Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Cid Diyoko



NAME: Cid Diyoko

FACTION: The New Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Master Seer

SPECIES: Miraluka

AGE: 26

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11"

WEIGHT: 174 lbs.


HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Weaknesses: He has below Average Swordsmanship Skills. Misinterpreting future events are possible with him as he is bombarded constantly with images. He can be viewed as being a bit cocky with his abilities. Somewhat withdrawn, not really into gatherings and social events. He is a calm, quiet, and peaceful individual that lives strictly to the Jedi Code. He has chose to live a life of abstinence from most pleasures of life, focusing mainly on learning about the Force.

Strengths: Exceptional Level of Control and Skill of the Force. He foresees minor and major future events as jumbled images that can at times be overwhelming and takes time to interpret. He has the ability to use Battle Meditation to assist others in battle. Cid doesn't talk much, using his ears more than this mouth, calculating all possibilities into a peaceful resolution. Only as a last resort, when all peaceful possibilities are lost, he will defend himself and the ideals that he believes in as truth.

See Photo

Cid was brought to the temple on Corasucant when he was a child and has lived there throughout his life, learning the Jedi ways as a padawan learner. He befriended with a Jedi Knight, Aria Kevoria and became partners as instructor in his early training. He would later be transferred to Caamas and became Jedi Master Adrian Thresh's padawan. At age 18 the council thought he was ready and Cid took the Jedi Trials. In taking account to all what his masters and instructors had taught him, he passed the trials with only a few point deductions.

After recieving his knighthood, Cid studied and trained for months by using holocrons and the archives to obtain a better understanding of swordplay that was more his style. He would finally find what he was seeking. Saber Shield was the name of the technique and the only one that have knowledge of it was dead long ago. Luckily for him that there was a holocron that taught the technique.

After serving, teaching, and studying under the Jedi Order for multiple years, Cid humbly receives his title of Jedi Master and the title of Prophet.




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