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Faction CIG - Business be Booming

Eriadu - Valkan Citadel
Security: [X]


Rather unusually, it was Tertius in his capacity as Chairman of the N&Z Corporation who had started to work on the appropriate organization of a new meeting of the Corporate Interests Guild. Though perhaps not much had happened since the last meeting, there still were at least a few things to discuss, such as a further discussion on the Hyperlane and Hypergate proposals made during the last meeting, a overview of what the trade embargo against the Dark Empire had wrought and many other minor points. However, perhaps most important was the fact that any of these meetings could very well lead to deals between the major corporations, new alleys for profit and production of goods, and exactly because of this, the one company that had to claw itself up after some...unfortunate issues, was now attempting to host a new meeting.

The Marquis of Valkan had contemplated on where the location should have been, obviously the place had to be secure, located in politically neutral territory and needed to be spacious enough to entertain not only the security of the guests, but also their vehicles and staff they may or may not have brought with them. A few of these points posed some issues, considering there were a few viable options, but most of those loaction options had at least one or more problems. Eventually, Tertius decided that perhaps his personal domain on Eriadu would be the best fit. There had to be a few... momentary changes in the rules, as normally no security except the Valkan Guards themselves would be allowed, but as an exception, the Marquis turned the Valkan Citadel into a welcoming place for any corporate guests at this time.

While the Valkan Guards would be appointed for guard duty on the terrain, the Internal Security subdivision of the N&Z Security would hold the fort, having strategically placed units at the entrance gates, where there would also be luxurious repulsorlift vehicles awaiting the guests, bringing them through the massive grounds, all the way to the Citadel itself, where there would be ample security and staff awaiting them. The guests would be lead inside through a large foyer which held a multitude of old paintings and sculptures, tapistries of long forgotten times hanging from the walls, while the gentle light of cristaline chandeliers illuminated their path towards a dark-wooden double door which when opened gave way to a spacious conference room, or rather what looked like it originally had functioned as a war room of sorts, but had been painstakingly repurposed to have a more comfortable feel, with a massive mahogany table at the center, staffmembers awaiting the guests in order to serve their every whim and even a balcony outside to allow those who enjoy a smoke to have one without needing to bother the others present.

To all who'd arrived, the Marquis would simply say: "I hope you have arrived in good health and spirits, welcome to the Valkan Citadel."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | John Locke John Locke | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Derron Daks Derron Daks | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Braze Braze | Any who haven't been tagged...I just used the former thread and my knowledge on who's who to tag...


Derron Daks arrived to the gathering aboard his executive shuttle.

Despite the relaxed nature of the security at today's event, he brought no security of his own. He came only with a single protocol droid- a sophisticated model programmed to act as a solicitor as well as a translator. Derron was not humble about his own intellect and capabilities. Yet he knew enough to know that specialists existed for a reason. A droid was a good way to bring a lot of specialist knowledge that would not need to eat, drink, sleep, or divert itself during the event. It would not even need a chair, and it would remember everything that transpired perfectly.

"An impressive facility," Derron observed, his voice giving no evidence of awe or emotion that would corroborate the announcement. But nor was there anything to undermine the statement. Like many Yaka, the cybernetic enhancements to his mind had rendered him emotionally distant and somewhat enigmatic.

"I look forward to our discussions today. Enhancements to hyperspace navigation have the potential to revolutionize the movement of persons and product to the outer reaches."

Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

The citadel was something of beauty as the jedi master arrived and she was checking it out. THe interest of them all being there and meeting regularly could only benefit them while the jedi master would be able to hear from the others. "Impressive." She said it and was walking as she observed. Information on her interface for herself as they were working on many projects across the different facilities. SHe had recently offered to people chaances for spots on some of their more advanced projects and locations within the colonies. Their embargo against the dark empire had been... mostly quiet. It helped she didn't and wouldn't have sold to them either way but they were likely to make moves against the others who operated within their space. "Hopefully things have been going well."

Interacting with: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Derron Daks Derron Daks
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"I hope you have arrived in good health and spirits, welcome to the Valkan Citadel."

If ever there was a place to make business feel like an elegant affair, it was the Citadel. Danger had always appreciated beauty, especially when it came with the opportunity to seal a deal. Murmuring her polite greetings and exchanging warm handshakes, she soon found herself settling into her seat with that practiced grace of hers. It had been a whirlwind of activity lately, and now here she was -- ready for another Corporate Interests Guild meeting. Time surely did fly.

