellion, the Jedi Council dispatched several Jedi to help quell the uprising. Her Master debated with the council stating she wasn't ready, but in the end, he was over ruled. So they left for the core world at once.
During a reconnaissance mission, the Republic soldiers led by her Master were ambushed by the rebels. She was grazed by a blaster shot. The pain turned to anger and she lost control. She attacked without mercy, killing blindly. She even killed the rebels that had thrown down their weapons and attempted to surrender. Her Master lashed out at her with words that only fueled her rage. She accused him of holding her back. She accused him of having unfounded concerns about the Dark Side in her. She accused him of trying to manipulate her into being someone she was not. Her Master scoffed at her and turned his back on her. And when he did, she drove the hot tip of her blade into his back, killing her Master. Before the Republic soldiers could react, she had fled; crying and confused.
Sith are no different than the Jedi (19-Present)

She managed to persuade a smuggler and her crew to take her off the planet. Leaving the Jedi life behind forever. She was done with them and done with that way of life. She wanted to learn about the galaxy and that was her goal. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for her. She thanked the smuggler and her crew for allowing her to tag along when they dropped her off on a planet that was controlled by the Sith, which she nor the smuggler knew at the time. It didn't take long for her scent to attract the Sith.
She was approached by a Sith Lord and his Apprentice within the hour. He spoke to her about how he sensed the Dark Side in her and the taint of the Light Side that was present. Having no fear of the Sith or her former life as a member of the Jedi Order, she told him what happened. He nodded his head occasionally and made short remarks or questions here and there. She began to think the way of the Sith was for her. But she was wrong.
It didn't take her long to realize how much the two Orders were alike. They had their differences but those differences were labeled with different names. She spent two years learning more about the Dark Side than she did the Sith. It was the Dark Side she craved, not the Sith lifestyle. So one night, she fled the planet.
For two years she lived on her own, hoping from one part of the galaxy to the next. She began to define who she was. She was not a Jedi nor she was a Sith, but something in the middle. When she heard the term Dark Jedi for the first time, she almost cried. Because after all these years of being told what to think, what to suppress, and what was right and wrong, she finally discovered a title for herself. Dark Jedi.
But she was not satisfied with that choice and eventually returned back to the Jedi Order, to stand judgment for her crimes and in hopes she could be redeemed. However, the return was not met with the desiring effect she had hopped. After sometime, and feeling guilty about it, she left the Jedi Order for a second time.
Character Growth/Misc.
Light at the end... (Done)
Shoot Anything.... [Faction](Done)
Law and Order (Incomplete)
You're My Only Hope (Done)
Puffcake Brigade [Faction] (Done)
Save the Pups (Incomplete)
Unholy Grail (Writing)
The Inquisition of Sekalus Pt. 1 (Done)
The Inquisition of Sekalus Pt. 2 (Done)
Kro Var Field Trip (Writing)
What a Boring Assignment (Writing)
The Inquisition of Sekalus Pt. 3 (writing)
This Ain't Real...(Done)
Life and Truth (Incomplete)
Antar (Done)
Zeltros (Done)
Dominion of Echoyla (Done)
Dominion of Dantooine (Done)