Cin Bes'uliik - "White Iron Beast"
Out of Character Information- Intent: The purpose of this submission is to provide Isley Verd with an iconic mount/personal vehicle which epitomizes his Mandalorian culture.
- Development Thread: If Required
- Manufacturer: Clan Ordo (Mandalorians), Baktoid Industries
- Model: Refit-Basilisk War Droid
- Affiliation: Mandalorian Empire (Isley Verd)
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Beskar, Agrinium
- Classification: Fourth Degree
- Role(s): Assault, Transport
- Height: 5 meters
- Length: 7.5 meters
- Width: 2.5 meters
- Weight: 3 metric tons
- Minimum Crew: 1
- Optimal Crew: 1
- Propulsion: Quadrupedal/Engines
- Top Speed: 550 kilometers/hour
- Passenger Capacity: 1
- Cargo Capacity: 1 metric ton
- Consumables: 1 Day
- Shatter-Missile Launchers (2; 4 missiles ea.)
- Shockwave Generator Rods (10)
- Standard Space Mines (2)
- Pulse-Wave Cannons (2)
- Laser Cannons (2)
- Fore/Aft Sensory Cluster
- High-Boost Engine Units
- "Convertible" Cockpit
- Coilcoid Shield Unit
- Distress Beacon
- Susulur (Listen): The unit attacks a designated target/takes additional commands.
- Aranar (Defend): The unit remains stationary and defends its position.
- Udesiir (Relax): The unit ceases all aggression/offensive maneuvers.
- Jurkadir (Attack): The unit attacks, indiscriminately.
- Trattok'o (Fall): The unit powers down.
- Motir (Stand): The unit powers up.
The so-called Cin Bes'uliik began originally as a Basilisk War Droid that was gifted to Isley Verd by Clan Ordo following the absolving of his Dar'manda status. While an impressive vehicle of warfare of its own right, the Mandalorian deemed it necessary to take into account its immense age and to make updates in order to best serve its new owner. As such, the refit began with the commissioning of Baktoid Industries in order to update the droid brain with modern programming and to replace the aging circuitry that had been exposed to an enormous sum of wear and tear. He also requested from Baktoid that a shielding unit be incorporated, which resulted in the installation of a large "Colicoid Shielding Unit". This was the very same unit, albeit enlarged in order to project a field of perfect proportion to the War Droid, that is found upon the famous Droideka units. This was installed for the purpose of affording the War Droid, affectionately dubbed "Cin" by its owner, additional protection whilst dropping in through the atmosphere and whilst operating on the field of battle.
One of the final changes that Isley request of Baktoid was the incorporation of an agrinium mesh about the droid brain and the vital, internal circuitry. This, as it had come to be known within the "Droid Capital of the Galaxy", otherwise known as the CIS, was an effective means of offering a moderate degree of protection against electromagnetic, electroproton, and ion weaponry. While this mesh, operating off of the concept of a Faraday Cage, does not grant the unit immunity to these types of weapons, it does offer some protection against a total shut down and would require much more contact with said weapons that an automaton un-equipped with the agrinium mesh.
Once these changes had been put into place by the engineers of Baktoid Industries, the next step was to incorporate additional means of protection. The heavy, metal plating that came stock with the War Droid was replaced with a series of plates composed entirely of Beskar. These plates were then specifically arranged in order to grant greater coverage of Cin's body as compared to its stock configuration. From there, the remainder of the changes were entirely aesthetic and revolved around giving the War Droid an intimidating look that befitted Isley's standards. First and foremost, the rearmost set of legs were replaced with a duo of heavy, clawed legs that matched its front set. This allows Cin to maneuver itself better across various forms of terrain, but does not grant it an additional sum of speed due to the weight of the limbs themselves.
The forward-mounted shockwave generator rods and pulse wave cannons were re-grouped together and fitted inside a "reptilian" head; along with the fore sensor clusers. The re-grouping of the rods and cannons were necessary to accomplish the task of ensuring that the ordnance fired off by the War Droid's "mouth" would not damage the "head" at all. As such, in comparison to a stock Basilisk War Droid, Cin's shockwave generator rods and pulse wave cannons fire in a much more concentrated manner; sacrificing area of effect for power so to speak. It is to be noted that the head and "claws" of the unit are composed of heavy durasteel and coated with a thin layer of beskar in order to add onto its overall durability. One of the final aesthetic changes was the incorporation of a "convertible cockpit" of glasteel. When in use, the cockpit provides an air-tight protection from the elements and the vacuum of space. When out of use, it sits nearly in a collapsed form behind the rider and can easily be accessed simply by reaching back and pulling it into position.