The last gathering had been about the Dark Empire's edict, a topic that still lingered heavy on everyone's minds. Since then, Danger had worked tirelessly to keep bloodshed at bay and carve out a peaceful solution for Arceneau Trade. She'd made sure the company gracefully pulled back from Imperial space, paid whatever taxes they deemed fit, and found new jobs for her people—good, hardworking folk with solid Imperial citizenship. There was no reason they should be treated poorly, and if the Empire knew what was good for them, they'd recognize that too.

The current plan involved carefully relocating assets near Dark Empire territory. It was slow and costly, but absolutely necessary. Moving piece by piece, Danger ensured the process was as smooth as it could be. No one would get hurt on her watch, not if she had anything to say about it.

For now, though, her focus was on what fresh topics might surface today -- what new opportunities or partnerships could be forged. Danger was always one to keep her ear to the ground, ready to pounce on any chance to promote trade and build something lasting. Perhaps, if all went well, she'd even strengthen some ties and share a few ideas that might pave the way for brighter futures. For certain, there were some concerns with the Empire of the Lost and the Tingel Arm Coalition, but she hoped that it would not go the way of the Dark Empire.

For now, she sat and gave a cordial smile, nodding in gratefulness at everyone's attendance.

"A pleasure to see everyone doin' well."



Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

With Ellie feeling slightly better and his father agreeing to spend some time on Joiol to keep an eye on his wife, Makai was the one to attend this session of the Corporate Interests Guild gathering. He had been filled in on the last meeting and since then Salacia had shuttered their facility on Ketaris and either continued to pay their workers or quietly moved them and their families to other locations.

A nod to Mister Daks, a figure he hadn't seen in some time. They had contracted together twice and he found the businessman to be quite interesting and intelligent. Perhaps in the future they would work again, it was great to see DDSI in attendance.

Sliding into his seat next to his mother-in-law, Makai unbuttoned his suit jacket and settled in, wondering what was on the agenda today. He didn't read anything that was pre-planned, although that message could have went to his father and not himself. Iced blue eyes took in the others, not recognizing anyone beyond Mister Nargath and Mister Daks at the moment.

"Thank you for including Dashiell Incorporated. I look forward to our meeting today, a pleasure to meet everyone."


Chi had intentionally arrived a little early, only to be distracted by their host's collection of art. The Star of Pantora had come to a rest at a reasonable distance, hovering on its repulsors where it could be seen, but not encroaching on the Manor's airspace. Then the Dernier Cri had ferried her the rest of the way in with Ji-Ji's droid body at the controls. Her view of the manse on approach was impressive, if a bit unspectacular artistically speaking, with the way the sheer bulk of the manor dominated everything save the rising towers. Her thoughts were forced back to her own family's home on Pantora, the slender towers and visually low buildings topped by graceful onion domes. She'd known the ins and outs of every room. Looking at the kilometers of house below, she wondered if anyone had ever even seen most of the rooms.

Inside the foyer, the servants and security were mostly ignored along with the grandeur in favor of the artworks until a polite person reminded with a mention that most of the group had gathered. Then she allowed herself and Ji-Ji to be shown to the meeting room with the others. There she was met with the familiar faces of Danger, Makai, and Matsu, along with those of the CIG she'd yet to meet. She still felt new to the group despite her appointment to represent them to the Alliance Senate. A position she felt stemmed from her experience in the Senate and small company not being able to greatly benefit from corruption or underhanded dealings behind closed doors. She didn't engage in bulk trading or cargo, and thus wouldn't try to bilk the others for an extra half-percent profit.

"It was a pleasant journey with a gratifying reception." Chi added to the pleasantries. "Thank you for offering your home to host the meeting, Chairman Nargath." She also shared a smile and slight nod with Makai for his precocious daughter.

This is my first time visiting the Citadel. And as I walked through the halls to the meeting room, I can see now why the Marquis had found familiarity within the halls of my own family's Estate. Although the architecture is different and more ancient, the layout and decorations are very similar. That in and of itself puts me at some relative ease.

In the past these corporate meetings had been a tad argumentative. The embargo on the Dark Empire thankfully has had no effect on New Cov or our industry. Yet that was to be expected, for we had no dealings with them or those within their territories. In fact I hadn't even visited that sector of the Galaxy and now it can almost be guaranteed that I never will. Yet it was more than likely that even doing so would cause no fuss for I am not known to them. Nor is New Cov and our biomolecules. There are plenty more customers out there than those that a single government can provide.

