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Cin Vhetin [Open, Beskar Forging thread]

Manda'yaim, Bralsin
Thirteen Years Before Present Day
The Drunken Lizard
Drunken laughs floated out into the night sky, and "Buy'ce Gal, Buy'ce Tal" was faintly audible to passers-by on the street. Light made its way out of whatever cracks and crevices it could, displaying to all that the Mando'ade inside were far from finished with their night. Sol'amud was firmly planted in one of the chairs, his dark hair pushed back and his gaze steady. For a boy of twelve, he cut quite the figure. The same, however, could be said of any self-respecting Mandalorian regardless of age. A cup of frothy liquid in one hand, the other drumming a tattoo on the table, Sol was anything but a typical boy. Despite some of the more eccentric values of Mandalorian culture, however, a few qualities remained which clearly defined their humanity. Mandokarla, the state of being Mandalorian. Loyalty and honor, guts and glory, the mix of brotherhood and vicious destruction that made the Mandalorians who they truly were. Sol was feeling anything but tonight. Reau was a week overdue for his return, and Sol was left feeling alone despite the vod surrounding him. Taking a gulp of his drink, the boy was suddenly covered in shadow. A fully armored Mandalorian stood over him, and as Sol turned to look up at the man, one particular piece of armor stood out. Unlike the rest of his beskar, the red piece of armor was not attached to the Mandalorian's body. It was, instead, clutched in his hand. Sol slowly looked up into the man's visor, feeling as cold and dark as the viewport looked. Taking the offered piece of armor, Sol fought back the tears. It had become quiet in the tavern, and all the occupants knew the pain that the boy was feeling that night.

Manda'yaim, Keldabe
Present Day
Herik's Forge
The Mandalorian day started early. There was no time like the present, and no time to waste. Sol was in the capital of Keldabe, close to where he had learned of his adopted buir's death. Like that night, he held in his hands the one piece of Reau's armor that had been recovered. The red beskar gauntlet was the only physical part of Reau that Sol still owned, and today it would once more be worn proudly by a Mando'ade. Sol was ready to begin on his new beskar, as he had put off for so long. It was not usual for a Mando'ade to remain armor-less for such a long period of time, but Sol had his reasons and he did not feel the need to explain himself to anyone. Today, though, he would create a set of armor, and he would do it with his own hands. Stepping into the forge, Sol cracked his knuckles. "Cin vhetin. Oya." it was time to begin.
The clanging of the hammers betrayed the work occurring inside the forge. Though there were certainly more automated ways of creating armor, Jarr preferred to have the metal run beneath his hands, flow in his fingers, and become molded into the impenetrable wall of iron that would protect him for years to come. Years of learning, trial and error, and more than a few wounds had showed the Mandalorian what his armor would need, where it would have to be heavier and where he could give up a little protection in exchange for speed. Everything he had done seemed to come down to this moment, this beautiful moment, when he would begin to start on his creation. The hunk of metal that would keep him alive and well through the next few years had to be perfect. Sol suddenly felt like he simultaneously knew everything, and yet nothing about what he was about to do. Forcing such thoughts out of his mind, he moved to the metal that had already been heated and prepared for him, took up the hammer, and struck.

Correlia, Agrilat Swamps
Fifteen Years Before Present Day
Blaster shots rang through the air, each one shedding even more heat on Sol's young head than the last. Reau dove out of cover, firing his customary blaster pistol rapidly. Two, three, four blaster bolts pinged off of the beautiful red armor before one found its mark in a crevice on Reau's shoulder. A slight inward hiss of air was all that Sol could hear through the comms as Reau, seemingly unfazed by the wound, continued to methodically fire into the enemy ranks. Sol, a less restraining form of Reau's bulky beskar in place on his body, flipped out for a few seconds to help return fire. What had seemed like a routine job had turned sour quickly; that was exactly what Reau had told Sol to expect, though. "You've gotta' expect the worst in every situation. Everyone's out to get you, and they've got as many resources as they need. So bring a lotta' power packs, you'll need 'em ad'ika." he had told the boy, a faint smile on his rough face. Sol was learning the need for preparedness. Looking out on his buir, still standing tall against the forces they faced, Sol was also learning that there was nothing like a good suit of beskar to accompany you onto the battlefield.

Present Day, Herik's Forge
The hammer swung and fell, over and over, slowly molding the iron into each separate part of Sol's armor. Almost at a snail's pace, the suit seemed to come together. Sol wouldn't have it any other way. Each piece meticulously crafted, sweated over, bled upon, was what made this armor special and different from other warriors' gear. Finally finishing the basic outlines of each main piece of the armor, Sol took a step back to look at what he had made. Walking around the table, he surveyed, criticized, and inspected each piece carefully. Eventually satisfied with what he had produced, the Mandalorian stepped back and took a seat, grabbing a nearby cup of lukewarm water and taking a sip. A little break was the only one he would take before returning to the more intricate parts of the beskar before him.
Turning the hard metal into basic pieces was the easy part. Now began the hard task, molding them into extensions of his own body. The beskar had to be perfectly shaped so as to comfortably fit Sol while still providing him all the protection he needed upon the battlefield. This would be his home for the rest of his life, so it had to be flawless. Taking up his tools, Sol began once more to work. Starting with the smaller pieces, Sol worked hard and carefully. Any mistake would mean a complete reconstruction of the part he was working on. The gauntlet was first. Reau's plain, right gauntlet would be its match. The left would be much different. Though the red beskar was made as heavy armor, Sol was looking for a much less restrictive suit. As such, the left gauntlet would be lighter. Adding a slot for a vibroblade, Sol shaped the thin piece of metal into place. In truth, this gauntlet would be the easiest part to shape. It was merely a straight piece of beskar with a slot. Sol's fingers would be unprotected, but would have more versatility than a fully covered hand. The right, Reau's, would serve as a more heavy, protected hand. Sol grinned a little. If he ever had to thrust a hand into a dark crevice, it would definitely be the right hand.

Gauntlet finished, Sol moved on to the next piece of armor: bootguards. These too, would be comparatively easy. Thanking Reau for forcing him to learn about the art of the smiths, Sol continued with his work.
The bootguards would be simple. Less made for protection and more to brace Sol's lower legs, one could almost relate them to a splint. Creating four strips of metal, Sol compared them to his leg. Bending the metal so that it matched, approximately, the curvatures of his muscles, Sol then proceeded to attach two rounded strips of beskar to each double strip of metal, creating a sort of curved square, which could then be attached to his bodysuit and would help stabilize and bolster his legs in case of falls or heavy lifting. If a blaster bolt came at Sol's legs, there was a very small chance that it would deflect. A blade weapon would most likely deflect, as the metal was in a position where it was able to provide protection against slashing movements (if not against stabbing) against the man's shins. Sol nodded in satisfaction, moving up the list and beginning work on the greaves which would protect his upper legs.

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