Lastly, the hue of the War Droid as a whole is stock, "silver" with an electric blue hue. This color was selected simply because it is pleasing to the eye, while at the same time epitomizing the concept of "Reliability" that comes with incorporating blue paint into one's beskar'gam. A black Mythosaur is painted upon the War Droid's leftmost flank, with the symbol for Clan Verd painted upon its rightmost flank. All in all, while aesthetically pleasing and menacing per Isley's standards, "Cin" is very much still a Basilisk War Droid, boasting the same armaments and combat capabilities as its stock brethren. It's differences lie in additional durability due to the incorporation of beskar plating, a droideka shield, a glasteel "convertible" cockpit, and aesthetic changes to suit Isley's specifications.
Although "Cin" is an exceptional tool of warfare, it is not without its shortcomings which hail from both its stock and present configuration. To begin, the Basilisk War Droid has always been slow-moving whilst propelled on the ground by its limbs, and "Cin" is no exception. In fact, it moves slower than the stock configuration due to the fact that there is additional weight in the form of its new form of legs and beskar plating. As a whole, Cin relies mainly upon the commands and interactions with its pilot for guidance, as alone it is simply semi-sentient. Without said interactions and guidance, Cin's total combat effectiveness plummets; especially in the face of sentient opponents with a mind for strategy. It is also to be noted that, while Cin features an enlarged version of the shielding unit featured upon Droidekas, this also comes with its own assortment of shortcomings.
The most notable shortcoming is that the War Droid cannot utilize its pulse wave cannons nor can it utilize its shockwave generator rods whilst the shield is active; as using both at the same time would cause a tremendous sum of strain on Cin's power source and result in a shut down. For this reason, a countermeasure has been put into place where even a pilot's attempt at a manual override will result in failure. Put simply, Cin must choose between having its shield up or using its main weapon. The other shortcoming of incorporating the Droideka shield stems from the design flaw associated with it; that being if the unit is toppled over the shield will not distinguish the ground from a blaster bolt or lightsaber and will continue to draw power; thereby resulting in an eventual overload and the shutting down of the droid.
Furthermore, whilst the cockpit is an excellent tool for offering protection when underwater, within space, or when entering a planet's atmosphere, it is to be noted that there are no life support systems built into Cin. The rider's ability to make effective usage of the cockpit depends entirely upon whatever oxygen sources he or she brings along, as otherwise the cockpit lacks oxygen in all terrains save for within a planet's atmosphere. On another note, Cin also lacks communication arrays of any sort; once more relying solely upon whatever the rider has brought along in terms of getting in contact with allies on the field of battle. Whilst utilizing the High-Boost Engines that come standard with its stock design, Cin can move at a pace of 550 kilometers per hour. However, while this is impressive for a heavy automaton, this pace cannot match nor triumph over that of the average starfighter.
If deployed alone, the animalistic semi-sentience of the War Droid poses potential problems on the field of battle. While Cin is entirely subservient to the verbal and input commands of its rider, it is very aggressive by "nature" and has the uncanny inability to accurately distinguish friend or foe. Without the guidance of the rider, Cin poses the potential risk to go on a rampage whilst on the field of battle, becoming a source of friendly fire and casualties on both sides of the battleground. On the subject of verbal commands, a countermeasure was installed in the case that the rider was incapacitated whilst on the field of battle. In the event that Cin is deployed alone or its owner is incapacitated, it has been programmed to recognize the emergency "stop" command of a small number of individuals. This command, being "Trattok'o", will halt the War Droid where it stands and immediately engage its power down sequences.
As a whole, there are only five individuals whose voices have been registered in order to utter the emergency "stop" command. The first is @[member="Gilamar Skirata"], Manda'lor. The second is @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"], Grand Marshal. The third is Isley's spouse, @[member="Phoebe Verd"]. The fourth is Isley's younger sibling, @[member="Ginnie Verd"]. And lastly, the fifth is his only child, @[member="Adela Verd"].
One of the final shortcomings of the re-fitted Basilisk War Droid is its "pickiness" in terms of riders. Whenever bid by its owner, Cin will gladly accept an additional passenger upon its back. However, attempting to ride it without Isley being present is a swift way to endanger one's own life. Thus far, Cin has "chosen" only two others who can safely ride it without fear of being mauled if its owner is present; those two being the aforementioned sister and daughter of its owner.
Image Source: neisbeis