I approach the table and take an empty seat. There are a few that I recognize, however not all of them that I have spoken with. That could change in time, to be sure. And although I am not entirely clear on what this meeting is about, I shall at least provide a good ear.

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Derron Daks Derron Daks Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi

This morning, the Trade Federation's hyperspace transceivers reported the unexpected news that the Dark Empire had successfully retained its grip on the Tython System and their core holdings. This development would no doubt represent a considerable political setback for the newly appointed Chancellor Alicio Organa, whose message of unity and strength may be drowned out by the defeat of the Galactic Alliance in two pivotal engagements back to back, one against the Sith Order and another with the Dark Empire.

When such a powerful nation is defeated, the immediate consequence is often a decline in market performance, leading to a significant drop in the Interstellar Stock Market, which may reach unprecedented lows. This occurs as both current and prospective investors withdraw their capital, redirecting it towards alternative opportunities, potentially including the economic framework of the Sith Order whose strict regulatory measures provide a semblance of stability.

As the leading investor in the Galactic Alliance, any decline in his market shares was deemed highly intolerable. Consequently, the Commanding Viceroy chose to remain on Skako to monitor the ongoing Senate Session. However, he opted to participate in the second meeting of the Corporate Interest Guild in a holographic capacity to ensure adequate representation for the Trade Federation.


"AWEROROROROR....The architectural marvels of the Citadel undoubtedly capture interest. However, our gathering is not intended for mere admiration of aesthetics or superficial niceties. Outline the agenda or items of immediate concern and proceed to discussions of greater significance." The Skakoan explained with little overall patience for the usual business relationship routine, his mechanical respiratory device emitting a faint wheeze as he scrutinized the members in attendance and those who did not arrive yet.

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Location: Eriadu - Valkan Citadel
Security: [X]​


The First one to arrive happened to be Derron Daks Derron Daks , though Tertius had not had many interactions, if any at all outside of the most recent meeting of the Corporate Interests Guild, the Marquis had to at the very least commend the man's punctuality, finding it to be anexponentially more important quality in these days and ages. "You have my thanks for the compliment, Sir Daks. And yes, it will be one of the more important points on the agenda for now. Please, have a seat and just ask for whatever beerage, snack or other enjoyments you may need as we wait for the others to arrive."

His words had not yet grown cold in the air, or it looked like Matsu Ike Matsu Ike from the Sasori Conglomorate had also arrived. In the Marquis' eyes she was a wildcard, with a company utilizing strange and unconventional materials and substances to form somewhat equally strange products that could both be miraculous or abhorrent to the public. ALways one to keep an eye on if it came to technological advances. "Lady Matsu, welcome to the Valkan Citadel. Please, you may ask the staff present for anything you wish as a refreshment, snack or smokeable."

And there she was, the Trade Queen herself, the fiery Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau wasn't one to arrive without being seen. Nor one to not be heard generally, a driving force behind many of the advances made in a plethora of fields and a market manipulator pur sang. "Lady Arceneau, good to see please ask the staff for anything, they'll happily accomodate you after your journey."

Nodding towards the next guest arriving, the Marquis motioned with his arms towards @Makai to take a seat and make himself comfortable. Having the younger member of Dashiel Incorporated as its representative this time, in stead of the venerable Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell who had been presiding the last meeting was a welcome change, though considering the Chairman's better insight on the man's situation, he did not neglect to engage in a bit of small talk with Makai either. "I hope all is well with the family, Mr. Dashiell, please if there is anything you need, just ask the staff."

While he had seen them before, the Marquis hadn't had much interactions with Pantorans before, finding it somewhat odd that he was slowly getting a whole spectrum of colored acquaintances...if he had someone purple and someone yellow, he'd have to list them in his contacts as the rainbow gang at some time. However, for now the man simply gae a short, courteous nod towards Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi , though he had little to no information on her, it appeared she was to be representing the CIG in the Galactic Alliance's government, which was in his own opinion not exactly an enviable position these days. "Welcome Lady Chuchi... it is my pleasure to do so, I didn't think it appropriate to cram the lot of us in some dusty old conference room in the Tarkin Imperial center...such a cold and sterile place that is."

To see Lady Terallo again was always a pleasure, not to mention that this time the roles were somewhat reversed, as it was her turn to be his guest and enjoy his own hospitality this time, even if it was but for the meeting. "Lady Terallo, how good to see you again...I hope you will be staying after the meeting, since we still have a few thing to go over in regards to our personal business."

Lastly, the viceroy of the Trade Federation spirit at least, as it was once again his visage in flickering form that was revealed rather than himself in the flesh. "Pity you could not be here in person, Viceroy Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , nonetheless you are correct, let us all take a seat and begin this meeting."

Moving over to one of the seats at the large table, having been careful to not place any seats at the head or the end of the table in order to refrain anyone from granting themselves the idea of self agrandizement in his home and maintaining the ideology of having an equal voice in the preceedings, Tertius allowed one of the servants to bring him a cup of steaming hot coffee, as he clapped his hands to once again draw everyone's attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, first and foremost once again, welcome," Grinning somewhat, the Marquis reached for his cup of coffee and took a sip, calmly placing the cup back onto the table. "I would like to hear if anyone has had any issues in regards to the embargo we have agreed upon, effectively enacting a full trade block against the Dark Empire? I had heard that with the most recent news of the Galactic Alliance's failures to capitalize on the vulnerable position of the Dark Empire may have in fact been hitting the market unfavorably towards our own assets, is this correct, Viceroy Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr ?

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | John Locke John Locke | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Derron Daks Derron Daks | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Braze Braze | Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi

The Marquis, being a proper host, addressed each attendee in turn. I dip my chin in a respectful nod when I am addressed. "It is indeed a pleasure, Marquis Nargath. I shall indeed remain until all of our business is settled." There is still much for us to go over, afterall. The new direction for New Cov and NCBC is not exactly a simple transition. There are of course many appropriate steps to be taken.

A flicker of a holofeed reveals the Viceroy. Never really one for polite conversation, he is rather direct and straight to the point. In some instances, I do believe that attitude to be warranted. Afterall one cannot let their emotions run their business! Profits are not made that way. They are only lost.

And now with the Marquis bringing the crux of the meeting to order, I have becomed enlightened on today's topic. The embargo. There is little doubt in my mind that this is a follow-up to a previously held meeting. And it is good to see the major corporations looking out for eachother's interests, rather than just competing with eachother. Governments come and go, yet corporations will always be there to fund and provide for their interests.

I look forward to hearing how such an embargo has affected the corporations in attendance here. I find the inner workings of the larger entities to be quite interesting.

Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Derron Daks Derron Daks Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Derron Daks Derron Daks Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

THe others were arriving and she gave a nod. Refreshments would be fine enough when she found a seat at the table and rolle dher shoulders. Allowing the others to come in and look around. THe usual business leaders were there and she would be looking forward to hearing some of the updates to the different things that they had been doing. "Thank you." She said it while waiting in the seat and having a small drink for herself. She wanted to hear about all of it while her interface was relaying information about a few of their other projects... they were developing and building something that would as aa project not be completed in several lifetimes and might never be but it would give them a broader understanding of the universe itself and they could do a lot more with that.


The Marquis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath of the N&Z Corporation appeared to acknowledge the call for more significant discussions, as evidenced by the agenda he announced. A particularly noteworthy item was the recent embargo imposed by the Corporate Interest Guild in response to the Imperial's rather uninspired economic theory, which posited that nationalization was the sole viable strategy for competing with the Galactic Alliance.

This strategy, while seemingly imprudent, may have yielded some success, given that they managed to retain control over Tython and the Core despite facing the greater forces of the New Jedi Order and the Defense Forces. The confrontation, while resulting in significant economic consequences for the Alliance, was not entirely detrimental. It provided valuable insights into the defensive capabilities and morale of the Imperial forces, revealing a notably tepid reaction to the invasion.

Communication among the disparate armies positioned on Bogan was minimal, consisting of only a handful of inadequate messages and appeals for assistance from the Imperial Fleet in orbit. This lack of coordination emerged as a crucial vulnerability that could be leveraged in future engagements.

The Skakoan might provide insights regarding this progression; however, the council was primarily focused on the performance of the alliance's financial markets. Given his position on the Alliance's Committee for Finance and Commerce, he possessed valuable insider information, making him the most reliable source of information.

" The economic ramifications of the Alliance's defeat by a diminished Dark Empire on the stability of the Financial Markets cannot be overstated. The recent confrontation, driven by the idealistic pursuits of the New Jedi Order, has resulted in significant losses, both in terms of lives and critical resources, particularly as key industrial worlds in the core are now susceptible to severe attacks. Initial assessments suggest that the Alliance's financial reserves may diminish by around 35 billion credits which would have been worse if not for the Federation and Banking Clan's injection of capital, with an operational deficit anticipated to rise by 27% unless immediate and effective measures are implemented to counteract this trend. " He explained his points with a resolute tone, undeterred by the hissing sounds emanating from his pressure suit. While the Markets were undoubtedly in a precarious situation, it was not the most dire outcome, as the Banking Clan and the Federation had provided additional lines of credit to support artificial growth.

" At the end of the rotation, it suggests that our profits will see a decrease of 18% over the next few months. Affecting not only the military-manufacturing sectors under the control of Si Tech and Aether Systems, but also the civilian sector as well which will affect the Arceneau Trading Company and its subsidiaries by a considerable margin. " He further commented.

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"I think your analysts might be doing you a disservice there."

The man never raised his voice as he spoke into the quiet that filled the room after Rulonom's speech as he pushed through the doors, letting them swing shut behind him as he reached up to adjust the cuffs of his sleeves for a moment before dropping into a seat and waving a hand at the assembled personages, the great and good of hte corporate world.

"It's true, without a doubt, that the Alliance's loss is a significant event, I wouldn't even try to dispute that, but where you see it as an unfavourable I can't help but see opportunity for us to take advantage of there. The alliance lost a significant amount of material during the conflict and they'll need to rebuild in order to meet any counter attack by the Dark Empire, or to meet hte needs of a second objective. While none of us may hold the direct military contracts, they'll still need material and basic technology, all of which we provide, and if as you say the core producing worlds of Si-tech and Aether Systems are threatened, well most of our manufacturing is decentralized, and focused away from the core, surely an opportunity to seize if one were so inclined."

John's eyes flicked around the table for a moment, measuring hte faces of those settled around it before he leant back in his chair, head inclining towards Danger.

"As for Arcenau, I trust Danger to have them well in hand, so I can't speak for any plans she might have. However, I do plan to reach out to the civilian sector myself, and I would encourage all of you to do so as well. There will be the need for long-term rebuilding projects as the conflict drags on, but in the short term, a wave of refugees will hit the core sectors, or whoever the alliance chooses to send them. They'll all need housing and infrastructure. It may not be as awe inspiring as building the ships that vie for dominance in space, but those contracts will be both lucrative and provide a good foot in the door to gain other contracts with those planets. The corporation that helps in your time of need, is the corporation which you will look to to help out when you need a new spaceport constructed, or a transit system created."

"I don't know about you all, but I intend to obtain as much of that Alliance reserve for myself as I can. We're not here to prop up the Alliance, unless it works in our favour. They may be a significant market, but they're not the only market in the galaxy, and those planets aren't going anywhere. Should the Alliance need to curb spending, the individual planets will still need to continue spending on government projects. I'd say there was plenty of opportunity there for all of us."

As he spoken the Cornellian nodded his head at their host before glancing along the table for a moment before a small smile touched his lips, a light of amusement dancing through his eyes.

"I'm not too late am I? Traffic was hell, could someone pass the water please?"

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Derron Daks Derron Daks

Location: Eriadu - Valkan Citadel
Security: [X]​


While the Trade Federation's Viceroy posed some very good points, the sudden entrance of the one and only John Locke John Locke complicated things a bit, with his usual flair, the cybernetically enhanced corporate juggernaut of Locke & Key fame instantly dismissed the Viceroy's assumptions and countered those with points and observations which could be arguably just as valid.

Tertius recognized this as neither being faulty in their logic, but simply two people running two entirely different companies and thus having a wholly different view on the ramifications and impact the current situation of the Galactic Alliance would have on the market. He himself had to be more inclined to the Viceroy's position, but as he had little to no business within the Alliance, the N&Z's position on the matter was mainly based on how the Galactic Alliance's own situation could influence the regions and factions his own company did have its business located.

"Maybe it would be best if Lady Arceneau could grant us some insight in her own vision as well," The Marquis of Valkan held up his hand in order to prevent any unrestricted and unwarranted discussion to erupt after the arrival and quick dismissal by mr. Locke, all the while nodding at the staff to accomodate the man's needs as he seemed to be in need of refreshment.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | John Locke John Locke | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Derron Daks Derron Daks | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Braze Braze | Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Derron Daks Derron Daks Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

She listened and the question about the impact of the embargo was.... well she agreed with John Locke. "Not having them as customers hasn't done much, we are still corning or even the only markets in some places and with our new ba'land we are going to be able to expand to a dozen more galaxies to continue our growth." She said it and well economic growth was easy when no one else was there to compete. the GA was just one part of it and as long as Sasori kept expanding to places no one else could reach it meant they were. THe dimensionala nd universal implications and colonies allowed them even more chances and that was why she had offered a few the chance. "I am curious as well Lady Danger how talks go."

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